
Hope and Distance|The Eighteenth Wanderer Embarks on the Road Home

author:The ice and rain were hazy
Hope and Distance|The Eighteenth Wanderer Embarks on the Road Home

The rain is murmuring outside the curtain, and the spring is beautiful. Luo Ji is not tolerant of the five colds. In my dream, I didn't know that I was a guest, and I was greedy for joy. Alone without relying on the column, infinite rivers and mountains, it is easy to see when it is difficult to see. Flowing water and flowers go in spring, heaven and earth. - Li Yu

The road to my hometown is far away. One end is the thriving yellow earth, and the other end is connected with the wanderer's homesick heart.

The road to my hometown is rough. One is the vicissitudes of life, but the other carries infinite hope in the distance.

The road to my hometown is deep. On the one hand, there are tearful old parents looking forward to the return of their children, and on the other hand, they are good men who protect their families and defend the country.

Spring goes to autumn, and the four seasons are reincarnated. The grapes in Muzar town are green and ripe, the cotton is yellow and white, the jujube trees are green and red, and before you know it, Queenie has been in the army for six years.

In the spring season of the previous year, when Queenie received a letter from Ayi inviting him to attend the wedding, the time had been missed for more than half a month, which became the eternal regret and pain in Queenie's heart, let's not talk about it.

There is Canglong Mountain entrenched in the south of Muzar Town, and there is Wohu Mountain in the north to confront each other. The villagers in the mountains of the north and south have scarce land, poor income, and extremely difficult life, coupled with natural disasters such as drought, rain, landslides, and mudslides, which have even caused sudden mass casualties many times.

In order to make a living, the residents of the mountainous areas breed and graze a large number of people, and often cut down trees, which not only destroys the natural ecological environment, but also destroys a large area of primitive forests, which has a major impact on the society and causes certain economic losses.

Soldiers and forest rangers patrolling day and night have repeatedly banned them, and even if they catch illegal people who steal trees, they will be fined and detained. However, these people do not have the financial ability to pay the fines, and they still have to support their families, and the detention, which has led to the deterioration of the relationship between the military and the people, and between the police and the people, is indeed worrying.

The government and the XPCC have raised funds and donated money and materials to these residents, implemented many assistance policies, and invested a lot of assistance funds, but they have only stopped the car with a mantis arm and are a drop in the bucket, treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

According to the actual living conditions of the residents in the ravine, the government departments have sent special personnel to conduct on-the-spot inspections several times, held several special meetings, pooled wisdom, studied carefully, and considered carefully, and finally made a scientific decision on relocation, centralized resettlement, and transformation and development.

With the support of the local government, the construction corps put a large number of soldiers into the construction of Muzar Town, of which the Quini Company, as the "steel company", charged at the forefront of the construction.

With the intensification of aid to Xinjiang, Canglong Mountain in the south mountain of Muzar Town has been built into a tourist attraction by the military and civilians.

Surrounded by mountains, the thousand-year-old pines are heroic, lush, and stand proudly; The solitary peak protrudes, the mosque towers over the top of the hill, the colors and moods are quaint, and the architecture and decoration are magnificent; The mountains and rivers flow, the waterfalls between the mountains and ravines are suspected to be the Milky Way, the flying stream goes straight down, the Canglong Mountain resort, the water curtain cave cave.

Condescendingly, the mountain road is rugged and steep, twisting and turning, and the nine curves are like a long dragon winding and circling.

The mountain road, the tourists are intertwined, the tour guide is brave to take the lead, waving the flag and shouting, the young people are energetic and follow closely, and the old people are panting, holding crutches, taking a short rest.

Load-bearing vendors, sweating profusely, ornaments, jade, memorials; Grilled naan, drinks, lamb skewers, all available, shouting one after another.

Canglong Mountain Scenic Area attracts thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists, who work tirelessly and come from afar to visit the mountains for sightseeing and summer vacation, and go to the mosque to worship in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The scenic spot carries the fine cultural traditions of the nation, promotes sustainable economic development, activates the emergence of individual economies, creates broad employment space, and quadruples local fiscal revenue.

We should change our concepts and grasp reform, adjust our structure to promote development, and seize opportunities to engage in construction. The municipal government and the construction corps are still planning to expand the second and third phases to create a richer tourism environment for tourists.

A series of scientific measures taken by the government have opened up a new situation in which villagers start their own businesses, make a fortune, actively find employment, and have stable incomes.

Wohu Mountain in the north mountain of Muzar Town has been included in the government's tourism construction project, and the construction corps and the local government are making close preparations and making steady progress.

The relocation of migrants, the withdrawal of villages and the merger of towns, are in full swing. The first batch of 800 resettlement houses was completed ahead of schedule in only three months, and the remaining 800 resettlement houses were put into construction after the government's planning and approval was completed.

With the active cooperation of the local government, Quinny's company led its soldiers into the mountains, village after village, from house to house, tirelessly mobilizing the villagers to prepare for the relocation.

Most of the villagers in the mountains have inherited the industries of their ancestors, and have lived in the mountain villages from generation to generation, with deep hometown affection, difficult to leave their homeland, and conservative thinking, sticking to their ancestral industry, and willing to be poor, but they do not recognize the government's relocation policy and have a resolute attitude.

The soldiers of the Quini Company and the working group sent by the government printed out the policy of relocation, the economic compensation policy for the relocation of migrants, the relocation of villages and towns, the job placement of those who are able to work, including the plan for the establishment of Muzar Town as a town and county, and the plan for facilities where the per capita economic income will continue to increase in the future.

Young people understand the government's love for the people and see a bright future; The elderly have experienced the deep affection of the military and the people, and have seen the beautiful hope in the distance, and what they have received is the deep concern of the party and the government for the people.

So one person took the lead, and hundreds of people responded, and the villagers in the mountainous areas began to sell their sheep one after another, return farmland to forests, restore grasslands, and wait for migrants to relocate.

Don't recognize the talent of the prince's ceremony, and build gold and old Yantai. The ground is even the east pavilion to buy the horizontal head, and the door is open to the front of the west garden. Do not separate the red dust from the halberd, only drag the beads to the honor. It should be a bright moon and a frosty night, and the idle sheng song banquet is here. - Qi Ji

There are many opportunities to return to his hometown to visit relatives, but Queenie is busy with the training of the company, the construction of the frontier, an inch of Dan is trying to serve the country, two lines of tears for missing relatives, the blood is thicker than water, and the thoughts that are thicker than water will pass away in a hurry with time.

Six years have passed in a flash, and most of the soldiers of Queenie's company, after the expiration of their service period, are all high-spirited, passionate, full of hope, tears in the barracks, transferred to distant places, actively go to work, and full of ambition to serve the country.

Summer goes to autumn, cicadas stop singing, and frogs start. The autumn breeze is cool, the melons and fruits are fragrant, and the harvest is in sight. The field of hope is full of busy farmers, and it is another bumper harvest year!

In another year's conscription season, in order to let Queenie return to his hometown and visit relatives thousands of miles, the superiors ordered Queenie and the director of the political department of the battalion to take two military vehicles from the automobile company to the Seattle area to meet the recruits.

Soldiers regard obedience to orders as their duty, orders are tasks, and tasks must be strictly implemented and satisfactorily accomplished.

After receiving the order, Queenie arranged the work of the company, and asked the instructor to temporarily take charge of all the work of the company's training, patrol, construction, etc., and immediately ask for instructions and report to the superior if there was any major matter.

The director of the political department of the battalion, four platoon commanders from each company, took Queenie, got into a military vehicle, and galloped towards the Seattle area.

In the mountain village in autumn, the grapes are ripe, the melons and fruits are fragrant, the cotton is white, the dates are red, the children are fat, and the horses are strong. In the fields, smiles are on the cheeks, sweat is soaked through the clothes, the song is graceful in the mountains, and the laughter is spread far away.

Hope and Distance|The Eighteenth Wanderer Embarks on the Road Home

People from their hometown - pro; The soil of the hometown - poor; Autumn in the hometown - fragrant. A handful of sweat, a grain of harvest; A glimmer of expectation, a glimmer of hope. The dew is white from tonight, the moon is the hometown of Ming, the book is not long, and the wanderer is happy to return home!

With the help of the XPCC and the local government, Queenie's small mountain village has undergone earth-shaking changes. Let's see:

Houses, green house tiled houses in rows and patches; The road, the cement road at the entrance is wide and flat, staggered and horizontal; The street lamps are like the bright stars of Si'er, illuminating the door of the wanderer's home; Tap water, clear and transparent, sweet and delicious, a pipe leads directly to the stove at home; The TV tower, standing upright on the top of the mountain, radiates thousands of households, the signal is enhanced, and black and white TV is basically popularized; Communications, the Corps communications corps began to build wireless telephone base stations, and the village committee will soon install telephones; transportation, the opening of rural passenger transport, there are two direct buses to Seattle; medical care, a medical service station in the village has been set up, staffed by two professional medical personnel......

The road of reform and opening up is difficult, and the glory is more prehistoric. The economy is taking off, the country is prosperous, and the people's livelihood is guaranteed to be happy in the world. It is easy to survey the sky and the moon, and it is easy to catch turtles in the sea. I like the group to be inspired, and the new era is painted. - Anonymous

The road traffic in the territory is three vertical and five horizontal, some of which are all connected, and some are still being built day and night. Queenie's military vehicle, day and night, arrived at the Seattle Military Division in just two days.

Early in the morning of the third day, Quini and the director of the political department of the battalion went their separate ways, took only one squad leader, got on the bus to Muzar Town, and sent a military vehicle to pick up the recruits after they were assembled.

At noon, the armed forces department of Muzar Town, Quini carefully conveyed the requirements of the superiors for the conscription work, asked the armed forces minister to cooperate with the squad leader of the conscription, and for the recruits who joined the army, the political examination must be meticulous, the physical examination must be strict, and the checks must be carried out at all levels, and the "three publics" principle of fairness, justice and openness must be adhered to.

Queenie declined the Armed Forces' desire to send him home, got into a country bus, and hurried home.

New countryside, new look, fresh earthy smell! Queenie was dressed in a military uniform, with a vigorous posture, majestic and dusty, and the villagers barely recognized him.

Queenie came to the door of his brand-new courtyard, tears of excitement flowed down, raised his slightly trembling hand, and gently knocked on the door that he had been waiting for for a long time.

The one who opened the door was Grandma, her hands were stained with grape juice, her face was old, her white hair hung down her temples, she was still kind in the vicissitudes of life, and she smiled calmly between her white hair.

Grandma looked at Queenie carefully, strong, handsome and burly, and was speechless with tears in her eyes. In an instant, Grandma wiped her hands left and right on her clothes, pulled Queenie over, and put her head in her son's broad arms, choking and sobbing, unable to cry for a while.

When Abba heard the news, he stopped what he was doing in the vineyard and hurried to the yard, watching the mother and son hug each other and cry, turning his back on his gray-haired head, and secretly wiping away his tears.

Everything was new in Queenie's house, and there was a large seventeen-inch black and white TV. Because Abba and Grandma were old, nearly 60 years old, and the family was too busy with work, they joined the vineyard to the cooperative, which was only responsible for planting and harvesting, and the cooperative society sent a car to pull the transportation.

The family's flock of sheep has been halved, and it is still grazed by my grandmother, who goes out in the morning and comes back in the afternoon, and still has to cultivate the crops in the field.

Sit for a while, I can't finish my lovesickness, and I can't cry tears. Grandma was anxious to cook a farmhouse meal for Queenie, and Abba told Queenie to rest for a while, and then went to the vineyard himself, because tomorrow the cooperative would take away a batch of grapes with the best grain and color.

Queenie changed into clothes and wanted to go to work in the vineyard, but was pulled by her grandmother, and her stomach was full of endless words, and she complained to her son.

This night, the night was quiet and the moon was bright, and the bright moonlight was sprinkled all over the village, especially the courtyard of Queenie's house, through the glass, scattered the family affection of reunion after a long absence, and the family cried until dawn.

Hope and Distance|The Eighteenth Wanderer Embarks on the Road Home

Life is not seen, and it is like a participant. Tonight and night, a total of this lamp candlelight. When the young can be strong, the sideburns are already gray. The Lord said that the meeting was difficult, and it was tiring in one fell swoop. Shizhen is not drunk, and the feeling is deliberately long. Tomorrow across the mountains, the world is vast. - Du Fu (excerpt)

On an early autumn morning, it was unusually early in the morning, and Grandma, who had not slept all night, got up early and lit the stove where Queenie made breakfast. Queenie struggled to convince Grandma, and in Grandma's feigned anger, she followed Abba to the vineyard early.

Not long after, the sound of a motorcycle came from outside the door, followed by the voice of Sister Gulina.

It turned out that Sister Ah knew that the cooperative was coming to haul the grapes, and she took Erken's motorcycle and made a special trip to help early.

Sister Ah and Erken took Queenie's strong and powerful hand, and looked at Lu Yu's brother who almost didn't dare to recognize each other, and sobbed again, crying silently.

Queenie is sincerely grateful for the filial piety of Sister A and Erken, and has been in the army for thousands of miles for six years, and he is deeply ashamed of his parents and his family.

With the help of Sister Ah and Erken, in the middle of the morning, the cooperative drove a light truck to haul away a batch of the best grapes, which are expected to be hauled in two days.

Queenie watched the van go away, hurried home to bring the ethnic snacks made by Grandma, and hurried to visit Ayi and Rena's house.

Both Ayi and Rena are busy with work and are not at home. The father and mother of the two families were overjoyed when they looked at the handsome and burly Queenie. The Queenie in front of him, things are not people, and now is not what it used to be, I really dare not recognize each other, of course, I can't wait to greet him warmly, and deliberately leave Queenie for lunch.

Queenie sincerely explained the reason, said goodbye to the hospitality of Ayi and Rena's family, and hurried back home to have lunch with the family after a long absence.

When the villagers heard that Queenie had returned with honor, they put down their busy farm work and came to visit with the fresh and earthy local products of their hometown.

Queenie bowed one by one, saluted each other, thanked the invitation to be a guest at home, strong hometown affection, deep nurturing grace, a warm current in the heart of the stirring, the heart of gratitude to fly in the distance of thousands of miles of army!

In the blink of an eye, the sunset rose, and Sister Ah had already prepared dinner. Queenie, Grandma, Abba, and Elken, exhausted, walked out of the vineyard and the family gathered for dinner.

It was Queenie's second dinner home, and the last dinner before leaving.

This dinner, the whole family ate very fragrant and melancholy, but no one wanted to mention it.

The laughter of the family came out of the window, but in the mirror-like moonlight, they sprinkled a parting feeling.

Queenie has a tight schedule and a heavy task, so he can only stay for two days. At night, Queenie accompanied her aunt and sister and slept on the comfortable clay kang at home.

Grandma held Queenie's hand tightly, and gave thousands of instructions, touching her head for a while, pulling the quilt for a while, and crying in a low voice.

Sister comforted her grandmother while telling Jean Queenie to pay attention to her body, not to worry about things at home, to return to the team as soon as possible, to achieve her own hopes, to realize her ideals, tears accompanied by instructions, quietly, dawn.

As soon as it was dawn, Quinny boarded the first bus to the town of Muzar.

A slight autumn breeze blows away the confused mist and scatters dew all over the ground.

The car started, Grandma and Sister hugged each other and cried, and Erken kept persuading her.

At the turn of the car, Queenie was in the fog and saw Abba wiping his tears, lighting the old dry tobacco pot, and spitting out a thick puff of smoke that drifted away with the wind.

Unexpectedly, this parting, Abba became Queenie's last farewell.

The husband is not without tears, and he does not shed parting. The cane and sword are against the wine, and the shame is the face of the wanderer. As soon as the pit viper stung his hand, the strong man untied his wrist. The ambition is fame, and what a sigh to part. - "Farewell" • Tortoise Meng

Hope and Distance|The Eighteenth Wanderer Embarks on the Road Home

/ The picture of the work comes from the Internet

/ Original work, excerpt from the novel "Hope and Distance"

The eighteenth time, the wanderer embarks on the road home

/ Without permission, it shall not be reproduced or published, and infringement must be investigated!

/ Stay tuned for the novel "Hope and Distance"

The first time, the naughty boy is troubled and difficult to learn

The second time, the night is quiet, and the peasant woman is busy

The third time, the youth chases the goddess

The fourth time, Sister Feng begged Huang to marry

Chapter 5 Tears to say goodbye to the ancient castle

The sixth time, thousands of miles from the army to aid the frontier

The seventh time, the letter from the end of the world is speechless

The eighth episode of the ruthless peacock flies southeast

Chapter 9 Love is sad on campus

Chapter 10 The wildfire was ruthlessly and seriously injured

Chapter 11: Fly Hope and Go Away

Chapter 12 The Grim Reaper rubs shoulders with each other

Chapter 13 Rumors Cause Trouble

The fourteenth three-foot podium exhibition Kunpeng

The fifteenth golden wind and jade dew tears meet

Chapter 16 Chalk writes spring and autumn without words

Chapter 17 Bravely capture the gangsters and show their might

The eighteenth time, the wanderer embarks on the road home

Chapter 19 The best couple is born into a heart

The twentieth round of construction is like a bamboo