
Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?

author:Anshun Economic Development Zone released

What is garbage sorting

Garbage classification is a reform of the traditional way of garbage collection and disposal, and a scientific management method for effective garbage disposal. Through classified delivery, classified collection, classified transportation, and classified disposal, useful materials are separated from garbage for recycled and utilized, turning waste into treasure.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?
Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?

Why garbage sorting

Garbage classification is the basis for the operation of garbage terminal treatment facilities, and the implementation of domestic waste classification can effectively improve the urban and rural environment and promote resource recycling. Domestic waste sorting has the following benefits:

1. Reduce floor space.

Garbage classification, remove recyclable, non-degradable substances, reduce the amount of garbage by more than 50%.

2. Reduce environmental pollution.

Recycling can reduce the harm caused by waste batteries that contain toxic substances such as metal mercury, which pose a serious threat to humans, and waste plastics that enter the soil can lead to reduced crop yields.

3. Turn trash into treasure.

1 ton of waste plastic can be used to recycle 600 kg of unleaded gasoline and diesel. Recycling 1,500 tonnes of waste paper avoids the felling of trees used to produce 1,200 tonnes of paper. As a result, garbage recycling is both environmentally friendly and resource-saving.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?
Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?

Standards for garbage sorting

Domestic garbage is generally classified according to recyclable garbage, hazardous garbage, kitchen waste, and other garbage.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?


Recyclable garbage

Recyclable garbage is a renewable resource, which refers to the waste that is not polluted and suitable for recycling and recycling, mainly including waste electronic products, waste paper, waste plastics, waste glass, scrap metal, etc., which is the main work of domestic waste classification at this stage and an important factor affecting the reduction of garbage.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?


Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste refers to the substances in domestic garbage that cause direct or potential harm to human health or the natural environment, which must be collected, transported, and stored separately, and specially safely disposed of by professional institutions recognized by the environmental protection department.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?


Food waste

The food waste generated by public institutions is mainly leftovers and leftovers in the canteen, vegetable leaves, meat, fish and shrimp waste parts, and eggshells generated in the cooking process. Paper towels, toothpicks, etc. are not biodegradable and need to be put separately from food waste.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?


Other garbage

The harm is small, but there is no reuse value, such as construction waste, domestic garbage, etc., generally using landfill, incineration, sanitary decomposition and other methods, and some can also use biological solutions, such as earthworms. It is a kind of garbage left over from recyclable garbage, kitchen waste, and hazardous garbage.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?
Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?

Precautions when sorting garbage

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?
Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?

Garbage sorting, we advocate

1. Participate in domestic waste classification activities and be a pioneer in garbage classification.

Starting from me, starting from the family, actively participate in the classification of domestic waste, consciously divide the domestic garbage generated at home into four categories: "hazardous garbage, recyclable garbage, kitchen waste, and other garbage", and bag them separately and accurately put them into the classified garbage cans set up in the community and other public places.

2. Actively promote the concept of domestic waste classification and be a propagandist of garbage classification.

Promote the concept of "green, environmental protection, recycling, and low carbon", take the initiative to participate in the domestic waste classification action, and drive the family, neighbors, and friends around to participate together, forming a good atmosphere of "everyone is responsible for garbage classification, and everyone purifies their homes".

3. Take the initiative to remind the non-standard behaviors of the surrounding people and be the supervisor of garbage classification.

In daily life, we should not only do a good job in the classification of domestic waste, but also be a good supervisor, and find that the behavior of not according to the provisions of the classification of domestic waste, should take the initiative to inform the correct domestic waste classification method in a timely manner.

Garbage classification, start from me! Garbage classification tips, have you gotten it?