
At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

author:Dew Movement
At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

The focus of last night, at 6 p.m. Beijing time on June 23, the Chinese women's basketball team will face the Spanish women's basketball team, which is their second warm-up game in Europe. In the previous tense matchup, the Chinese women's basketball team won 56:51, which opened the fire for this training.

The Chinese women's basketball team welcomed this matchup with Spain in a new state. On the world basketball stage, they sit on the second place, which makes people look forward to their performance. However, opponents Spain are fourth, and although they are slightly inferior, they have been a formidable force in the Eurasian region with a reputation for team chemistry and excellent rebounding defense.

Han Xu's return is undoubtedly a big positive for the Chinese women's basketball team. As one of the core strengths of the team, her outstanding performance not only improves the overall strength of the team, but also sets an example for the rest of the team. Coach Zheng Wei said in an interview that every game is a valuable accumulation of experience for the team, especially when facing a strong opponent such as Spain, there must be no carelessness.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

The preparations before the game were extremely intense, and the Chinese women's basketball players were engrossed in training. They try to be at their best on the pitch by repeatedly practising defensive tactics and attacking combinations. The atmosphere in the team is very tense but full of cohesion, and every member of the team is well aware of the great responsibility of national honor.

The presence of Yao Ming and Wang Fang, two basketball celebrities, also gave the players great encouragement. Their presence is not only a cheer on the spot, but also a kind of spiritual encouragement and guidance for the young players. In their eyes, this game is not only a warm-up game, but also a test of the overall strength and unity of the team.

The fans' decision on the coach began to cause heated discussions and debates on the Internet. On a forum called "Basketball Fan Paradise", a netizen with the ID "Basketball Kid" started a post: "Why does Coach Zheng Wei always not give Liu Yutong and Zhang Ziyu a chance?" They're doing well in domestic competitions, so can't they prove themselves on the international stage? ”

At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

Immediately, some netizens followed the post to support: "I feel the same way! Liu Yutong performed amazingly in the All-Star Game last season, can't Coach Zheng Wei see her potential? Zhang Ziyu is the same, fast and strong breakthrough, which can bring new vitality and changes to the team. ”

However, some netizens are conservative: "Don't forget, the international competition is not the same as the domestic competition. Experience and consistency are more important when it matters most. If it were me, maybe I would have chosen a more experienced player, especially an experienced player like Sun Mengran. ”

This discussion on the "Basketball Fan's Paradise" obviously reflects the high concern and expectation of the majority of fans for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. Some netizens believe that if the Chinese women's basketball team can achieve good results in the Olympic Games, it will win glory for the country and show strong competitive strength and team cohesion. They hope to see a stronger and more dynamic Chinese women's basketball team, able to compete with the world's strongest teams on the international stage.

Another netizen commented: "Actually, we all want to see more opportunities for young players. It's not just for the sake of the game, it's for the future. The young players have a lot of potential and if they are given enough trust and opportunity, they will definitely step up when it counts. ”

At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

The debate at the forum reflected the different expectations and opinions of fans on the direction of the development of the Chinese women's basketball team. Some argue that an overly conservative selection could limit the team's room to grow, while others prefer to rely on seasoned veterans to stabilize the situation. This diversity of views and discussions also reflects the special status of the Chinese women's basketball team as a national team, and their every move touches the hearts of countless fans.

The "Basketball Fanland" post was quickly retweeted to other social media platforms, sparking wider discussion and attention. Many people began to express their expectations and blessings for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team on Weibo and Moments, hoping that they could achieve better results in the international arena and win glory for the country.

Netizens' comments on the performance of the Chinese players in this game began to set off a wave of heated discussions on the Internet. In Weibo and basketball-related social groups, there are endless voices of discussion.

Some netizens posted his views on the game through Weibo: "The performance of the Chinese women's basketball team tonight is gratifying! Despite facing a strong opponent like Spain, our players showed a tenacious fighting spirit, especially the return of Han Xu, which injected strong combat effectiveness into the team. ”

At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

Another fan commented: "Although the final score was slightly unfavorable, the overall performance was encouraging. The Chinese team showed the spirit of unity and cooperation on the field, and although they lost the game, they won the respect and applause of the audience. ”

Among the basketball fans, some fans who are keen on technical analysis began to delve into the tactics of the game: "I think the Chinese team did a good job on the defensive end, controlling the opponent's offensive tempo, but lacking some creativity on the offensive end, missing some opportunities for fast breaks and outside shots. ”

Some netizens paid attention to the performance of the young players: "Liu Yutong and Zhang Ziyu showed excellent form after they came on the court, especially Liu Yutong's quick counterattack and Zhang Ziyu's outside shooter ability, which brought new vitality and changes to the team. ”

However, some fans questioned the coach's tactical arrangement: "I think the coach can be more flexible in terms of substitutions, sometimes the timing and choice of substitutions are not the most appropriate. ”

Last night's showdown will be a contest of skill and will, and the Chinese women's basketball team will go all out without regrets. The enthusiasm and support of the fans is their strongest backing, let us look forward to this wonderful game, and hope that the Chinese women's basketball team can achieve better results and win glory for the motherland!

At 6 o'clock in the evening, CCTV5+ live broadcast, Chinese women's basketball PK Xibaya, Yao Ming watched the game, Zheng Wei showdown!

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