
June 25 stock market internal reference

author:It's all about technology

Tips: Whether a seed can take root and grow into a big tree depends not only on the seed itself. In addition, it is also necessary to look at the objective environment such as soil, light, water source, and animals where the seeds grow. Information is like a seed, whether it can affect the rise of stock prices also depends on the objective environment of the market at that time. Calm, rational and objective analysis and decision-making are very important prerequisites for successful investment and speculation.

1. Investment information

1. Silver consumption ushered in a blockbuster policy The two companies have layouts in related fields

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points for Consumption". Among them, it is proposed to expand the new scenario of silver consumption. Guide e-commerce platforms and large supermarkets to hold silver-themed shopping festivals, and support the establishment of silver-haired consumption zones. Accelerate the transformation of consumption places for the elderly, encourage shopping malls, supermarkets and other places to open special areas or convenient windows for the elderly, and improve the convenience of consumption for the elderly. Improve the promotion catalogue of smart health care products and services, develop smart products such as health management, elderly care and psychological comfort, and improve the supply quality of elderly products in the market.

With the acceleration of the aging population, the silver economy has become a market with huge potential. Relevant data shows that as of September 2023, the number of Internet users among the silver-haired population has reached 325 million, an increase of more than 23 million over 2022, and the proportion of the whole network has increased by 1.3 percentage points. The monthly activity scale of silver-haired users is also

From 302 million in 2022 to 325 million in 2023. With the promotion of favorable policies, the cultivation of new scenarios for silver consumption in mainland China is expected to be accelerated, and the market space for silver economy is expected to be further opened. According to the Research Report on the Development of China's Silver Economy released by the Institute on Aging of Fudan University, the scale of the silver economy will reach 19 trillion yuan in 2035, accounting for 28% of total consumption and 9.6% of GDP.

Among the A-share companies, Xiangyu Medical (688626), Chengyitong (300430) and other companies have layouts in the field of silver consumption.

2. The price increase trend of storage manufacturers has not changed, and the industry as a whole has entered a recovery rhythm

Recently, according to supply chain news, major storage manufacturers announced new official prices for the third quarter of 2024 to consumer end customers. Among them, eMCP, uMCP, eMMC, UFS, DDR, LPDDR embedded memory have increased in price to varying degrees, with the highest increase of 15%. In addition, TrendForce expects the quarterly price increase of DRAM contracts to be 13%-18%, NANDFlash contracts to be 15%-20%, and eMMC/UFS contracts to be about 10% quarterly in the second quarter of 2024.

Analysts believe that the continuous optimization of AI large models and the commercialization of diversified AI application terminals will continue to increase the global demand for computing power, promote the opening of a new round of AI infrastructure construction, and drive the market demand for high-performance Ethernet switches, routers, advanced storage products, GPUs and other semiconductor hardware. The field of traditional consumer electronics is gradually recovering, the original storage inventory is adjusted in place, the price of storage particles has entered the price increase range, and the price of storage spot market is affected by the entry of new terminal products and the advent of the traditional peak season of consumer electronics, and the medium and long-term prices are expected to fluctuate upward.

Among the A-shares, you can pay attention to GigaDevice (603986), BIWIN Storage (688525), etc.

3. The five departments jointly issued a document to carry out a pilot project for the integration of vehicles, roads and clouds

The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points for Consumption". It is mentioned that cities with purchase restrictions are encouraged to relax vehicle purchase restrictions and increase the issuance of car purchase indicators. Through the linkage between the central government and local governments, funds will be arranged to support the scrapping and renewal of old cars that meet the requirements. Encourage qualified localities to support car replacement updates. Expand the scope of the pilot area for the full electrification of vehicles in the public sector. Steadily promote the commercial operation of autonomous driving, and create new scenarios for high-end intelligent driving. Carry out the pilot application of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" for smart vehicles.

In recent years, the development of the intelligent networked automobile industry in mainland China has achieved positive results. By the end of 2023, a total of 17 national-level test demonstration zones, 7 Internet of Vehicles pilot areas, and 16 pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart cities and intelligent networked vehicles will be built across the country. The construction of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" not only brings new business opportunities for smart transportation construction and solution providers, but also helps the national business expansion of transportation information companies. With the pilot implementation of "vehicle-road-cloud integration", the market growth space of the intelligent networked vehicle industry is expected to be broadened. According to the report of CCID Prospective Industry Research Institute, "Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration in the Data-Driven Era" Accelerates the Commercialization Process of Autonomous Driving", the scale of China's intelligent networked vehicle market will be nearly 600 billion yuan in 2022, and it is expected to exceed 5 trillion yuan in 2030, and the market size related to "vehicle-road-cloud integration" will exceed 14 trillion yuan.

A-share related concept stocks Jinlu Electronics (301282), Xiongdi Technology (300546), etc.

4. New breakthroughs have been made in carbon dioxide capture

Recently, the research team of Southern University of Science and Technology has made a new breakthrough in the field of carbon dioxide capture. The researchers propose a novel amine-carrier system that achieves efficient and stable carbon dioxide capture, providing a new option for the design of carbon dioxide capture materials. This unique design not only achieves low regenerative energy, but also exhibits excellent cycling stability, high CO2 adsorption capacity, and fast adsorption kinetics to achieve saturation in 15 minutes at room temperature.

With the intensification of human activities, carbon dioxide emissions have increased dramatically, leading to the intensification of the greenhouse effect and the increasingly serious problem of global warming. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is considered to be the most effective and realistic short-term solution to reduce CO2 emissions. The International Energy Agency predicts that CCUS technology will capture a cumulative 27 billion tonnes of CO2 by 2050. Therefore, it is particularly important to develop new and efficient CO2 capture materials.

A-share related concept stocks mainly include Tongyuan Petroleum (300164), Iceberg Cold and Hot (000530), etc.

5. Only one injection per week Long-acting insulin is approved for marketing

At present, diabetic patients who need insulin therapy usually need at least one injection of insulin every day, more than three meals, and some patients also need oral medication at the same time. According to reports, on June 24, the website of the State Food and Drug Administration showed that Novo Nordisk's long-acting insulin icodec was approved for marketing. iCodec, or enco insulin, is the world's first long-acting insulin formulation that requires only 1 shot per week. As GLP-1 drugs continue to break long-acting records, insulin finally has its first weekly formulation, and the long-term management of diabetes is bound to usher in new changes.

A-share related concept stocks mainly include Tonghua Dongbao (600867), Gan & Lee Pharmaceutical (603087), etc.

6. The first batch of networked satellites of the Thousand Sails constellation will be launched soon, and the development of commercial aerospace will be accelerated

Shanghai Securities News has learned that the launch ceremony of the first batch of networking satellites of the "Thousand Sails Constellation" will be held in Taiyuan on August 5, which means that the Chinese version of "Starlink" is about to shine in the starry sky. At that time, Gesi Aerospace will stage a grand scene of "one arrow and 18 stars", that is, all 18 stars will be handed over to the rocket party, and the rocket party will bring them into space together. The Thousand Sails Constellation Project is the "G60 Starlink" plan. According to the plan, the first phase will complete the launch of 1,296 satellites, and in the future, more than 14,000 low-orbit broadband multimedia satellites will be built.

Orient Securities Research Institute believes that in 2023, China's commercial aerospace will usher in a real first year, the industrial chain will begin to mature, the infrastructure will become more and more perfect, and the demand will gradually become clear. In 2024, commercial aerospace will be written into the government work report for the first time, and the subsequent GW constellation and G60 starlink are expected to gradually enter the bidding period and intensive launch period, and the satellite industry chain will officially usher in a period of development opportunities. Satellite manufacturing and satellite launch in the upstream space segment are the first to benefit, followed by network construction equipment and application terminals in the ground segment. Pay attention to the core suppliers of all links of the industrial chain.

Guobo Electronics (688375) is the largest R&D and production platform for T/R components in China in addition to the internal supporting of the whole machine user, and the developed multiple active phased array T/R components have gradually entered finalized batch production;

Shanghai Hanxun (300762) won the bid to be shortlisted for the development of the first phase of the satellite communication payload product of the low-orbit satellite constellation, and the payload is expected to be put into production in 2024 and delivered to the satellite.

7. The price of vitamin D3 rose by 11% in a single day, and the industry is expected to get out of the trough

Baichuan Yingfu data shows that on June 24, the average market price of vitamin D3 was 78 yuan/kg, up 11.43% from the 21st and 41.82% from the previous month. At present, the mainstream manufacturers are still in a state of suspension of signing and reporting, and the mainstream order price in the dealer market has risen to about 75 yuan-80 yuan/kg, and the supply is difficult to find. In the later stage, the manufacturer's quotation is bullish, and the dealer market is expected to adjust accordingly.

Zheshang Securities Research Institute believes that vitamin prices have been sluggish for a long time in the past two years, and the profitability of industry leaders has been under great pressure, and some companies have suffered losses. At present, breeding profits are expected to rebound, which will drive the demand for vitamins and be optimistic about the subsequent rise in vitamin prices.

Garden Biology (300401) It has a whole industrial chain layout of lanolin NF grade cholesterol-VD3/25-hydroxyVD3;

NHU (002001) is a leading enterprise in the vitamin industry, with its own key intermediates such as citral and linalool, and synergies with the product industry chain such as flavors and fragrances and new materials IPDA.

2. Company information

1. Yutai Micro: The company's automotive Ethernet physical layer chip has entered the construction system of vehicle-road cloud

Yutai Micro (688515) said in an institutional survey that at present, the company's automotive Ethernet physical layer chip has entered the construction system of vehicle road cloud, and related products have also been more applied to intelligent cockpits and other related fields. In 2023, many car manufacturers will upgrade the vehicle architecture, and the requirements for intelligence and automation of the whole vehicle will become higher and higher, which will further improve the demand and volume of automotive Ethernet chips. In addition, in 2023, the company will continue to explore overseas markets, enter the main supply chains of many countries in one year, and overseas operating income will exceed the 10 million water mark. The overseas market has huge business opportunities, and it is expected that the company's overseas markets will usher in greater revenue breakthroughs in 2024.

2. Beijing Junzheng: The company's intelligent chip products meet the market's needs for AI performance at different levels

Beijing Junzheng (300223) said in an institutional survey that AI is now a strong demand, the company's self-developed AI computing engine processing capacity has been continuously enhanced, AI algorithm technology has been continuously enriched, and the company has launched chip products with different degrees of intelligence according to the target market, which well meets the market's needs for different levels of AI performance. At present, the company is relatively leading in this market. The company's current analog and interconnection product line includes various LED drivers, DC/DC, GreenPHY, as well as, LIN, CAN and other chip products. In terms of mergers and acquisitions, if there is a suitable opportunity, it will be considered.

3. Company announcement

Green Energy Wisdom Charge (600212) intends to increase the capital of Jiaxing Zhongchuang Aviation Technology Co., Ltd. with its own funds of 62.7 million yuan and acquire part of the equity held by its shareholders, after the completion of the transaction, the company will hold 57% of the equity of Zhongchuang Aviation and become its controlling shareholder. The team of Zhongchuang Airlines has more than 10 years of experience in the research and development of UAV flight control systems, and has technologies such as large-load UAV flight platforms, avionics systems, flight control systems and unmanned transformation of manned aircraft.

LongShine Group (300682) intends to repurchase shares with 100 million to 200 million yuan for cancellation and reduction of the company's registered capital, and the repurchase price will not exceed 14 yuan per share.

Hefeng shares (603609) intends to repurchase shares with 150 million yuan to 300 million yuan to maintain the company's value and shareholders' equity, and the repurchase price does not exceed 10 yuan per share.

Shangpin Home Delivery (300616) intends to repurchase shares for 25 million yuan to 50 million yuan to maintain the company's value and shareholders' equity, and the repurchase price does not exceed 20 yuan per share.

Jinhong Gases (688106) The actual controller Jin Xianghua and Zhu Genlin, the concerted actors of Jinhe Jianping, plan to increase their holdings of the company's shares, with a total increase of 8 million yuan to 15 million yuan.

Canaan Technology (300412) Fang Hengzhi, the actual controller, plans to increase his holdings of the company's shares through centralized bidding within 6 months, and the number of additional shares will not be less than 1 million shares.

Changhai Co., Ltd. (300196) Director Shao Jun plans to increase his holdings of the company's shares with his own funds within 6 months from the date of disclosure of this announcement, and the number of shares to be increased shall not be less than 5 and more than 60,000 shares. At present, Shao Jun holds about 1.146 million shares of the company, accounting for 0.28% of the total share capital.

Hanyu Pharmaceuticals (300199) has received provisional approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that the Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for liraglutide injection, jointly filed with the FDA by the Company and HikmaPharmaceuticals USA, Inc., has been provisionally approved. Hanyu Pharmaceutical is the earliest peptide company in China to deploy GLP-1 drugs such as liraglutide, semaglutide, and tirpatide.

Founder Securities (601901) intends to transfer 49% of its equity interest in Credit Suisse Securities (China) Co., Ltd., a shareholding company, to Beijing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. for a consideration of RMB 885 million. According to preliminary estimates, if the equity transfer is delivered before December 31, 2024, it will increase the company's net profit for the year by about 273 million yuan.

Anhui Construction Engineering (600502) and its subsidiaries won the bid for the S20 Changfeng-Gushi Expressway Huoqiu-Anhui-Henan boundary section project, with a winning bid price of 9.018 billion yuan, and the project construction content is investment, construction, operation management, maintenance and repair. The construction period is 1080 calendar days, and the charging period is 30 years.

Kaizhong Precision (002823) is expected to make a net profit of 70 million yuan to 90 million yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 1068%-1402%. With the development of new energy vehicle three-electric integration, high voltage, lightweight, as well as autonomous driving, vehicle-road-cloud collaboration technology, the market demand for high-tech precision embedded components is growing rapidly, the company's new energy precision connectors and other products have strong demand for orders, fixed-point projects have entered an intensive delivery period after mass production, and sales revenue has grown rapidly.

iFLYTEK (002230) will hold a press conference on June 27 for the upgrade of the iFLYTEK Spark large model. In addition, iFLYTEK won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award for the project "Key Technology and Industrialization of Multilingual Intelligent Speech" as the first completion unit.

Wanma Technology (300698) subsidiary plans to invest in the construction of autonomous driving cloud service construction project.

Zheng Hongmeng, chairman of the Industrial Fortune Union (601138): 800G high-speed switches are starting to be mass-produced; The next-generation AI server GB200 is expected to be launched this year.

Shandong Weida (002026) said on the interactive platform on June 24 that Sun Company has manufactured fourth-generation battery swap station equipment products for NIO.

Huatian Technology (002185) said on the interactive platform on June 24 that the company has completed the development of 3D DRAM packaging technology based on TVS process.

Hangzhou Kelin (688611) signed a 180 million yuan energy storage equipment and accessories procurement contract, which is expected to be beneficial to the company

The 2024 operating results had a positive impact.

Nongfa Seed Industry (600313) plans to acquire 34.74% of the equity of Anhui Huacheng Seed Industry.

Some directors and executives of Meijin Energy (000723) plan to increase their holdings of the company's shares.


Note: The internal reference is updated at around 10 p.m. on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays (occasionally pushed back a little). It is not updated on Friday and Saturday evenings, and it is not updated on holidays.


The information in this information is mainly derived from public information such as Times Wealth Information, CSI Express, SSE Early Know, etc., and this number does not make any guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of these information. The content and opinions expressed in the information are for informational purposes only and do not constitute investment advice for the trading of the securities described. The stock market is risky, please analyze and invest rationally!