
Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion


The 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defensive League Finals was successfully held in Chengdu, China on June 22-23, 2024. The event attracted top cyber security experts from all over the world to launch a fierce and exciting technical competition.

On June 23, the finals of the 8th XCTF International Network Offensive and Defensive League officially came to an end. Under the guidance of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education and the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Department, the competition was hosted by the People's Government of Shuangliu District of Chengdu and Chengdu University of Information Technology, undertaken by the Sichuan Cyberspace Security Association and the Chengdu Industrial Internet Development Center, co-organized by the China Cyberspace Security Association, and provided technical support for the competition platform by Sainin Cybersecurity.

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion
Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion
Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion
Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion
Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

The proposition of this competition is responsible for the r3kapig team, which integrates the world's top network security technology, covers a number of cutting-edge research fields, and has a novel and comprehensive scenario design. The competition involves three cyber security competition formats: the first day of the problem-solving competition, the live solo competition, and the KOH summit showdown. The first-day solving-solving competition focused on racing to solve difficult cybersecurity challenges, the Live Solo competition tested the individual skills and on-the-spot adaptability, and the KOH Peak Showdown explored the potential of the participating teams through high-intensity, multi-round offensive and defensive confrontations.

KOH Summit Showdown Events



On the second day of the finals of the 8th XCTF International Network Attack and Defense Competition, the team quarterfinals matched: Shanghai Jiao Tong University 0ops vs. National Defense University b3f0re, Beijing Post Tianshu vs. joint team W&M, Guangdong University United team S1uM4i vs. international team Project Sekai, Tsinghua University Redbud vs. Peking University pkucc, the opening game has scored, W&M score overtakes, koh is very important to seize the top of the mountain and take the lead.


The top four finalists

The top four of the 8th XCTF International League Finals were decided, the National University of Defense Science and Technology b3f0re Jedi overtook and defeated Shanghai Jiao Tong University 0ops, Beijing University of Posts and Posts Tianshu reversed and defeated the W&M team again, and the United University S1uM4i won the last ten seconds to defeat the international team Project Sekai, Tsinghua University Redbud played against Peking University pkucc, the Redbud team won, and the pkucc team unfortunately stopped in the semifinals.



The team semifinals of the 8th XCTF International League Finals were close to halftime, and in the 200:200 draw between the National Defense University of Science and Technology B3f0re and Beijing Post Tianshu, Guangdong United S1uM4I 300:200 was ahead of Tsinghua Redbud.



The team semifinals of the 8th XCTF International League Finals ended, the last five minutes of the National Defense University of Science and Technology b3f0re from the draw narrowly defeated the Beijing Post Tianshu team, the score was 300:200, Tsinghua Redbud found the first way to win in the second half, 1500 to 400 The score overtook the Guangdong United team S1uM4i, the champion and runner-up will be decided from the National Defense University of Science and Technology and the Tsinghua team, and the third place is fought by the two semi-final losing teams, and the final decisive battle is coming.

Champion of the championship

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

The 8th XCTF Top 8 Champion Rankings

In the KOH Peak Showdown, the winner of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League Finals was officially decided, and the b3f0re team from the National University of Defense Technology passed all the way to the end and successfully won the championship; Tsinghua University's Redbud team won the runner-up; The S1uM4i team of United University won the third place; Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Tianshu Dubhe team ranked fourth. The Sichuan Provincial "Panda Cup" Cyber Security Competition completed the finals at the same time, and the SU team from the joint university and the nepnep team from the joint university won the championship and runner-up respectively, and the Bifang security laboratory team won the third place.

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

National University of Defense Technology B3F0RE team

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

Tsinghua University Redbud team

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

United University S1uM4i team

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Tianshu Dubhe team

Live Solo Contest Awards

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

Lilac team from Harbin Institute of Technology

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

0xFFF teams from United Universities

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

The Organizers of the International Alliance

Geek's Peak Showdown | The finals of the 8th XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defense League came to a successful conclusion

Shanghai Jiao Tong University's 0ops team

The 8th XCTF International League Finals came to a successful conclusion, and we would like to thank all the participating teams for their support and participation, thank all the staff for their dedication and persistence, and especially thank the partners of this competition, 360 Digital Security, Chaitin Technology, and Xingqi Technology for their strong support.

Guarding the glory of the digital world and inheriting the feelings of technological exploration. This competition is not only a competition of technology, but also a collision of wisdom, showing the latest development trends and innovation capabilities in the field of network security. In the future, the XCTF International Cyber Offensive and Defensive League will continue to promote the exchange and growth of global cyber security talents through such a high-level competition platform, and contribute to the development of cyber security.

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