
It will be officially implemented on 21 June, and the mainland will severely punish "Taiwan independence" according to law

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

The new regulations came into effect on 21 June, and the mainland will severely punish "Taiwan independence" elements in accordance with the law, the noose around the necks of "Taiwan independence" elements has been tightened, Xiao Meiqin's opposition has been ineffective, and the list of the first batch of crackdowns has emerged.

In order to deter the "Taiwan independence" forces inside and outside the island and remove obstacles to reunification, Chinese mainland has issued new regulations for severely cracking down on "Taiwan independence." On the afternoon of 21 June, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued an opinion on punishing the crime of "Taiwan independence" in accordance with the law, which came into force on the date of promulgation.

It is worth noting that it clearly stipulates the overall requirements for the conviction of "Taiwan independence" elements and the standards for conviction and sentencing, which can be said to have systematically improved the mainland's laws and regulations for cracking down on "Taiwan independence" in accordance with the law.

It will be officially implemented on 21 June, and the mainland will severely punish "Taiwan independence" according to law

The new regulations clearly state that those who organize, plan, or carry out relevant acts "for the purpose of separating Taiwan from China" shall be convicted and punished as the crime of secession in accordance with the law. Those who actively participate in the crime shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 3 years but not more than 10 years, and those who are the ringleaders or whose crimes are serious shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years. And if the harm to the country and the people is particularly serious and the circumstances are particularly heinous, the death penalty may be imposed! In addition, the article also stipulates that "Taiwan independence" elements can be tried in absentia, which means that those "Taiwan independence" elements who are temporarily unable to enforce the law by the mainland's judicial departments will also be convicted and held accountable for life! It is not difficult to see that in order to crack down on those diehard "Taiwan independence" elements, the mainland is now in earnest, and the promulgation of the new regulations means that the mainland has legal support for holding "Taiwan independence" elements accountable. Coincidentally, the day before the mainland's new regulations were made public, a representative figure of "Taiwan independence" put forward demands on the mainland.

It will be officially implemented on 21 June, and the mainland will severely punish "Taiwan independence" according to law

On June 20, Hsiao Mei-qin, the deputy of Taiwan leader Lai Ching-de, falsely claimed that the mainland "is the one who provokes the party" and accused "going against the will of the Taiwan people and putting forward unreasonable preconditions and conditions for dialogue." Subsequently, Hsiao Mei-qin even went so far as to threaten the mainland, shouting that "as long as the mainland does not give up the use of force against Taiwan, Taiwan can only strengthen its defense." It is not difficult for us to hear Xiao Meiqin's voice, she wants the mainland to promise not to use force against Taiwan in exchange for the DPP authorities not to strengthen defenses. It has to be said that Hsiao Meiqin's remarks show that the DPP authorities have no clear understanding of the situation at all. Now is not the time when the DPP authorities will be able to lag the PLA by "strengthening their defenses"; the mainland's comprehensive strength has long since formed an overwhelming superiority over Taiwan, and any stubborn resistance by the DPP authorities is doomed to be a mantis arm! The day after Xiao Meiqin's remarks, the mainland issued new rules for cracking down on "Taiwan independence", which can be said to show with practical actions that the DPP's opposition is invalid and that the mainland will continue to promote reunification!

It will be officially implemented on 21 June, and the mainland will severely punish "Taiwan independence" according to law

It is worth mentioning that many people have a question about the new regulations in the mainland, that is, how will the new regulations be enforced? In all fairness, in the short term, the "Taiwan independence" elements on the island can still be hard-spoken, and the mainland will not be able to arrest them for the time being. However, don't think that this will be fine, as mentioned earlier, the new regulations will be held accountable for life, which means that when the two sides of the strait are peacefully reunified, or when the mainland launches a unified action, those "Taiwan independence" elements on the island will eventually fall into the legal net!

It will be officially implemented on 21 June, and the mainland will severely punish "Taiwan independence" according to law

Now, with the implementation of the new regulations, some "Taiwan independence" elements on the island should have felt the pressure. Not to mention anything else, the first batch of "Taiwan independence" elements who may be hit by the new regulations have already emerged, and Lai Qingde and Hsiao Meiqin, two "Taiwan independence" diehards, absolutely cannot escape. All "Taiwan independence" elements on the new list will face persistent accountability from the mainland, and Lai Qingde and other "Taiwan independence" elements will realize that the day when the mainland settles the Taiwan issue will be the time of their death. From this point of view, the mainland's new regulations are similar to putting a "noose" around the neck of "Taiwan independence" elements in advance, and the deterrent effect of the new regulations cannot be underestimated in any way!