
@"Mushroom" brave: A must-see before going up the mountain to pick up mushrooms! Beware of the unexpected!

author:Beautiful and far-reaching

The happiest summer activity for Yunnan people is to pick up mushrooms. I believe that many friends have experienced this happiness this year. However, when you go up the mountain to pick up mushrooms during this season, you need to be vigilant against "snake infestation" to prevent being bitten by poisonous snakes in the wild.

@"Mushroom" brave: A must-see before going up the mountain to pick up mushrooms! Beware of the unexpected!

Recently, there have been frequent incidents of poisonous snakes injuring people in many places in Yunnan Province, and summer is the most frequent period for poisonous snakes in the wild. The weather is hot and humid, poisonous snakes are infested, and it is easy to attack and bite people after being provoked, and the consequences are unimaginable. If you are bitten, take immediate and urgent medical attention.

@"Mushroom" brave: A must-see before going up the mountain to pick up mushrooms! Beware of the unexpected!

The picture comes from the Internet

Common venomous snakes include pit vipers, hundred-step snakes, and cobras. Their heads are big and the neck is thick, the head is triangular, the tail is short and thin, the body pattern color is relatively distinct, because the poisonous snake has venomous fangs and venom glands, so there are 2~4 tooth marks in the place where the poisonous snake bites. The bite of the venomous snake swells rapidly, the skin becomes red, and even purple, necrotic, sometimes with thin blood. Localized burning pain.

Immediately after a venomous snake bite, two bandages must be placed above the injured area (centripetal end) to prevent the toxin from entering the blood circulation. Then squeeze the wound with your hands, squeeze out the blood and lymph containing poisonous juice from the wound, and use 1~5% potassium permanganate solution to cold compress the injured limb. After treatment, the tourniquet is untied. With 0.25% procaine as a sleeve closure, it is easy to produce systemic symptoms due to poisonous snake bites, so it is necessary to prevent shock, collapse and symptomatic treatment.

@"Mushroom" brave: A must-see before going up the mountain to pick up mushrooms! Beware of the unexpected!

In case of being bitten by a venomous snake, you should choose the nearest hospital for emergency treatment!

@"Mushroom" brave: A must-see before going up the mountain to pick up mushrooms! Beware of the unexpected!

Prevent venomous snake bites

1. When you are in the wild, you must remember to take sufficient protective measures to protect yourself!

2. In areas with venomous snakes, clean up the living environment and fill the caves.

3. When working in mountainous areas and places infested with snakes in the wild, it is best to startle the snakes first.

4. Carry snake medicine with you just in case.

Final Tips:

Although the mushrooms are delicious, you will lose your life if you eat the wrong one!

Ten million people need to be careful!

Source | "Yunnan CDC" WeChat public account