
Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers

author:Old Don said history
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In this era of information explosion, the rise of genius is often accompanied by a storm of controversy.

At the age of 16, "Katekate Zhu Zhu", formerly known as Zhu Wenqi, who stepped into the Oxford Mathematics Palace, once became a good story in people's mouths with his extraordinary achievements and appreciation for the rising star Jiang Ping.

Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers

When the wind suddenly changed and praise turned to doubt, Zhu Zhu's attitude towards Jiang Ping also underwent a dramatic reversal, and this series of twists and turns not only reflects the complex attitude of the academic community towards genius, but also makes people think deeply: in the absence of solid evidence, how should we deal with those seemingly unreasonable outstanding performances?

Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers


The focus of the story, Jiang Ping, a secondary school student's name is suddenly linked to "mathematical genius", her competition results amazed everyone, and even academic stars like Zhu Zhu were moved, and even offered to match her and introduce her to a professor in Oxford.

As various math bloggers on the Internet dig deeper, the voices of skepticism begin to clamor in the dust.

Zhu Zhu also had to re-examine, she published a long article on Zhihu, listing a series of doubts, similar handwriting, secondary school transcripts, and the rapid mastery of LaTeX skills, each of which makes people think about it.

Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers

During this period, heavyweights in the mathematics community spoke out one after another, such as the "99.99%" guess of Zhao Bin, a master of Peking University, the astonishing oath of the world memory champion David, the resolute maintenance of the purity of the field of mathematics in the mathematics competition Feige, and even the assertion of Dr. Beihang University.

Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers
Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers
Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers
Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers

[Heated discussion among netizens]

Netizen A (rational): "Before there is conclusive evidence, everyone should be calmer." Genius may not follow the usual path, and we cannot deny all possibilities based on experience alone. ”

Netizen B (skeptic): "Indeed, those so-called genius deeds, if there is a team operation behind them, are too unfair to those who really work hard." ”

Netizen C (education concerner): "This incident also reflects the issue of educational fairness, and we should pay more attention to how to let every student have a fair chance to compete." ”

Ding netizen (optimist): "In any case, I hope Jiang Ping is a real genius, and society needs such a surprise." However, if it is proved to be false, it should also be dealt with seriously to maintain academic integrity. ”

Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers


Jiang Ping's story, like an unsolved detective novel, has whetted the public's appetite. But in this debate between true and false geniuses, perhaps we should reflect on why society defines "genius" so harshly and the desire for success is so urgent that it rushes to label it before the truth is known.

Big anti-water! The female doctor of Oxford changed her previous attitude: Jiang Ping faked. Dr. completely changed traffic bloggers

A true academic spirit should encourage the exploration of the unknown, while adhering to objectivity and impartiality, and not judging others based on preconceived notions. In this era of diversity, we need to learn to listen to different voices and wait for the facts to come out.

So, what do you think we should do in the face of similar controversies? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section and let's discuss together and work together to promote a more open, inclusive and rational social environment.


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