
Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

author:Shandong Business Daily Super Leopard News

On the morning of June 23rd, the Jinan Alumni Mountaineering Activity and the 3rd Jinan Red Mountaineering Festival Qianfoshan Station started in the Qianfoshan Scenic Area, and hundreds of "Quancheng alumni" went around the Huanshan Road to recall the youth memories of their "alma mater" and climb the common mountain in their hearts in Jinan.

Shandong Business Daily Super Leopard News Network reporter Li Weiqiang

Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

The organic combination of "climbing the red mountain" and "recruiting talents".

"Do you remember? On the playground by the spring, we look together, poetry and distance; How can I forget, when I was a classmate on the shore of Minghu, the photos in my hands have been yellowed, and the memories of youth are flowing......"

The melody of the song "Do You Remember" sounded in the song of Quancheng alumni, and the huge LOGO of "Quancheng Alumni" was born.

As a national fitness brand event in Jinan, the Red Mountaineering Festival has been held for three consecutive years, and a total of more than 10,000 citizens have climbed the peaks of the red gene in this activity to absorb the strength of continuous progress. In this year's Red Mountaineering Festival, Jinan combined "climbing the Red Mountain" with "recruiting talents" for the first time, which further continued the red blood and continued to polish the new business card of Jinan, which also added a strong touch to the talent work.

Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

In recent years, the city's valuing, loving, and cherishing talents has long been seen-

In June 2022, Jinan systematically sorted out, optimized and integrated the talent policy, and issued the "Double 30 Articles" of the talent policy.

In April 2023, Jinan will successively send policy "gift packages" to young talents across the country: 30 days of free bus and subway travel; Free access to the three major attractions; Job hunting accommodation is free for 7 days, and you can enjoy a 20% discount on room rates when you play......

In December 2023, Jinan re-innovated, optimized, and improved the "Double 30 Articles" of the talent policy, forming the "Double 30 Articles" (2024 Edition) of the talent policy, which was praised by all walks of life and talents.

Each measure and activity contains Jinan's respect and desire for talents, and the achievements behind the efforts are naturally obvious to all. In 2023, Jinan will add more than 160,000 new young talents, and the total number of talent resources will exceed 2.78 million, and it will be awarded the honorary title of "China's Best Talent Introduction City of the Year" for two consecutive years.

Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

This "alumni association" is really not ordinary

The "graduates" returned to their "alma mater", and the form of activities was not limited to mountaineering.

On June 12, the opening ceremony of the second "Haiyou Talent Festival" and the Jinan Alumni Economic Innovation and Development Conference were held, and the "Jinan Talent Development Blue Book (2024)" was released on the spot, and the Jinan Alumni Economic Development Promotion Association, Quancheng Alumni Home, and Quancheng Alumni Association were unveiled, and the outstanding alumni were awarded the letter of appointment of Jinan's "Alumni Double Recruitment and Double Introduction Ambassador", the alumni economic project was signed, and the "Jinan Alumni Economy 20 Articles" was issued. A total of 269 talent activities, including 30 alumni economic activities, were also launched.

At the "Jinan Alumni Economic Work Symposium" held on the same day, the heads of alumni work departments from Shandong University, Wuhan University, Xiamen University, Lanzhou University and other universities shared their respective schools' experience and practices in promoting alumni economic development around the "Successful Experience of Alumni Economic Development and Alumni Cooperation", which provided valuable reference for the development of Jinan's alumni economy.

Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

The term "alumni economy" was proposed by the famous scholar Lu Shijie in 1997, which refers to the economic activities that bring objective benefits to the alma mater, alumni and society through the exchange of material, cultural and talent between the alma mater and alumni, alumni and alumni, alumni and society, and between the alma mater and the society.

A story from the 2nd Quancheng University Student Mini Marathon and the 2024 College 100-Mile Relay (Jinan Station) held not long ago may be the most simple interpretation of the "alumni economy" - according to media reports, Xue Lijun, head of the investment and financing department of Jinan Zhongcai Investment Group Co., Ltd., came to participate in this event with the alumni association of Chinese Renmin University in Shandong Province, and she just returned to Jinan from Beijing at the end of last year. "The alumni circle is a window to help me get to know Jinan better, and not only that, high-quality alumni have become an important channel for me to expand my network resources. This time, the high-quality event guarantee made me feel the enthusiasm and determination of Jinan to hold the event well, and also let me see a more casual and livable Jinan. ”

Alumni are the precious wealth and resources of any school, and the alumni resources of all schools in a city are further integrated into the "Quancheng Alumni Association", and the alumni economic development promotion association and other platforms are built, and a series of measures of Jinan to develop the "alumni economy" not only promote the deep integration of industry, university and research, but also effectively promote the transformation and application of innovative achievements, and inject a strong talent driving force into the regional economic and social development.

Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

The common mountain in the hearts of "Quancheng alumni" is destined to be evergreen

Everyone is climbing the mountain in their hearts, and for the "Quancheng alumni", the "alma mater" Jinan is the common mountain in their hearts.

said that Jinan is the common mountain in the hearts of "Quancheng alumni" because she loves "Xinxin students" deeply and forever-

Dynamically optimize and adjust the talent policy "Double 30", improve the support policies for top talents and industry leading talents, and the actual needs of talents are what I do; Resolutely break the "only papers, only professional titles, only academic qualifications, only awards", highlight the ability and performance, and take the lead in the country to introduce the classification and identification method for high-level talents in the fields of new employment and philosophy, society, culture and sports; Ten measures to support the development of talent enterprises have been launched, the first phase of a talent fund with a scale of 300 million yuan has been established, more than 180 "talent loans" have been recorded, and the insured amount of "talent insurance" has reached more than 25 billion yuan; The New Kinetic Energy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition has been held for 6 consecutive years, with a total of more than 500 projects landed, more than 3,000 high-level talents introduced, and free funding, direct equity investment and co-investment support for talent teams......

Taking the just-released "Jinan Talent Development Blue Book (2024)" as an example, Jinan once again showed its unique charm of "Quancheng City", once-in-a-lifetime development opportunities and excellent ecology to talents from all over the world, including "Quancheng alumni", with real policy support and meticulous sincere investment.

When the "alma mater" of the grass and spring are superimposed on the spring of the "students", the common mountain in the hearts of the "Quancheng alumni" is destined to be evergreen.

Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?
Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?
Why is the city's "alumni complex" as high as a mountain and as long as a water?

Jiang Zhixian, editor of Shandong Business Daily and Super Leopard News Network