
Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

author:A source of happiness


Liu Yifei's bluntness

Liu Yifei bluntly pointed out in the live broadcast that some actors have an unbalanced mentality because of their popularity, and they fail to experience artistic accumulation and tribulation, resulting in erratic behavior and even affecting the quality of their works.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

She stressed that this kind of behavior is not only bad for personal development, but can also have a negative impact on the entertainment industry as a whole. Liu Yifei's words immediately caused heated discussions on social media.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Some netizens ridiculed: "Is Liu Yifei giving a 'mental health lesson' to some celebrities?" Someone also jokingly said: "It seems that the word 'floating' in the entertainment industry has to be put in quotation marks." ”


The impetuousness of the showbiz

Liu Yifei's remarks touched on a sensitive topic in the entertainment industry - impetuousness. Under the temptation of fame and fortune, some actors may lose themselves and ignore the fundamentals of art. This phenomenon has sparked widespread discussion on social media.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Some netizens shared their opinions: "In fact, not only actors, but each of us may be a little 'floating' in the face of sudden success." Another netizen humorously commented: "It seems that the word 'floating' in the entertainment industry has to be put in quotation marks." ”


Liu Yifei's professional attitude

Liu Yifei herself has become a benchmark in the industry with her low-key and dedicated professional attitude. She not only continues to improve her acting skills, but also maintains a good reputation in her public image.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Her attitude undoubtedly sets an example for those actors who are in the temptation of fame and fortune. Netizens expressed their appreciation for this: "Liu Yifei's attitude is really a clear stream in the entertainment industry." Some netizens joked: "If there is a 'no floating' award in the entertainment industry, Liu Yifei will definitely be the winner." ”

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Self-reflection in the entertainment industry

Liu Yifei's words also prompted the entertainment industry to start self-reflection. In today's increasingly fierce competition, how to maintain the original intention and adhere to the pursuit of art has become a problem that every entertainer must face.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

This reflection has been positively echoed on social media. Some netizens commented: "Liu Yifei's words really sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry." Another netizen humorously added: "I hope that the word 'floating' in the entertainment industry can become the word 'stable'." ”

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Controversial summary

Liu Yifei's outspokenness, although it has caused extensive discussions inside and outside the entertainment industry, may also touch the sensitive nerves of some people.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Her remarks are undoubtedly a powerful attack on the current impetuous phenomenon in the entertainment industry. This outspoken attitude may also cause some controversy.

Liu Yifei revealed: Why do popular actors have a 'floating' mentality? Industry Insider Exposure!

Some netizens ridiculed in the comment area: "Is Liu Yifei giving a 'mental health lesson' to the entertainment industry?" Another netizen responded humorously: "I hope that the word 'floating' in the entertainment industry can become the word 'stable'." This kind of relaxed and witty discussion undoubtedly increases the interactivity of the article and makes readers more willing to participate in the discussion in the comment area.

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