
Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

author:The indifferent wind v


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Remember that rising star Ulan Tuya who made huge waves in the Mongolian music scene? This time, she can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest and making a lot of noise.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Once upon a time, she rose like a comet with a cover of the song "Horse Pole", which made the eyes of countless music fans shine.

However, who would have thought that this former rising star is now caught in an unprecedented turmoil.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Ulan Tuya, this name was once thunderous in the Mongolian music industry.

The Crescent Media Company, to which she belongs, boldly challenged the legendary singer Ulan Toya's masterpiece "Horse Pole", in an attempt to become famous in one fell swoop.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

However, this kind of reckless behavior is like a time bomb that can detonate at any time.

Sure enough, Ulan Tuya's ambitions don't stop there.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

She openly declares that she wants to abandon Ulan Toya's artistic style and show herself as she really is.

He even claimed to be the true inheritor of "Horse Pole", trying to take this classic for himself.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Such an arrogant act naturally aroused widespread public concern and controversy.

What's even more astonishing is that in a public performance, Ulan Tuya tried in vain to remove Ulan Tuya's name from the list of singers of "Horse Pole" and claimed to be the best singer of the piece.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

This kind of arrogant behavior is undoubtedly extremely disrespectful to senior artists, and it also makes her herself fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Not only that, but when Ulan Tuya sang "Horse Pole", he also deliberately turned the microphone to the audience to avoid the challenge of the treble part.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

This kind of clumsy trick was jokingly called "hiding from the man" by the audience, which greatly reduced her professional image.

In the face of Ulan Tuya's unreasonable provocation, Ulan Tuya chose to be patient for a long time.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

However, after breaking with Crescent Media in 2016, Ulan Tuya continued to show off her "unique insights" and "high-level interpretation" on various occasions, alluding to Ulan Tuya's artistic shortcomings.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

This shameless act finally aroused the anger of Ulan Toya.

In this turmoil, Ulan Tuya not only damaged her own image, but also had a serious impact on Ulan Tuya's reputation.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Her actions have transcended the realm of personal feuds, exposing the deep-seated contradictions and challenges of the music industry between tradition and innovation.

Although Ulan Tuya has always exercised restraint and dignity, there has been no direct conflict with Ulan Tuya.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

But in a variety show in 2019, when Ulan Tuya once again claimed to be the orthodox heir of "Horse Pole", Ulan Tuya finally couldn't bear it anymore and publicly responded to the dispute.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Her resounding slap in the face was not only a powerful response to Ulan Tuya's misdeeds, but also a revelation of her hypocrisy.

This open conflict has laid bare Ulan Tuya's true face.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Her dishonesty and hypocrisy caused a public outcry, while Ulan Toya's steadfastness and integrity earned widespread praise.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

In this turmoil, Ulan Tuya's various lies and disguises were exposed one by one, and Ulan Tuya regained public recognition with her persistence and sincerity.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

Eventually, in an embarrassing performance, Ulan Tuya's performance blunder once again proved her artistic shallowness and lack of strength.

In the face of this defeat, Ulan Toya reminded her to focus on improving her craft rather than indulging in false hype and competing for fame.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

The turmoil provoked by Ulan Tuya finally ended with her total loss of power.

Ulan Toya, on the other hand, has once again established herself in the Mongolian music industry with her persistence, integrity and talent.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

The dispute not only reveals the feuds between individuals, but also deeply reflects the complexities within the entertainment industry and the music industry's appreciation of authenticity and integrity.

Stealing the sky and changing the sun to make a debut? Ulan Tuya, the former darling of CCTV, is no longer tolerated by the world

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