
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

author:Guizhou weekend home tour station
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

The water is flowing at the edge of the wall

Fish fly shallow bottom in the river

A paradise view

Immerse yourself in the environment, as in a painting

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County


Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Dawan Village, Panxin Town, Songtao and Miao Autonomous County, Tongren City: Located in the southwest of Panxin Town, with an altitude of 576 meters, 26 kilometers away from Tongren Phoenix Airport, 6.8 kilometers away from the town government station, 28 kilometers away from Songtao County, 48 kilometers away from Tongren City, 16 kilometers away from Miaowangcheng Scenic Area, and 60 kilometers away from Phoenix Ancient City. Miao Village was built according to the feng shui site. The terrain difference is large, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and a river passes through the border on the west side, which resembles a mountain pond with continuous flowing water. There is a small hill in the center of the "mountain pond", which resembles a carp, which means that there is more than one year in the year. Dawan Village has the reputation of being a village with Chinese ethnic minority characteristics, the first village of Miao filial piety, and a national forest village, and is rich in cultural and natural tourism resources. It is one of the primitive and simple Miao villages in the Miao District of Laer Mountain, and is defined as the "photography creation base" by local photography. In 2023, Dawan Village will be selected as the "Fifth Batch of Provincial Rural Tourism Key Villages" in Guizhou.


Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Wei Song Tao

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Tongren Cultural Tourism

Walking into the gate of the village, along the winding mountain road down the trend, a Miao village with special ancient architectural characteristics jumped in front of you. In 2014, Dawan Miao Village was rated as a characteristic village of China's ethnic minorities, and after hundreds of years of vicissitudes of wind and rain, it still retains more than 140 ancient buildings of pole and railing wooden structure standing on the mountain in the north and facing south.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Wei Song Tao

Miao Village is like a fish swimming in the mountain bay, with a shocking visual beauty, as if it has gone through the baptism of thousands of years of vicissitudes of wind and rain, and interprets the legendary culture of Miao Township through the ages.

Ethnic customs

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Tongren Cultural Tourism

In Dawan Miao Village, traditional customs such as language, sacrifice, love, marriage, funeral, living, diet, Miao medicine, entertainment and so on have been followed one by one, and there are still Miao priests, singers, Miao pharmacists, bamboo and wood craftsmen, carvers, bricklayers, stonemasons, textile mothers, embroiderers, etc. Among them, Dawan Village pays special attention to the filial piety culture of the Chinese nation, which exists in the core of filial piety ethics of the villagers, and continues to carry it forward, becoming the first village of filial piety in Songtao Miao Township.


Miaowang City Scenic Area

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Tongren Cultural Tourism

Miao Wang City has a history of more than 600 years, was built in the early years of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, and then through the long-term operation of Miao Wang Shi Geye, Long Dage, Wu Buer, Long Xibo, Wu Hei Miao and others, it has gradually become the "city of kings" on the periphery of the South Great Wall in Laer Mountain. It is also the famous hometown of Miao songs, Miao drums, and folk stunts.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Songtao County Bureau of Culture and Tourism

The core scenic area of Miaowang City is 10 square kilometers, integrating mountains, water, caves, springs, waterfalls, canyons, forests, ancient trees, primitive villages, military lanes, and Miao customs, and is known as "the first village in Miaojiang for thousands of miles". Nowadays, the quiet life in Miaowang City makes it difficult to imagine the beacon smoke a hundred years ago, and only by touching the mottled ancient city wall can you feel its eventful years.

Laer Mountain Scenic Area

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Guizhou's new target

This red stone forest is located in Panshi Town, Songtao County, Tongren City, on the left side of the main peak adjacent to Songtao and Hunan in Laer Mountain, and is 30 kilometers away from Songtao County. According to the research of karst experts, this red stone forest has a history of about 480 million years, with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, and is called the Yangtze Ancient Sea in the history of the territory. A large amount of carbonate materials mixed with sediment were deposited on the seabed, and this extremely precious karst geological relics were formed through crustal movement, erosion and dissolution.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains
Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Guizhou's new target

In the long period of time, nature carved a stone forest sculpture museum here with a carving knife, so that during our later walking, we can feel the magical energy of time and the transformation of all things from the shape and surface traces of the rock.

# Accommodation recommendations

Miao Yard B&B

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

Miao Courtyard B&B is located in the core of Miao Wang City Scenic Area, and all the facilities in the guest rooms are carefully considered and arranged to meet the needs of the stay while feeling the warmth of home.

# Gourmet specialties

Pot flour

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Micro Tongren

Pot noodles are mainly made from mung beans, plus rice and mountain spring water as raw materials. After the mung beans and rice are mixed in proportion, they are hand-ground into a pulp by stone mill. Locals are accustomed to eating a bowl of hot noodles for breakfast every morning.


Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Source: Fat Boy Baba

The color of the pine peach braised duck is bronze, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender, and the marinated fragrance makes people have an endless aftertaste. As a characteristic intangible cultural heritage delicacy of Songtao Miao Autonomous County, Songtao braised duck is well-known in the local area.


By car:

1. From Guiyang City - Yinbai Expressway - Jiangqian Expressway - Hangrui Expressway - Dawan Village, about 4 hours and 30 minutes by car.

2. From Songtao Miao Autonomous County - Dada Road - Dawan Village, 44 minutes by car.

High-speed rail: Guiyang North Railway Station - Tongren Station.

Xiangyou Qianzhong · Dawan Village, Songtao Miao Autonomous County丨A quiet ancient village hidden deep in the mountains

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold and summer

Time passes very slowly in a small village

Content source: Guizhou Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism original debut

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