
Learn to see your hands in 10 minutes

author:Jin Hua Tuo
Learn to see your hands in 10 minutes

Hand diagnosis - not palmistry! Specific changes in the hand can also indicate a disease, and it is also one of the "four diagnoses" in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Through the observation of hand shape, finger shape, fingerprint, hand pattern, hand color, nail shape, hand blood vessels, wrist (also known as "hand and neck"), etc., the diagnosis data is comprehensively collected, and the development trend of human health diseases is dynamically and intuitively revealed under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory, combined with traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and Western medicine disease differentiation.

Learn to see your hands in 10 minutes

The principle of hand diagnosis: from the meridians

The first thing we see is the correspondence between the fingers and the meridians:

Thumb - mainly corresponds to the lung meridian and spleen meridian. Massage or massage of the thumb can better show its state, and this part of the knowledge is discussed more in pediatric massage.

Index finger - mainly corresponds to the meridians of the large intestine and can reflect the condition of the stomach, intestines and digestive organs. (Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian: from the end of the big finger and the second finger, follow the finger on the upper line, out of the valley between the two bones, up into the two tendons, along the arm on the cheap, into the elbow outside the cheap, on the face outside the front of the cheap, on the shoulder)

Middle finger - mainly corresponds to the pericardial meridians, reflecting the condition of the heart and spirit.

Ring finger - mainly corresponds to the three focal meridians, especially reflecting the condition of the lungs and respiratory system.

Little finger - mainly corresponds to the heart and small intestine meridians, reflecting the condition of the kidney and circulatory system.

Let's look at the distribution of meridians in the palm and back of the hand:

Palms: The palms of the hands are mainly distributed with the Yin meridians, that is, the meridians that run on the inner side - this part will often be guided by the knowledge of "palmistry", but we evaluate health more from the meridian theory from the state of the corresponding acupuncture points, such as the "Neilao Palace".

The back of the hand: The back of the hand is mainly distributed with the yang meridian, that is, the meridian that runs on the outer side - here it is often formed by various sunscreens or the scorching sun in summer to form a specific "red and white flesh", but in fact, whether it is easy to be tanned is also one of the bases for assessing the strength of the body's lung meridian qi.

Learn to see your hands in 10 minutes

The specific practice of hand diagnosis:

Re-read "Diagnosis and Treatment of Hand Acupoints and Hand Lines"

First of all, look at the vein of the tiger's mouth: the vein of the tiger's mouth is the vein of the index finger (sometimes specifically refers to the index finger of children), which is called a fingerprint in ancient books. Fingerprints are divided into three levels: wind, qi and life, just like the three methods of heaven, earth and man in acupuncture, the first section of fingerprints is above the wind, the second knuckle is the qi level, and the third section is the life level. During the examination, the doctor pushes the index finger from the bottom to the top with the thumb of the right hand to observe the main disease of the veins - here is mainly a song: the main and inner sides of the main surface (here it is similar to the main inner and outer sides of the human surface, but only on the index finger can be better observed), the main shade of the main shade. Specifically, the color purple red is internal heat, bright red is mostly epiphysical, the color blue is mainly convulsive or painful (this is the most specific diagnostic method), and light red is more hypothermic and cold. The meridians are mild and shallow in the wind pass, serious in the qi pass, and critical in the life pass.

Learn to see your hands in 10 minutes

The second step is to check the claw nail: the corresponding description of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine shows that the nail is the main tendon of the liver, and the claw nail can not only detect hepatobiliary disease, but also reflect other conditions of the whole body. Normal nails are pale red, smooth and shiny, press them with your hands, and the blood color will recover immediately after relaxation, indicating that the qi and blood are sufficient and the meridians are smooth. The main conditions of the main diseases of claw nail color change are:

(1) White: Pale and unpretentious claw nails, which are insufficient liver and blood, spleen and kidney yang deficiency, and are more common in people who stay up late for a long time or have weak bodies.

(2) Black: The claws and black claws are mainly bruising and painful, and if the black and withered ones are mostly vicious, this situation is rare after all, and it is more common in cachexia, that is, patients in the ICU.

(3) Red: The claw armor is red and red and the main heat is hot, and the red and purple are mainly hot and poisonous, or rheumatism is more heaty, which blocks the meridians. Reddish-purple, dark or reddish is the wound yin of fever, which mostly occurs in the later stage of fever, especially in patients with severe fever.

(4) Yellow: claw nails yellow, mostly for damp heat fumigation, mostly seen in jaundice, here can be combined with "body yellow, eyes yellow, urine yellow" these three comprehensive judgment, its color is bright and smooth, and the sluggish people are mostly sick and yellow.

(5) Cyan: Cyan is mostly cold, blood stasis can also be seen, if the disease is long and the claw is blue, the prognosis is often poor.

Finally, all kinds of pulses are examined - the pulse here is more complex than the inch-mouth pulse - and the fish-side vein is diagnosed: the fish-end is the fullness of the muscles behind the big finger of the palm, and the hand Taiyin and lung meridians follow here, which is the continuation of the inch-mouth pulse, and the qi and blood of the stomach meridian of the foot yang and the stomach are also followed by the lung meridian. There are similarities between the veins of the fish and the veins of the mouth. The thenar part is blue and black, cold and condensed, and painful; Yellow red fever; Pale and white, unpretentious, and bloody. Then cut and press Hegu (yes, this acupuncture point can not only relieve pain, but also diagnose the pulse), Yangxi artery: Hegu, Yangxi acupoint also belong to the Yangming large intestine meridian. The incision artery at these two acupoints has a large pulse, and the main facial paralysis, tooth swelling and pain, sore throat, etc.; heavy pulse, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc.; Pulse count, dry lips and mouth, burning anus, constipation, etc.; Pulse delay, main abdominal disease, such as bowel sound, loose stool, incomplete grain, etc.; Solid pulse, main intestinal pain, abdominal pain and refusal to press, intestinal wind and blood, etc...... This can provide a supplement and corroboration for the pulse diagnosis of the inch. In addition, there is also the aforementioned Chelao Gong artery: the Lao Gong acupoint belongs to the syncope and yin pericardial meridian, the pulse floating, the main thoracic and flank branches are full, the elbow and brachial spasms, erysipelas, etc. - here it is much more sick than the previous index finger floating; Those with heavy pulses have heartache and a surge in their hearts - even suggesting heart disease; For those with a pulse count, many of them are upset, heartache, heat in the palms, yellow eyes, etc.—this is mostly short-term changes; Those who have a slow pulse will have heartache, ruffians, and cold hearts; People with pulse deficiency often have emptiness, apprehension, insomnia, etc., so hand diagnosis actually contains comprehensive information about pulse diagnosis and visual diagnosis, which can give doctors more reference information.