
Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

2024-07-01 14:28

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01 Ulan Tuya is loved by young people for launching new works "Prairie Toast Song" and "The Moon Knows My Love Best", but it has recently been maliciously slandered.

02 Some accounts on the Internet used the original song of "Horse Pole" as a gimmick, maliciously hyping Ulan Tuya as someone's "substitute".

03 In fact, "Horse Pole" is not tailor-made for a certain singer, in 2011, the Guangzhou company signed a contract with Mongolian singer Ulan Tuya, officially authorized Ulan Tuya to legally sing the song.

04 Ulan Tuya has been based in the music scene for more than ten years, and her masterpieces are continuous, and the hard work behind it can be imagined, and malicious slander is unfair and hurtful to her.

05 Netizens have expressed their indignation, calling for a rejection of bad behaviors such as rumor-mongering and bundling propaganda, so that cyberspace can remain civilized and clear.

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Recently, Ulan Tuya has launched a number of new works, among which the innovative music styles of "Prairie Toast" and "The Moon Knows My Love Best" have attracted many listeners, especially among young people.

Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

In addition to the continuous new songs, Ulan Tuya's masterpieces "Horse Pole", "Standing on the Prairie and Looking at Beijing", "A Lucky Song for You", "The Girl of Arshan", "Praise the New Era", "Hot Love Song" and "My Mongolian Horse" are all well-known and well-known masterpieces. Her musical works are not only an artistic expression, but also a transmission of spirit. She uses her singing voice to inspire people to pursue their dreams and face life's challenges bravely. In her singing, we can find the strength to persevere and find a vision for a better future.

Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

However, she exudes a unique charm on the music stage, but she is often maliciously slandered by some people with ulterior motives for no reason, which is really outrageous.

For a long time, some accounts on the Internet have used the so-called original song of "Horse Pole" as a gimmick by others, maliciously hyping Ulan Tuya as someone's "substitute" and deliberately confusing the public. Talking about this song "Horse Pole" more than ten years ago, normally, its popularity should have faded long ago, but careful netizens will find that this song has been repeatedly tied up and hyped on the Internet, wave after wave, and the hype content is the same, either praise the high side or step on the low side, mislead the public to make one party a victim by selling miserable sympathy, and even make up stories out of nothing, and the eternal theme is to try to slander Ulan Tuya's image in the public.

Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

According to industry insiders, "Horse Pole" was not tailor-made for a certain singer at all, and this song was purchased by Crescent Moon Company.

In 2011, the Guangzhou company signed a contract with the Mongolian singer Ulan Tuya, and held a press conference to officially authorize Ulan Tuya to legally sing songs such as "Horse Pole". For more than ten years, she has persevered and spared no effort to promote this classic grassland song, and brought it to the big stage that is popular with the people and sings it all over the country! Through her own hard work, Ulan Tuya's achievements are obvious to all.

Whether it is the entertainment industry or the music world, they all pursue a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred schools of thought contending, and each with its own characteristics. A song, as long as it is legally authorized to be sung, every singer should be respected! Instead of elevating yourself by denigrating her in private! The so-called "substitute" or "replacement" is nothing more than the subjective conjecture or jealousy of some people. Not only that, but he also used all kinds of means to slander Ulan Tuya, and frequently used his name to say things!

Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

Among the Mongolian people in Inner Mongolia, there are many names called Ulan Tuya, and the same name is quite common! Singer Ulan Tuya is a pure Mongolian girl, and the name she uses is her real name, "Ulan" means red, and "Tuya" means "glow", which has an excellent meaning and represents the red glow. The Mongolian people have great respect for nature, and the name is full of parents' longing and sustenance for their children, rather than deliberately taking the name for who to replace after signing the company, please do not confuse right and wrong, and please respect the name culture of ethnic minorities!

Ulan Tuya has been able to stand in the music scene for more than ten years, from "Standing on the Prairie and Looking at Beijing", "Phoenix Flying", "The Girl of Arshan", "Praise the New Era", "Hot Love Song", "Send You an Auspicious Song" to "Flying Dance", "The Heavenly Sounds on the Edge of the Sky", "Prairie Toasting Song", excellent works continue, and the hard work behind it can be imagined. Therefore, when it is maliciously labeled as a "substitute", it is extremely unfair to Ulan Tuya, and it is also a kind of harm and blow. We should view Ulan Tuya's achievements and efforts in an objective and impartial manner, rather than believing in those baseless slanders.

Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

For a long time, when faced with malicious misinterpretations, slanders and all kinds of unbearable abuse on the Internet, Ulan Tuya has never spoken out or responded. Maybe she thought that it was okay to ignore it and not cooperate with others to bundle up the hype, but this seems to have become an "outlet" for the black interests of the Internet and the personal interests of some people, allowing the black material to run rampant, spoofing and slandering at will without cost.

In the past few days, some netizens have expressed their indignation after seeing the video that maliciously slanders Ulan Tuya! As the old saying goes, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, and if you use the kindness of netizens to deliberately confuse right and wrong and gain sympathy, you will eventually be attacked by the Internet. When netizens wake up and discover the truth of the matter, they will also resist this kind of bad behavior such as rumor-mongering and bundling propaganda.

Let the cyberspace remain civilized and clear, and netizens will resist rumors and other illegal acts together, and may the Internet no longer be used and there will be no more malicious slander.

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  • Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?
  • Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?
  • Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?
  • Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?
  • Ulan Tuya sang the fire "Horse Pole" but was slandered by rumors, who is behind it to mislead the public?

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