
Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

author:Those things in the UK

In the past two days, Sister A (Ariana Grande) has been put on the cusp again.

The main thing is that Sister A appeared on a podcast called "Podcrushed" this week, and netizens keenly noticed:

Sister A will suddenly change her voice when she speaks, from low to sharp, but she has no emotional ups and downs before the two sentences, just for the sake of conversion

The video has a high number of views on various platforms, with more than 8 million on TikTok.

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(TT Video)

There are more than 17 million ......

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(Reprint on the push)

There is a lot of controversy among netizens, some people think that she is a singer, and it is normal for her to do this kind of thing:

"She's a singer, and of course she has several voices."

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"In fact, many singers with a higher vocal range will have a higher 'interview voice' because it helps them sing and maintain their vocal range. Like Michael Jackson. ”

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(All of the above are from Twitter netizens)

But some people think it's strange to change your voice in this way:

"Isn't it a little weird to die laughing? Just talk normally, my dear."

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"Her normal voice is better"

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"I love her sound! Why did she do that? ”

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"Help, I miss her normal voice"

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"Uh, what the hell, I'm so embarrassed to watch"

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(All of the above are from Twitter netizens)

Others have likened her to "the Paris Hilton of music" because most people don't know that the deeper voice is her original sound......

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(From Twitter netizens)

There is also a basis for this netizen to say this, Paris is the originator of American socialite, as long as she faces the camera, she will speak a little "Kardashian" (but in fact, Kardashian learned her in the early days, but later Kardashian became more famous).

Americans call this "Valley Girl accent", and the closest thing in Chinese should be "clip sound".

In addition, some netizens said that Sister A was immersed in "Magic Bad Witch" and couldn't get out.....

"Magic Bad Witch" is a song and dance movie, in which Sister A plays the "bad witch" Glinda.

Everyone knows the stereotype of a bad witch: she speaks sharply and holds her throat......

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(Photo from the set of "Wicked Witch")

"Is this a method show..."

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!


Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"She's still immersed in it."

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(All of the above are from Twitter netizens)

"Magic Bad Witch" seems to have a really big impact on Sister A.

In March this year, she and another lead actor of the film attended the Oscars, and many people noticed that Sister A's voice was sharper than before......

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

"Someone needs to step up and get Sister A to stop speaking in her Glinda voice. I can't stand Austin Butler's situation again. ”

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

“Austin Butler,瞧瞧你对A妹的声线干了什么。 ”

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(All of the above are from Twitter netizens)

The "situation of Austin Butler" mentioned by netizens refers to the fact that in order to star in the Elvis Presley biopic two years ago, Butler hired a voice coach to become the voice of Elvis, but after the movie was filmed, it was difficult for the voice to go back.

Butler is an actor, and he may be able to accept it reluctantly, but Sister A eats by her voice after all, so if she can't go back, wouldn't it be a big loss......

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(Austin Butler、猫王)

However, at the time of the Oscars, most people's attention was still on film and television, and the changes in Sister A's voice were largely ignored.

It wasn't until the Podcrushed podcast went live this week that the situation mentioned at the beginning of the article appeared.

In short, that's it, Sister A has been on the hot search for several days, and netizens have been arguing for several days.

No one expected that in the end, she would end up in person......

She commented at the bottom of her most widely circulated video on TT:

"Habit (I've been talking like this for two years), and throat health considerations :) I usually deliberately change my laryngeal position (high/low) depending on how many songs I need to sing at that time."

"I've always been like this. Bye-bye~"

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(Sister A's reply)

It turns out that Sister A has indeed been like this all along.

After she finished explaining, some fans pulled out a video of her interview in 2013, and she said this question back then:

"I've been speaking in a higher voice lately, because I've been interviewing a lot lately, and I'm trying to keep my throat healthy, but I'm usually more lazy and rough when I speak."

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!

(Interview with Sister A in 2013)

Someone else did "A Sister's Voice Change History: 2009~2023"...

Sister A's seamless conversion of "clip sound" caused controversy, and I responded: My mother has always been like this, don't care!


Sister A was born as a child star, and there are too many videos of her in different periods that can be found on the Internet.

According to this issue of "History of Change", her voice is indeed slightly different in various periods, including during the live broadcast (more relaxed state) and when she is on the show (more tense state), her voice will change.

For singers with a large voice, this may be a necessary way to protect their voice?

In the final analysis, it is actually ridiculous for ordinary people to question the way a professional singer who has been famous for a long time, but looking at Sister A's reply, she should not be too affected, whether netizens like it or not, she should still continue to speak in this way.....

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