
After the confrontation between China and the Philippines at Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines asked for help to no avail, and the former US intelligence officer said that the Philippines was just a "tool"

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

After the fiasco at Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines asked for help everywhere, the US aircraft carrier slipped ahead of schedule, Burns made the US position clear, the Philippines had no choice but to compromise, where will Marcos go?

Not long ago, the Philippines dispatched a number of ships to try to trespass on Ren'ai Jiao, which was controlled by the Chinese Coast Guard in accordance with the law, and eventually eight Philippine people were injured and the degree of damage to the ships varied. First of all, Philippine Deputy Foreign Minister Lazaro had a telephone conversation with US Deputy Secretary of State Campbell, and then Philippine Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Brawner had a video call with the chief of staff of the Japanese Ministry of Defense. On June 21, Philippine officials said that the Philippines did not consider triggering a "mutual defense treaty" with the United States after the conflict between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, saying that the confrontation between the Philippines and the Chinese coast guard may have been a "misunderstanding or accident".

After the confrontation between China and the Philippines at Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines asked for help to no avail, and the former US intelligence officer said that the Philippines was just a "tool"

The failure of the Philippines to ask for help confirms an ironclad fact: it is impossible for the United States to be in danger for the sake of its allies, let alone to start a direct military confrontation with China, Russia and other major powers for the interests of its allies, which will not only accelerate the process of the disappearance of hegemony, but also tear off the "fig leaf" of the US military in advance, leading to turmoil in the Middle East, Russia, Ukraine and other regions, and affecting the hegemonic order led by the United States. As a matter of fact, a few days before the Sino-Philippine conflict at Ren'ai Jiao, the US aircraft carrier "Roosevelt" had withdrawn from the South China Sea ahead of schedule, and after the incident, the US aircraft carrier "Ronald" sailed to the Guam base, and the Philippines became a veritable "lonely man." Recently, a former US intelligence official made it clear that the Philippines was just a "tool" of the United States and not a friend.

After the confrontation between China and the Philippines at Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines asked for help to no avail, and the former US intelligence officer said that the Philippines was just a "tool"

The essence of the South China Sea issue is still a game between China and the United States, and if China and the United States tear their faces, it will become the fuse of military confrontation between the two sides, but if China and the United States do not move and build "guardrails", no matter how much the Marcos administration tosses, the US military will not come forward. On June 21, U.S. Ambassador to China Burns revealed that China and the United States currently have four potential flashpoints, including the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the U.S. election, and the United States is doing everything it can to avoid conflict with China. Under this premise, it is reasonable for the US to take the initiative to retreat on the South China Sea issue and withdraw from the aircraft carrier battle group ahead of schedule, while the Philippines has naturally become an "outcast" of the US side.

After the confrontation between China and the Philippines at Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines asked for help to no avail, and the former US intelligence officer said that the Philippines was just a "tool"

In the first two flashpoints mentioned by Burns, China is countering the US with the strategy of "anti-sausage" strategy, and the Philippines and Japan, as the "pawns" of the US to contain China, are related to the "commitment" and national credibility of the US to its allies, and the US will face a dilemma of whether to save or not to save China every time China takes a step forward on the above issues. In the long run, geopolitical conflicts around China will become a "bleeding wound" for the United States, constantly containing the United States' military and national strength, and dismantling the "security framework" led by the United States. In this trend, most countries will re-choose between East and West, making new choices, as exemplified by Russia's Look East.

After the confrontation between China and the Philippines at Ren'ai Jiao, the Philippines asked for help to no avail, and the former US intelligence officer said that the Philippines was just a "tool"

With a high degree of strategic determination and political wisdom, China is firmly occupying a favorable position in the Sino-US game, and is coping with any external challenges with the courage to block the situation with troops and cover the earth.

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