
Academician He Zuoxiu once again criticized traditional Chinese medicine: What gold, wood, water, fire and earth? There is no clear definition at all!

author:Goku said

The controversy between Chinese and Western medicine has made waves again: Academician He Zuoxiu's criticism of traditional Chinese medicine has sparked heated discussions

Hello dear readers! Today we are going to talk about a hot topic - the controversy between Chinese and Western medicine. This old topic has recently been pushed to the forefront again, and this time the fuse turned out to be a physicist!

Academician He Zuoxiu once again criticized traditional Chinese medicine: What gold, wood, water, fire and earth? There is no clear definition at all!

Recently, the famous physicist Academician He Zuoxiu posted a micro-headline on social media, once again sharply criticizing traditional Chinese medicine. The respected scientist, who has long held a negative attitude towards traditional Chinese medicine, has once again sparked widespread discussion. Let's take a look, what is this argument about?

Academician He Zuoxiu once again criticized traditional Chinese medicine: What gold, wood, water, fire and earth? There is no clear definition at all!

Academician He's main point is that the theory of yin and yang and the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine is not a scientific theory at all. In his view, the concepts of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are not clearly defined, nor are the relationships between them clearly defined. Academician He even compared martial arts novels, saying that these concepts can be interpreted at will, which can be used to explain traditional Chinese medicine or write novels about gods and monsters, which cannot be called science at all.

Hearing this, some people may say, "The old gentleman has a point!" Indeed, from a strictly scientific point of view, the theory of the five elements of yin and yang does lack the precise definition and rigorous argumentation that modern scientific theories should have. But can we think about it from a different perspective?

Academician He Zuoxiu once again criticized traditional Chinese medicine: What gold, wood, water, fire and earth? There is no clear definition at all!

We need to understand that Chinese medicine and Western medicine are two different medical systems, and their theoretical bases and treatment methods are inherently different. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) emphasizes a holistic approach and syndrome differentiation in treatment, while Western medicine focuses more on local treatment and symptom control. It's like Chinese food and Western food, although the cooking methods are different, both meet our taste buds and nutritional needs.

While there is some ambiguity in the theory of the five elements of yin and yang, this does not mean that TCM is completely unscientific. In fact, many of the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine have been confirmed by modern science, and traditional therapies such as acupuncture have also shown unique advantages in some areas. We shouldn't dismiss an entire forest because of a single tree.

Academician He Zuoxiu once again criticized traditional Chinese medicine: What gold, wood, water, fire and earth? There is no clear definition at all!

Although Academician He is very knowledgeable, he is a physicist, not a medical expert. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has explicitly asked academicians not to express professional opinions outside their own professional fields. At this point, Academician He seems to have "crossed the line". Just as we don't ask a chef to fix a computer, perhaps the judgment of TCM should be left to experts in the medical field.

We cannot completely dismiss Academician He's viewpoint. His critique reminds us that TCM does need to keep pace with the times, while maintaining the essence of tradition, while actively absorbing the research methods and achievements of modern science. In this way, this ancient medicine can be given a new lease of life in modern society.

In this debate, we see a collision of different points of view. Some people support Academician He's view that there are indeed some problems with traditional Chinese medicine; Others expressed dissatisfaction with his criticism, believing that his understanding of Chinese medicine was too one-sided. There are also some rational voices suggesting that if Academician He is really interested in Chinese medicine, he may wish to study the theory of Chinese medicine in depth before making a judgment.

In fact, the controversy between Chinese and Western medicine has been going on for a long time, and this controversy is just another continuation of this old topic. We should understand that the ultimate purpose of medicine is to cure diseases and save lives. Whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, as long as it can effectively solve health problems, it is a medical system worthy of respect.

As ordinary people, we don't have to dwell too much on these professional arguments. In our daily life, we can reasonably choose the treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine according to our own situation. It is important to believe in science, respect the profession, and not be misled by some non-professional statements.

In conclusion, I would like to say that cultural diversity is a precious asset of human civilization. As an important part of Chinese culture, traditional Chinese medicine embodies the wisdom of the ancients and is worthy of our inheritance and development. At the same time, we should also absorb the advanced concepts and technologies of modern medicine with an open attitude, so that Chinese medicine can shine with new brilliance in the new era.

Friends, what do you think on this topic? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and share your views. Let's discuss rationally together and jointly promote the development of Chinese and Western medicine!

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