
Chapter 45: Female Physicians

author:Han Xi

Chen Dong stood beside him, he saw everything that happened just now but didn't say a word, although he was very dissatisfied with Lao Fan's mentality of being anxious for quick success, but seeing Lao Fan's attitude towards Sui Jiang, he felt a kind of pride, as an agent should be. The perception of Lao Fan has also changed a lot.

Under Lao Fan's arrangement, Chen Dong and the technicians started the evidence collection work on the scene again, while Lao Fan asked the landlord to understand the situation.

According to the description of the landlord and neighbors, Lao Fan had a general understanding of the deceased Chen Qianruo.

The deceased Chen Qianru rented this place about half a year ago, before her death, she was a doctor, but no one knew which department she was engaged in and which hospital she was in, only that this Chen Qianru generally had irregular working hours, and often dressed up in fancy clothes. But the neighbors did not suspect her, for it was common sense for a young woman to dress up nicely.

Yesterday, Chen Qianru took the initiative to call the landlord and said that she was going to check out and planned to leave the city next year, and it was said that she had quit her job, but today the landlord came and found that Chen Qianru was dead in the living room, so it seems that things are really strange.

The deceased Chen Qian was such a doctor, which made Lao Fan naturally think of the scar on Wu Xiaotian's chest, as well as the drugs that appeared in this series of cases, the red coat was exactly the same as the one deliberately left for Su Qiong, could she be the murderer?

But this is only speculation, and there is no evidence for it.

What's more important is that Chen Qianru's death is really a suicide on the surface, so why did she commit suicide because she was afraid of sin? If she was afraid of sin, why did she soak her red coat in formalin, and why did she leave Su Qiong with the same one?

Of course, if Chen Qianru did not commit suicide but killed him, then how did the murderer make her take a large amount of sleeping pills? And whether that murderer is Lin Chuan or not. If you look at it from the approximate time of death, Lin Chuan seems to have this time to commit the crime.

Could it be that Lin Chuan killed two people in a row last night, Tong Tong and Chen Qianru?

In the process of collecting evidence, Chen Dong found that there were a large number of empty bottles of sleeping pills in the bedroom of the deceased, it seems that Chen Qianru's sleep was not good before her death, and she often had to take sleeping pills, will she die accidentally due to overdose, but how to explain the bottle that was soaked in formalin?

Speaking of that big bottle, Chen Dong actually made a bigger discovery. It turns out that this kind of bottle is only available in hospitals, and there are traces of labels on the wall of the bottle, which are obviously not torn clean, Chen Dong lightly scribbles a few times on the tear marks with a pencil, and the original words on the label appear, although it is only a "black" word, but it is enough to judge the source of the bottle.

Hewutang, a hospital in the city area. There are only two big hospitals in the city, one is called Linhuai Palace, which is located in the wealthy area, where ordinary people cannot go to see a doctor, and the other is Hewutang, which is located in the urban area. This is a clue that is exciting enough.

In addition, Chen Dong also found a very unexpected situation, that is, there are two very important things missing in the deceased's room, the first is related to medicine, as a doctor, he doesn't even have a medical book, which is somewhat strange, and the other thing is a photo, a young woman, there is no photo of herself, which is also a very strange thing. What's more, the deceased Chen Qianru is beautiful and sexy, this kind of person will take a little bit of it, could it be that it was taken away by the murderer?

But why did the murderer take the photo?

Speculations about the photos quickly formed in Lao Fan's mind. After Sui Jiang left, Lao Fan took out the image he had brought with him, and as expected, Chen Qianru was the woman in red who sent the fax to Concubine Yan in the middle of the night. And Chen Qianru's dislike of taking pictures is very similar to Lin Lei, combined with the neighbors' reflection that Chen Qianru has no work and rest in her life and often shows off her flowers, then maybe she is Lin Lei next to Zhu Tong.

If this is the case, then the main reason why Chen Qianru (Lin Lei) is reluctant to take pictures is naturally that she doesn't want to leave any traces of herself. From this point of view, she must be the murderer of Zhu Tong, who wanted to leave the god capital after committing the crime, but she didn't expect to die here.

What kind of intrinsic motivation is a woman who is committed to a goal for half a year in order to achieve the goal of killing? Lao Fan really couldn't guess a little. Now he only hopes that Qiu Qiu will be able to autopsy Chen Qianru's body as soon as possible, so that he can get strong evidence of his murder.

The Hewutang in the urban area has almost solved the problem of treatment for nearly half of the people in the city, while the Linhuai Hall only accepts those who are rich, and the people in the slums may not have the money to treat the disease at all, so the best ones are to go to some private clinics for medical treatment.

Lao Fan and Chen Dong came to Hewutang non-stop. Their work went unexpectedly smoothly, not only confirming Chen Qianru's identity, but also collecting relevant information about Lin Chuan.

The director of Hewutang was very cooperative with the work of the police station, and he came to see Lao Fan and Chen Dong in person. When Lao Fan probably said that he wanted to inquire about a person named "Chen Qianru", the dean immediately found out Chen Qianru's information from a pile of materials. Surgical intern, but resigned half a year ago.

Chen Dong glanced at Lao Fan, the seams of the wound on Wu Xiaotian's body seemed to be explained, only a surgeon had that kind of technique.

In order to further understand Chen Qianru's situation, the dean introduced the director of surgery to Lao Fan.

The director was older, and when he heard Chen Qianru's name, he couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's indeed our doctor here." ”

"Do you know who she comes into contact with?"

The director thought for a while and said, "This woman has a lot of people in contact with, and everyone has everything, so it's hard for me to say." ”

Chen Dong asked: "What about those who do film and television?" For example, Zhu Tong? ”

The director was stunned for a moment: "You said the one who was just killed?" It seems that many people have read Concubine Yan's manuscript, and Lao Fan nodded.

The director thought for a while and said, "I don't know much about this, because I haven't heard of it, at least she hasn't heard of it before she resigns." ”

Chen Dong was a little disappointed, and when he met a director who didn't know anything, it seemed that there was no way to continue this investigation.

Lao Fan suddenly asked, "What is the level of Chen Qianru's surgery?" I just heard from the dean that she was just a trainee. ”

The director nodded: "Yes, she has always been an intern, but to be honest, the general surgeon is a male doctor, and she is a woman, so there are very few opportunities to really operate, and she has also performed some, and the level is very good." A woman's ability to move the knife on a patient without blinking is still very powerful. ”

This was exactly the answer that Lao Fan needed, he was very happy in his heart, and then asked, "There is another question, that is, have you heard of a person named Lin Chuan?" This person may have been in contact with Chen Qianruo, but we don't know when, maybe he was in the hospital. ”

The director was stunned for a moment and smiled: "Many doctors in the hospital know that this person is a young guy, right?" ”

Chen Dong and Lao Fan's eyes immediately lit up, they never thought that there would be such an unexpected gain, Lao Fan's question was originally just a fluke, but they didn't expect it to be really lucky.