
In the colorful summer, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, talked about the beauty of the "Li" industry

author:South + client

Fiery June, Danli is fragrant. On the morning of June 22, jointly sponsored by the Party Working Committee of Yunpu Street, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, Yunpu Street Office, and Yunpu Street Public Health Committee, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District implemented the "Millions of Projects" and "Yunpu Liyun Spreads Thousands of Miles and Summer Gathering Feelings" - Yunpu Street's 2024 Lychee Culture Promotion Activity kicked off in Innovation Park.

During the event, about 1,000 representatives of Huangpu District government agencies, representatives of enterprises in the district, representatives of fruit farmers, citizens and international friends gathered together to talk about the "Li" industry in the United States and share the results of the "Millions of Projects".

In the colorful summer, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, talked about the beauty of the "Li" industry

At the opening ceremony, the singers from the Huangpu District Music Association sang "Summer", "Summer in a Small Town" and other popular songs instantly ignited everyone's enthusiasm, Huangpu District financial media reporters wrote and performed the allegro "Huangpu Praise", which made the masses applaud again and again, and the teachers and students of the East District Middle School danced with the "Gasa Riverside Little Flower Waist", and there were also the promotion of litchi farmers in the district, international friends and citizen friends to select the "Lychee King in the Heart", which made the lively atmosphere of the scene reach a climax. Finally, the staff and cadres from the Yunpu Sub-district Office sang "To Huangpu" with full affection.

In the colorful summer, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, talked about the beauty of the "Li" industry

With the theme of "Promoting Lychee Culture", the event also set up a Lychee Culture Science Popularization Garden Party, and set up 10 Lychee Culture and Game Booth Check-in Points in the Loop of the Lychee Cultural Park, attracting many neighborhood residents to taste lychees, visit the market, and eat delicious food here, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in the lychee culture of Yunpu.

In the colorful summer, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, talked about the beauty of the "Li" industry

"Crisp and juicy, full flesh, sweet and delicious, thick and small, very delicious!" The neighborhood was full of praise after tasting the Bigang glutinous rice balls and lychees.

Lele (pseudonym), a primary school student in Yunpu, said happily: "My favorite fruit is lychee, today I came to the Innovation Park, only to know that there are 13 kinds of lychees circulating on the market, and also played lychee 'trap' (ring ring), 'li' can (draw a fan), 'li' in the win (pitching pot), 'lychee' to compete for the upper (sandbag) and other interesting games, but also saw the wonderful 'lychee competition', today is so satisfying, so happy!" ”

In the colorful summer, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, talked about the beauty of the "Li" industry

"Today's event has been an eye-opener for me, and I have learned a lot of poems and allusions about lychees, and when I return to my hometown, I want to share my personal experience of lychee culture with my family and friends," said Xiao Yemei from El Salvador. ”

The Innovation Park, where the event took place, was also a highlight. There are a total of 401 century-old lychee trees in the Innovation Park, and the main planting varieties are glutinous rice cakes, cinnamon flavor, Huaizhi, etc., among which the number of glutinous rice cakes is the majority.

In the colorful summer, Yunpu Street, Huangpu District, talked about the beauty of the "Li" industry

As the Lychee Cultural Festival is in full swing, the sweet aroma of lychee permeates the entire Innovation Park. The relevant person in charge of the Yunpu Sub-district Office said that he will continue to try new ways and activities to carry forward the lychee culture, so that more citizens and tourists can taste the lychee in Yunpu and feel the charm of the lychee culture.

Southern + reporter Huang Chuxuan

【Author】 Huang Chuxuan

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client