
Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

author:Strategic planning gunner said the market

To what extent have domestic cars been involved? Let me tell you, someone has made a forum with the prefix "China" look like a critique conference!

If you don't believe me, let me tell you about it.

On June 14, 2024, a forum called "China Automotive Blue Book Forum" opened in Beijing. It sounds like a big name, but now the name with the prefix "Zhong" has undergone an earlier rectification, and there should not be much left. However, it is such a small remaining "China" prefix forum, the founder of the forum, Jia Ke, as the chairman of the forum and at the same time as a "guest", delivered a speech entitled "Where are Chinese cars going" at the opening of the forum, which was called "deafening" by his own media "Automobile Business Review", but caused a lot of controversy in the media.

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

According to the media release, one of the key points mentioned by Jia Ke in his speech is "six strange phenomena of China's automobile involution", which are volume cost, volume technology, volume capital, volume user, volume relationship, and volume public opinion, saying that it has led to a blow to China's automobile industry at three levels: product level, service system level, and ecological level.

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

What is volume cost? It is to cut corners, fake and sell fakes; What is roll technology? It is to coax partners and copy technology; What is volume funding? It's about arrears, and tokens are waiting; The volume user is to calm down the incident, even to be coaxed; The volume relationship is to move up and down, left and right. What is the volume of public opinion called? Jia Ke called it confusing the public, and the water army was prevalent.

After listening to the leader's speech for 30 minutes, the strategic planning gunner clearly sensed that something was wrong.

The leader of the organizer is a "guest", which is equivalent to self-directing and self-acting, which is not a big deal, and it is normal in China. What is abnormal is that the 36 guests invited are not from BYD, who claim to take "promoting China's new cars forward" as their mission and launch "authoritative opinions" as the first "China" word? Is it because the people from BYD are too busy to come, or are you not invited at all?

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

BYD Auto's position in today's domestic automobile industry is basically an ironclad fact, right? Regardless of qualification, scale, production capacity, sales, and brand influence, they can all be worthy of this forum, right? Dare to ignore BYD like this, aren't you afraid that the majority of car users will not be able to see it?

People can't help but ask, without BYD's auto forum, can it still be regarded as a China auto forum? Without BYD's Auto Forum, can it still represent the vane of Chinese automobiles? Without BYD's auto forum, how dare it claim to be a cross-border discussion and authoritative opinion?

I'll take a step back and say that BYD is not mentioned in the whole article, so why is it that when you complain about the involution of the industry, you are secretly pointing at BYD? When I say this, I believe that people who know BYD and who have listened to the speech of this Jia leader will definitely not think that I am doing something groundless, right?

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

So, naturally, I have a bigger question, isn't this person having a holiday with BYD?

Sure enough, after relevant searches, some of the mysteries hidden behind this matter seem to be slowly revealed, it turns out that there are so many materials behind Jia Ke!

According to the information on the Internet, in 2016, a taxi driver in Taiyuan died suddenly of illness, and Jia Ke spread rumors that he was electrocuted by BYD electric cars, and then the rumors were reprinted and fermented by a large number of online media. Later, after BYD's legal department strongly intervened, it demanded that "Auto Business Review" bear legal responsibility, and finally forced by the law, Jia Ke's real name Yu Yong publicly apologized.

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

There is a "Xuanyuan Award" in the automotive industry, which was jointly founded by this Jia leader and an Austrian consulting company, and it is also somewhat famous in the industry. But since the inception of this award in 2013, in the past 10 years, the first- and second-tier brands of automobiles that are visible to the naked eye, winners abound, but no award has ever been given to any model of BYD, which is really puzzling! Whether BYD really doesn't deserve the award, or whether it has pulled BYD into the blacklist, I think someone needs to explain.

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

Seeing this, some people may ask, what is the origin of this Jia Ke?

Jia Ke, whose real name is Yu Yong, is a former editor of Southern Weekly and Global Entrepreneur magazines, founded Automotive Business Review in 2006, and in 2020, he founded Xuanyuan University, which claims to be "new car people". In fact, this university is not the university that everyone knows, and it does not have the qualifications for unified enrollment and running schools, so that it has been reported as a "pheasant university".

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

This "China Automobile Blue Book Forum" is operated by the "Automobile Business Review" magazine under its name, and then it has a "World New Automotive Technology Cooperation Ecological Association", which seems to be very famous, but this so-called association, without an official website and no formal introduction documents, has become the organizer of the "World New Automotive Technology Cooperation Ecological Exhibition".

What's even more interesting is that the co-organizer of the "2024 World New Automotive Technology Cooperation Ecological Exhibition" is "Xuanyuan Zhixue", and the organizer is "Shanghai Jia Ke Shuo Education Technology Co., Ltd." - that is to say, a good deck of cards is left and right, in fact, they are all one person.

Jia Ke once reminded media people: "We should be sober that what we are doing is not a business that makes a lot of money." However, according to the information disclosed by Aiqicha, this person, whose real name is Yu Yong, is the legal representative of 6 companies, a shareholder of 11 companies, a holding of 5 companies, an indirect shareholder of 5 companies, and holds senior positions in 7 companies, and the relevant property search is as high as 172.

Selling dog meat on the head of a sheep, China Automobile Blue Book Forum, who do you represent?

This is the unknown Jia Ke, how much reference value does what he said? What is his real purpose? It's worth thinking about.

Pay attention to the strategic planning gunner said the market, increase knowledge and listen to insightful views, and the old irons will meet again!

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