
"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

author:Old Don said history

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Old friends, there have been a lot of hot topics recently, but when it comes to the big news that can shatter people's glasses, it is none other than Professor Yu Qi's "immunity turmoil".

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

A well-known 58-year-old aerospace expert, who was careless and became the target of public criticism on the Internet because of the trivial matter of illegal parking, this wave of operations is more puzzling than when we were young and took the wrong road! What the hell is going on? Let's take a closer look.

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "


It is said that on that day, Professor Yu Qi accidentally parked in violation of regulations, which was a big matter of sesame mung beans, but the professor was impulsive and shouted the word "immunity", which is good, louder than the loudspeaker in the village, and instantly became the after-dinner conversation of the people of the whole country.

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

We have to say, how can anyone not make mistakes? As our old man often said: "No one is perfect without gold." "Yu Qi's mistake is indeed a bit outrageous.

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "
"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

But then again, people are not sages, they can change their mistakes, and they are very good. Yu Qi publicly apologized afterwards and accepted the fine, and it is said that this page should be turned over.

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

Yu Qi's apology video


"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

But the Internet is like a fried pot, with waves of condemnation, which makes people want to ask, when will this "cyber violence" be a head? Do you really want to be like Aunt Li next door said: "When the firecrackers are lit, the smell of gunpowder has to keep drifting?" ”

Some netizens said that as a public figure and a leader in the aerospace field, Yu Qi should be more strict with himself.

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

This is true, but we can't forget that Yu Qi's sweat for the national aerospace industry, those honors and contributions, are all wiped out because of this misstep? This is like the crops we planted, we can't deny a year's hard work because of a small insect plague!

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "
"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

What's even more worrying is that this phenomenon of online violence seems to have become the norm. Today it's Yu Qi, tomorrow maybe it's someone next to us.

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "
"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "

As Xiao Ming at the east end of the village said: "The wind on the Internet will change when it is said, and no one dares to guarantee that they will always stand outside the wind." ”

[Heated discussion among netizens]

- Netizen A: "Experts are also human beings, and if they make mistakes and accept punishment, we have to give others a chance to correct themselves." ”

- Netizen B: "Understand the responsibility of public figures, but cyberbullying can't solve the problem, rational treatment is the right way." ”

- Netizen C: "Professor Yu Qi's contribution cannot be written off because of this, but this incident also reminds everyone that everyone is equal before the law. ”

- Ding netizen: "We should learn from this that whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, we must be responsible for our words and deeds, and at the same time, society needs more tolerance and understanding." ”

"Yu Qi apologized and was punished, but netizens still don't give up, which side are you on? Leniency or severe punishment? "


In the final analysis, the Yu Qi incident is a mirror that reflects the warmth and thinking of the Internet age. For Yu Qi, this is an opportunity for deep reflection and active remediation; For each of us, it's a vivid lesson in cyber ethics.

Between criticism and tolerance, how to strike a balance between justice and humanity is a common topic for us. As the old saying goes, "be lenient with others and strict with yourself", which is even more important in this era of "one-click reach".

So, what do you think about the Yu Qi incident in front of the screen? Do you also feel that the boundaries of online violence need to be revisited? Welcome to leave your voice in the comment area, let's talk about how to find the right balance in this complex online world.


The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law.

If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or picture infringement issues, please contact the author in time, and I will delete the relevant content as soon as possible, thank you.