
Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!

author:Anshun Economic Development Zone released

This June marks the 14th National Anti-Drug Awareness Month

Theme "Preventing Drug Abuse among Adolescents"

"Do you know what 'hemp essence medicine' is?"

"What are the dangers of abusing 'narcotic drugs'?"

"How to correctly view the 'hemp essence drug'?"

Let's follow the pace

Take to the streets

Take a test for young friends

Let's see how everyone's "anti-drug knowledge reserves" are

Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!

There is a saying that is often heard in the pharmaceutical world

There is often only a difference between the dosage of drugs and poisons

Hemp essence drugs actually have

The dual nature of drugs and drugs

When used properly, it is "medicine"

It can cure the sick and save people

Abuse for non-medical purposes is "poison"

Not only can it be harmful to human health

Formation habit

It will also affect the stability of public order and order

Is hemp medicine a "medicine" or a "poison"?

Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!

Hemp is the abbreviation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

Narcotic drugs

Narcotic drugs are the abbreviation of narcotic analgesics, which refer to addictive chemicals that produce anesthetic effects, have dependence potential, and are easily caused by abuse or irrational use of psychological or physical dependence.

Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!
Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!

Psychotropic drugs

Psychotropic drugs are chemicals that act directly on the central nervous system, excite or inhibit them, and irrational and continuous use can lead to psychological or physical dependence.

Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!
Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!

Hemp essence drugs belong to controlled drugs, that is, special drugs produced and used under the control of the state. The difference between drugs and narcotic drugs is that drugs are narcotic drugs that are used illegally or abused.

According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China and the Anti-Narcotics Law of the People's Republic of China, narcotics refer to opium, heroin, methamphetamine (ice), morphine, marijuana, cocaine, and other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that can cause addiction under the control of the state.

Mainland law adopts a general and enumerated approach to the definition of drugs, including 123 narcotic drugs, 162 psychotropic substances and 174 non-medical narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances listed in the Catalogue of Narcotic Drugs, the Catalogue of Psychotropic Substances and the Supplementary Catalogue of Non-medical Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, as well as the entire category of fentanyl substances and synthetic cannabinoids.

Teenagers should always be vigilant and preventive, and resolutely say "no" to the abuse of "narcotic drugs"!

So how do you prevent it?

Adolescents have special psychological characteristics such as being adventurous, curious, weak, unable to resist temptation, and easily influenced by peers.

Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!


Conscientiously study anti-narcotics knowledge, understand what "narcotic drugs" are, learn to recognize false propaganda such as "refreshing", "weight loss", "no troubles", "no poison", etc., and build a strong ideological line of defense.


When purchasing drugs from formal channels, the doctor must strictly follow the doctor's instructions in the process of treatment, and must not abuse or mix them privately to avoid dependence and drug harm.


If you use "numbing drugs" and cause excitement, insomnia, anxiety, strong psychological cravings and compulsive drug-seeking behaviors after stopping the drug, please seek medical attention in time.

Wary! These things are medicine in moderation, and abuse is poison!

Remind everyone

Especially teenagers

Be sure to be under the guidance of a doctor

Scientific, safe and reasonable use of anesthetic drugs

Don't let the "medicine" that cures the disease become the "poison" that harms people


It is necessary to manage your own legal medication information

Prevent to criminals

Take advantage of the opportunity

Source: Rights and Interests Department of the Provincial Youth League Committee