
For 24 years in a row, safe!

author:Beautiful and far-reaching


Kaiyuan strictly enforces

Laws and regulations on national safety production and industry standards

Tightly wrapped

Three-year action to tackle the root cause of mine safety production

Take multiple measures at the same time

Ensure the sustainable and steady development of mine safety production

For the 24th year in a row, the Year of Safety has been achieved

What's their secret?


For 24 years in a row, safe!

Yunnan Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau is located in the northern suburbs of Kaiyuan City, which is the largest open-pit coal mine south of the Yangtze River. As an important coal production enterprise in our province, in 2022 and 2023, during the critical period of national thermal coal supply, Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau played the role of "ballast stone" and "stabilizer" of state-owned enterprises in the national economy, and completed coal production of 14.2011 million tons and 15.1508 million tons respectively.

For 24 years in a row, safe!

In order to comprehensively improve the level of safety production and ensure the supply of coal, Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau strictly abides by national laws and regulations and industry standards, continuously innovates preventable and controllable measures from civil air defense, technical defense, physical defense, etc., and establishes a duty team composed of various production departments such as safety production equipment, and implements the production duty inspection and inspection system 365 days a year, strengthens the safety supervision and inspection of the production site, and urges the operators to operate in strict accordance with the safety operation procedures.

For 24 years in a row, safe!

In the dispatching room of the Bunumoba open-pit mine branch, a whole high-definition LED display screen will have a panoramic view of the key work areas in the mining area. The dispatching room is equipped with an advanced information system, and the dispatcher conducts video inspections of the production operation area through the screen, monitors rainfall, slope information, etc., and records it in a timely manner, so as to realize the refined monitoring and scheduling of the safety production process.

Mei Wenjing, the head of the production scheduling team of the Bunumoba open-pit mine branch:

"As a mine dispatcher, my responsibility is to keep abreast of production dynamics, report safety production information in a timely manner, issue safety production instructions and track their implementation, solve safety production problems, do a good job in video surveillance and inspection, and be the 'eyes' of the mine."

For 24 years in a row, safe!

At the football field of Xiaolongtan open-pit mine, the part-time rescue team of the mine, composed of 44 relevant personnel from the two open-pit mines, is conducting special outdoor training, which is mainly based on queue training, physical fitness test and scenario simulation training. Through training, it can effectively improve the physical fitness of team members, test the actual combat ability of the emergency rescue team, and provide valuable experience for the construction of emergency rescue capacity in the later stage.

Zhao Zhaolong, deputy general manager of Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau:

"Organically combine the three-year action of tackling the root cause of safety production with daily supervision, carry out in-depth investigation and rectification of safety risks and hidden dangers, adhere to the bottom-line thinking, focus on preventing and resolving major safety risks, and strictly implement emergency duty during the flood season, so that everything has an echo and everything is settled, so as to ensure the safety and stability of production throughout the year."

For 24 years in a row, safe!

As of May 31, Xiaolongtan Mining Bureau has completed coal production of 6.4779 million tons, with thermal coal accounting for 63.02%, and has continued to maintain a good trend of no production safety deaths for 24 years and no serious injury accidents for 23 years.

Safety promotes production

Serve as the "ballast stone" of state-owned enterprises

For 24 years in a row, safe!

Text, Picture | Wang Yuwei, Wen Bin, Li Xueqiong

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