
After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

author:Premium Grape bFGmg

Looking at this, I can't help but praise our protagonist Jiang Ping, a brave girl who dared to catch toads since she was a child, and now she still maintains her courage and resilience on the battlefield of mathematics. She from Lianshui College in Huai'an, Jiangsu, went to Beijing with her teacher to fight the Ali Mathematics Competition, isn't this the heroic story we have been eager to see!

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

First of all, I have to say that this girl is really an out-and-out beautiful warrior, from the age of nine to five o'clock in the afternoon, she fought for eight hours on the fully monitored competition field.

This stamina and focus, if it were me, I would probably have put a big word on the table a long time ago and fell asleep. Not to mention, it is said that out of the six questions, she is quite satisfied with three questions. This kind of self-confidence and strength is really admirable.

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

However, what is even more remarkable than her performance is the photo that went viral. A lively little beauty, holding a "loveless" toad in her hand, that look, that look, that look, both domineering and full of smiles, people can't help but think of the sentence "Monkey King in the hands of the Buddha".

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

The comments of netizens made this math battle more vivid and lively, including "such a brave little girl" and "chivalrous girl Jiang Ping, play toads for fun...", it really makes a math competition like a joke conference, and it is difficult not to laugh.

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

But behind this, it reflects everyone's unanimous trust and love for this beautiful math warrior. Jiang Ping's story seems to have become a mirror, reflecting our society's yearning for truth, goodness and beauty. It's just a final, but it embodies everyone's emotions and expectations, which in itself is a rare sentimental beauty.

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

Besides, Jiang Ping's persistence and bravery are not only in the mathematics arena. From the media reports, we can know that this girl from a difficult family not only got high grades in the exam, but also maintained a deep interest in learning and love for mathematics. Such a story is more moving than any legend.

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

Now, what we are waiting for is Jiang Ping's final results. In any case, she has used her wisdom and courage to win the respect and love of everyone. Even if the final result doesn't guarantee her a top 12 finish, she is already the champion in our hearts.

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

Those who question her may soon be slapped in the face by reality. Just like the photo she took when she was a child, no matter what the road ahead, she was domineering and smiling.

After Jiang Ping's finals, a photo of a hand-pinched toad became popular, and netizens named it: Easy to handle

Finally, I really hope that Jiang Ping can have a smooth journey, not only in the field of mathematics, but also in her life, as she did with toads, easy to handle, and move forward bravely. In this challenging world, we need more "chivalrous women" like Jiang Ping, who have courage, wisdom and beauty.

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