
After I cut off my son's 6,000 mortgage, my mother-in-law, who retired early, couldn't sit still: who will support my daughter

author:Small and small
After I cut off my son's 6,000 mortgage, my mother-in-law, who retired early, couldn't sit still: who will support my daughter

My name is Li Tiezhu, a tough guy born and raised in Nagada in the northeast.

In Changchun, I have been crawling and rolling, and half of my life has passed in a blink of an eye.

The kid in my family, Xiao Li, graduated from college, stayed in Beijing, and found a Beijing girl, two of them

I hit it off, took out a loan to buy a small nest, and had to repay the mortgage of 6,000 yuan a month.

I thought, young people, a little pressure, only then can I have the momentum to fight.

So, these 6,000 yuan, I called him on time every month, and there was no ambiguity at all.

But last year, I had a physical condition, I had a major surgery, and the little savings at home were one

The bottom will be seen.

The doctor told me that I had to take care of it and that I couldn't fight like I used to.

As soon as I and my wife and children were together, we decided to retire early and return to our hometown in Changchun to enjoy Qingfu.

After spending half of my life outside, it's time to go back and rest.

When I told my son about this, he didn't say anything, just told me to pay attention to my body.

But his Beijing daughter-in-law, my mother-in-law, couldn't sit still.

She first called and asked me if I really didn't care about them, and then asked if I didn't want her aunt

Mother has a good life.

I listened to her endless complaints, and it was really not a good feeling in my heart.

I've worked hard all my life, isn't it just for their little couple to live a good life?

But now, my health is no longer good, and I want to go back to my hometown to recuperate, but she feels that I am irresponsible.

I explained to her that my current physical condition is really no longer able to earn money like before.

Besides, I've saved a little money over the years, which is enough for them to pay the mortgage for a while.

But she just doesn't give up, either I do it, or I don't treat her girl as her own.

This thing makes me feel very uncomfortable.

Oh my god, I came up in a rage, and as soon as the phone fell, I hung up directly.

But this matter is not over, less than two days later, the mother of the family led her daughter to the door.

As soon as she entered, she began to cry and scream, saying that I didn't take them seriously and wanted to force them

Dead end.

My daughter-in-law is a real person, and when she saw this posture, she immediately panicked and hurriedly poured water for them to take hair


As for me, I sat on the sofa and watched their mother and daughter perform coldly.

To be honest, I really didn't expect them to be so unreasonable.

My mother cried for a while, then fired at me again, asking me where all the money I had earned over the years had been spent.

Why didn't you leave some for them?

As soon as I heard this, I was furious and went back directly: "The money I earn is all hard-earned money, one cent."

Every penny is hard-earned.

Have I given you less money over the years?

Why are you so dissatisfied?

As soon as she heard what I said, she became even more vigorous, and cried out for me to return her daughter's youth.

She said how many good opportunities and prospects her daughter gave up in order to be with my son, but now

This is the end.

That's not what it tastes like in my heart.

My son and her daughter were married in free love, and it was her daughter who took the initiative to chase my son


Why is it that now we can't live with her?

My daughter-in-law saw that the more we talked, the more excited she became, and hurriedly came up to persuade us.

She held my mother's hand and persuaded me to dissipate my anger.

But at that time, I was in a hurry, how could I still listen to persuasion?

I just stood up and threw down the phrase: "Let's go!"

It was my decision to cut off my mortgage!

I'm not obligated to support you for the rest of your life!

With that, I went back to the house, leaving the mother and daughter staring at each other in the living room.

Our mother-in-law is still there shouting to sue us, saying why make us pay, but we are in our hearts

There are no more waves.

A few days after that, we went back to our hometown in Changchun with my wife.

We know this may be a bit difficult for our son to accept, but we don't have any tricks.

We can't put our bodies in for them, can we?

After returning to Changchun, our wife and I started a new life.

Every morning, the two of us went to the park to stroll around and play chess; At night, I will nest at home and have a look

TV, nagging.

Although life is a little simpler, we feel very comfortable and down-to-earth.

Sometimes we think of our son and their family of three, and we are a little worried and worried.

But we know we've done our best, and the rest of the way is up to them to do it on their own.

Just a few months later, one night we were watching TV at home, and suddenly received a stranger

Raw number of the phone.

Let's pick up the mobile phone and see that it is a Beijing number, and I can't help but feel nervous - is it possible

Son, what's wrong with them?

Let's quickly press the answer button, and an unfamiliar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, it's Li Tiezhu."

Is it?

I am Xiao Li's leader, he has an accident, and now he is in the hospital......" As soon as we hear this, heart

I panicked and quickly asked what happened?

The other party told us that Xiao Li had a car accident on the way to get off work and is now being rescued in the hospital...... Let's one

Hearing the news, I couldn't sit still, and immediately told my wife about it, and then we stayed overnight

Rush to Beijing...... When I arrived at the hospital, it was still dark, and the streets of Beijing were dimly lit.

But that light could not penetrate the anxiety and uneasiness in our hearts.

Hand in hand, we walked through the corridor of the hospital as if we were rushing to the market, our feet were soft, and our hearts were pressing

It's like a stone.

When I arrived at the door of the ward, I saw our son Xiao Li lying there, his face as white as paper, and his head

Wrapped in gauze, the mother-in-law and her daughter next to her cried like tears.

I took a deep breath, braced myself to stop panicking, and stepped into the house.

When the doctor saw us coming, he stepped forward and told us about Xiao Li's injuries.

He said that Xiao Li's injury was not light, but fortunately, his life was saved, but he had to raise it slowly.

Hearing this, my heart was a little relieved.

As soon as my mother-in-law saw me, she rushed up and cried and counted: "You heartless, what's the matter?"


Our son has to have a good one, I'm not done with you!

I frowned, didn't take a stubble, walked directly to my son's bedside, and held his hand.

"Son, dad is here, don't be afraid.

I whispered.

Xiao Li heard my voice, slowly opened his eyes, and a smile squeezed out of the corner of his mouth: "Dad, you are here."

I nodded, tears almost choosing.

In the days to come, the two of us took turns guarding our son in the hospital.

My mother-in-law was still making a fuss at first, but seeing that we were so attentive, it slowly stopped.

She is also a mother, and she knows that at this time, she has to work together to get through the difficulties together.

Time passed, and Xiao Li's injuries also improved.

He was able to walk two steps down the ground and walk around the hospital room.

At this time, I was by his side, holding him and chatting with him.

Son, this incident really made you suffer, but we also learned something from it.

I have to tell you, how can life always be smooth, how can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain.

As long as you are strong enough and have a good attitude, we can overcome any difficulties.

Xiao Li listened, and his eyes flashed with energy: "Dad, I understand."

I have to take care of myself, and when I get better, I'll go back to work and pay off our mortgage.

I looked at him like that, and my heart warmed, and I patted him on the shoulder.

During my time in the hospital, my relationship with my mother-in-law gradually improved.

The two of us used to call it a needle-to-wheat mang, but now it's different, and we are beginning to understand each other, each other

Mutual support.

I know in my heart that she is actually a good person, but life is forced by life, and she is a bit of a bull


Finally, one day, the doctor told us that Xiao Li could be discharged from the hospital.

Our family is so happy, don't mention it, hurry up and pack up your things and go through the formalities.

Before leaving, my mother-in-law came over and whispered to me, "Lao Li, thank you."

I was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "We are all a family, what are you talking about?"

"When I got out of the hospital, it was dawning, the sun was shining in, and it was warm.

My wife and I helped my son out of the hospital gate and on his way home.

I know in my heart that we still have a long way to go, and it is not easy, but as long as our family is in one place

I want to work hard in one place, and any ups and downs can pass, and the rainbow is waiting for us in front of us.

When I got home, I quickly transferred my son to a hospital and let him continue in the hospital near our home


In this way, it is convenient for us to take care of him, and we don't have to worry about Beijing's frighteningly high expenses.

My mother-in-law and her daughter went back to Beijing this time, but their attitude, tsk, has changed


began to take the initiative to care about Xiao Li's recovery, and the phone was also diligent, asking us how we were doing from time to time.

I thought that this was probably their own way of expressing their apologies and gratitude.

As for me, I happily accepted their kindness.

A few months have passed, and Xiao Li has finally survived and recovered.

He got back to work, worked hard to make money, and paid off the mortgage.

Although our family's life is tight, it is slowly finding its rhythm, full of hope and warmth


One night, my wife and I were sitting in the yard, enjoying the cool breeze, when we suddenly heard something outside

There was a knock on the door.

As soon as I opened the door, hey, my mother and her daughter, with a big bag in their hands, were standing outside the door.


Sister, why are you here?

I asked in surprise.

"Aren't we coming to see Xiao Li!

The mother-in-law said happily, "By the way, I brought some specialties from our hometown."

"I quickly let them into the house, and my wife came over to help and move the things into the house.

That night, our family sat around a table, eating the specialties brought by our mother, chatting about homely things

The atmosphere is called a harmony, so harmonious that it seems that the previous unpleasantness has gone with the wind.

I understand that this is life, and although it can sometimes make people fall on their heels, it also teaches us

Cherish the emotion and warmth between each other even more.

Creation Statement: This article is a fictional creation and should not be associated with reality. "The name of the person related to this article is a pseudonym, the picture / selected from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete. 》