
S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system: a new force in the Russian air-space defense system

author:China Net Military

Zhang Yufan

Since 2020, in order to cope with the impact of adverse factors such as severe economic sanctions imposed by the United States, Russia has had to reduce military spending on defense research. Among them, the development of the PAK-DP (also known as the new MiG-41 long-range interceptor) was stopped. However, an important announcement by the Russian Ministry of Defense may bring some comfort to the people: in 2021 the first S-500 fifth-generation long-range anti-aircraft missile system will be equipped. Because the S-500 is seen as a key weapon against the medium- and short-range surface-to-surface missiles that the United States plans to deploy in Europe, it is also the cornerstone of building a national air and space defense system. As a result, the S-500 carries the deep expectations of the Russian nation and is seen as an important strategic tool. This article will discuss the development history, basic performance and future prospects of the S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system.

The course of development of the S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system

The development of the S-500 dates back to 2002. At that time, the unilateral actions of the United States, namely the announcement of its withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the start of construction of its ground-based midcourse missile defense (GMD), prompted Russia to begin work on the development of a new generation of anti-aircraft missile systems. To this end, the Russian Scientific Production Complex "Diamond" launched a research and development program for the fifth-generation long-range anti-aircraft missile system, which was the prototype of the S-500.

In the years that followed, research and development work on the project continued. In 2006, Russia's two major anti-aircraft missile system research and development giants, "Diamond" and "Antey", merged to form the "Diamond-Antey" air-space defense company, and was authorized as the main design unit of the fifth-generation air defense missile system. This gave further impetus to the development of the S-500. In 2009, the company officially announced the development plan of the S-500, and at the same time began to draw up detailed design documents. In the years that followed, there were constant reports about the progress and trials of the S-500.

In particular, in 2018, the S-500 equipped with the 40N6M interceptor missile successfully completed the first launch test, a milestone that marked a major breakthrough in the development of the S-500. However, despite the original plan to complete the production of the first S-500 by 2020, the construction of the new plant and the production of the first S-500 have been delayed due to various factors, including technical challenges and financial problems. Despite this, the development of the S-500 fully demonstrates Russia's continuous innovation and progress in the field of anti-aircraft missile technology, as well as its strong determination to build a national air-space defense system.

Basic performance of the S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system

The S-500 system consists of four parts: the air defense and anti-missile commander-in-chief and radar early warning part, the air defense combat mission part, the anti-missile combat mission part, and the fault diagnosis and technical maintenance support part.

S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system: a new force in the Russian air-space defense system

S-500 anti-aircraft missile system

The S-500 system is armed with two main interceptor missiles: 40N6M and 77N6-N/N1. Among them, the 40N6M interceptor missile has undergone a number of technological innovations on the basis of inheriting the advantages of the 40N6 interceptor missile of the S-400 system. Its range has been significantly increased to 600 kilometers, allowing the system to cover a wider range of airspace and effectively respond to long-range threats. At the same time, by adding an optoelectronic seeker, an active radar and an optoelectronic composite guidance have been realized, which has greatly improved the interception accuracy and combat effectiveness. The 77N6-N/N1 interceptor missile is the S-500 system's exclusive solution against the threat of medium- and long-range ballistic missiles. The interceptor missile ensures an effective strike against high-speed, high-maneuverability targets with extremely high flight speed and excellent interception altitude. The S-500 has ultra-long-range, long-range, medium-range three-layer, or ultra-long-range and long-range two-layer air defense and anti-missile combat capabilities. The main interception targets of the system include: ballistic missiles in service, new ballistic missiles that have not appeared or are under development, aerodynamic targets, airborne early warning command aircraft, new aerodynamic targets that have not appeared or are under development, and satellites in orbit.

The radar system of the S-500 air defense missile system is also one of its core technologies. The system uses a new active phased array radar with powerful detection and identification capabilities. It has a wide detection range, and can not only detect ballistic missiles at a distance of 2,000 kilometers, but also clearly capture the warheads of small ballistic missiles at a distance of 1,300 kilometers and a radar reflection cross-sectional area of only 0.1 square meters. At the same time, the radar system of the S-500 can accurately identify aerodynamic targets at a distance of 800 km. In terms of interception efficiency, the S-500 is no less impressive. It is capable of simultaneously tracking more than 20 air targets and quickly selecting 10 of them for interception, with a reaction time of no more than 4 seconds for the entire process. This highly effective interception capability makes the S-500 stand out from other systems of its type.

In modern warfare, rapid deployment and flexible maneuverability are important features of air defense systems. The S-500 system uses a high-performance wheeled tractor, which not only improves the maneuverability of the system, but also ensures its rapid deployment in all terrain and climatic conditions. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the S-500 air defense system uses a BAZ-69096 type 5-axle 10×10 wheeled tractor produced by the Bryantsk Automobile Plant as a chassis, which has excellent carrying and maneuvering capabilities and can carry missile launch equipment weighing up to 33 tons. Its powerful off-road performance is reflected in the ability to climb up to 30° of inclines, wade to depths of up to 1.7 meters, and handle both road and dirt roads.

S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system: a new force in the Russian air-space defense system

BAZ-69096 5-axle 10×10 wheeled tractor

Future prospects for the S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system

The S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system shows great prospects for development. First of all, its excellence at the technical level ensures its leading position in the field of international air defense. The system not only has a variety of functions, but also has an ultra-long range, excellent interception altitude and speed, as well as advanced radar technology and excellent anti-jamming ability. These characteristics enable it to effectively respond to various air threats and provide a solid guarantee for maintaining the security of national airspace.

The S-500 system is capable of efficient coordination with other air defense systems to form an impregnable line of defense. In conjunction with advanced systems such as the S-400, the S-500 is able to cover a wider range of airspace, significantly improving overall defense effectiveness. This cooperative combat capability will make the S-500 more comfortable in future air defense battles, showing its strong comprehensive strength.

In the context of the increasingly severe global security situation, countries have an urgent need for efficient and reliable air defense systems. With its excellent performance and practical experience, the S-500 system will become a high-profile star product in the international market and contribute to global security and stability.

Summing up, the S-500 long-range anti-aircraft missile system has broad prospects for development in the field of future air defense. It will continue to lead technological innovation, promote the improvement of global air defense capabilities, and play an important role in maintaining world peace and stability.