
Weak? Does the dantian have upper, middle and lower? Do you want to divide the inside and outside of the box?

author:Traditional martial arts

Without further ado, let's go straight to the point, first cover the coffin and make a conclusion, the dantian does not exist at all. Directly above.

Weak? Does the dantian have upper, middle and lower? Do you want to divide the inside and outside of the box?

Use the dantian to exert strength - the inner family; Don't use dantian to work hard - outside! This is the most common martial arts liar argument on the market, what is the strength of the first thing to talk about later, first talk about the dantian, look directly at the picture, can you find the dantian? Can't find it.

What kind of thing is the dantian, none of us have ever opened the stomach and seen it, of course, even if it is opened, there will be no trace of it. Because people with a little common sense know that the position of the lower abdomen dantian is also the large intestine and small intestine, except for these, there is nothing! That is to say, why do boxers know that the three fingers below the umbilicus are the location of the dantian? Of course, in addition to the lower dantian, there is also the middle dantian and the upper dantian! At the same time, it is believed that the lower dantian hides the essence, the middle dantian hides the qi, and the upper dantian hides the god!

No matter what the dantian is, then what does this dantian have to do with our practice? What is its essence? What is the relationship between the upper, middle and lower dantians? With these questions in mind, let's move on to the next link!

Weak? Does the dantian have upper, middle and lower? Do you want to divide the inside and outside of the box?

Many practitioners can take a breath, and then the position of the dantian quickly bulges, and at this time they think that the qi is sinking into the dantian, so they have another name, called "Qi Sea". It is an indisputable fact that fish breathe by gills and humans breathe by lungs. The answer should be that the lungs are the only place where the body exchanges gases. Therefore, the qi into the dantian is just an illusion! Someone is going to say it, I exhaled, and my lower abdomen really got bigger! This is true at all, anyone can become bigger. According to the principle of science, it should be that the qi enters from the mouth to the lungs, and with the increase of the air storage capacity in the lungs, the alveoli increase, squeezing the diaphragm behind the lungs, and then squeezing the internal organs down to the lower abdomen, so it is not the qi that makes the lower abdomen bulge, but the internal organs!

How to explain the relationship between the upper, middle and lower dantians? Before explaining this, we have to propose a method of breathing, which is called doing reverse breathing, which means that when you inhale, your lower abdomen does not bulge, but when you exhale, your lower abdomen bulges outward! The biggest advantage of this is that it is easy to generate explosive power. The principle is very simple, the qi enters from the mouth, and the qi is stored in the lungs, at this time, unlike when the diaphragm is naturally lowered, it is lifted, and then, when exhaling outward, part of the qi runs outward, and the other part of the qi will be stored in the lungs, pressing the diaphragm downward, causing the internal organs to fall instantly, and the resulting strength. Sometimes, as an acupuncture point, you can use it as a calibration, and don't study it unfathomably, in that case, you will encounter a knot that cannot be untied! As for the upper dantian, we also call it Yintang, which is a place to think about problems, so it is called "God", so far, everyone should understand the three dantians in the lower middle and upper parts, corresponding to the spirit and spirit.

When we practice boxing, we see some of the dantian and acupuncture points mentioned in the boxing spectrum, and we must understand what its essence is and what kind of role it can play, and then study it and comprehend it, so that we can go on the right path, otherwise we can only go astray.

Weak? Does the dantian have upper, middle and lower? Do you want to divide the inside and outside of the box?

Well, after breaking the false concept of "dantian", which has been ethereal but rampant for many years, let's go back to the first link, strength and strength. What exactly is force? What exactly is Jin? If you go to Baidu Tieba Taijiquan, use the two question sentences in front of me as the title to post a post, and immediately reply to a bunch of replies, what the hell are you talking about...... So, what is the conclusion of the coffin? Unlike dantian, Jin is real, but the folk interpretation of it is too mythical.

Take the most popular and widely disseminated thing as an example - boxing; How do boxers hit people? Kick the ground, twist your body, punch, right? Is this part complicated? It's not complicated. Can you tell which punch is using brute force and which punch is driving the punch in the boxer's stormy attack? I can't tell the difference, and there is no need to divide it, the powerful boxer's boxing is all penetrated, and the strength and strength are perfectly blended together.

Back to the topic, the so-called strength is the strength of the tendons. The athletic life of modern fighting is relatively shorter, because at a certain age, with the decline of musculoskeletal skills, it will become more and more difficult for all aspects of function to cope with high-intensity training. And traditional martial arts, because of the training of big muscles, this is why the traditional old boxers, in their later years, still have strong attack power. Of course, we have to pay attention to the fact that the vast majority of traditional practitioners have given up the training of large tendons, and replaced them with extreme muscle relaxation and joint torsion. Traditional boxing attacks such as "orb hitting" are strikes by hanging the body on the hand. To do this, two conditions must be met, one is that the muscles and bones are like "springs", and the other is the internal organs "lifted". Just like striking iron with a "hammer", the internal organs are like hammers, and the greater the amplitude of the "rise and fall", the greater the impact force.

Of course, a hammer alone is not enough, you have to rely on the "hammer handle" to drive the "hammer" down. People are often accustomed to using bamboo strips to make "hammer handles", because of the elastic force of the bamboo strips themselves, they can drive the hammer bullets to move and produce greater impact. This is like the "muscles and bones" of the human body, the better the development of the big tendons, the more elastic the body will be, and the "internal organs" will be combined, and the greater the striking force! Therefore, the process of training muscles and bones is the process of shaping the "spring" of the human body, so that the body has stronger kinetic energy. The weight of the projectile is within the allowable range, which can double the attack power, and the "muscles and internal organs" are like "hammer and hammer handle" are interactive, and they are indispensable! Traditional Kung Fu practice focuses on the basics, rather than simple routines, and the foundation is the core, which is often overlooked. The body is well developed, and the foundation is there. It's the same to practice any boxing, and the road is simple. It's just that the form of appearance is different.

Weak? Does the dantian have upper, middle and lower? Do you want to divide the inside and outside of the box?

When we are cross-fisted, we must not stick to similar phenomena. For example, "pulling the back with the chest, sinking the shoulders and elbows, and the strength of the virtual collar" are just a phenomenon, and if you deliberately imitate this characteristic, it will be counterproductive. A boxing champion smashed tires with a hammer and practiced a very aggressive rise and fall, do you think he knows what it means to "pull out the back with a chest, sink the shoulders and elbows, and have a virtual collar and top strength"? There is also a true story, an elder in the division is good at tiger shape, and a senior brother is good at bear shape, these two masters are in the army to eat, to their jurisdiction, new colleagues who have just arrived, if they only believe in the Westerners' set of traditional boxing, they will definitely be beaten by them afterwards. I asked these two men about their boxing experience, and one of them replied that he felt that the tiger was the most powerful in nature, so he specialized in tiger form; The other person was immediately unconvinced, the bear is the most powerful, and he didn't say a word or two and made an appointment to fight on a good day, and he replied to me at the end, practice more and fight more. The master's train of thought, back to basics - the tiger is powerful, so I will practice the tiger shape, practice well, and beat people is not a matter of tiger pounce.

When we practice boxing, we must be imaged, vivid, and we must avoid being ambitious and pursuing advanced theories, which will only make us fall deeper and deeper and unable to extricate ourselves. So much so that now many people are angry as soon as they open their mouths, dantian, these very professional terms. The phenomenon of breathing and distending of the lower abdomen is classified as the dantian under the qi. People with a little common sense know that the exchange of qi can only reach the lungs, and the alveoli intend to flatten, forcing the diaphragm to descend, thus producing internal organs to descend to the abdominal cavity, making the lower abdomen bulge. This is the true sense of the dantian. On the contrary, from the perspective of actual combat, it cannot be bound to qi, and it is also explained in the boxing book of "stagnation in qi, and spirit in care", but few people investigate its essence. When we practice, we must remember to only seek similarity in appearance and forget the fundamentals. The domestic Wing Chun is still entangled in the wooden pile method, a set of eight chopping knives is passed on a little bit to leave a little bit of mystery, foreign countries have dismantled Wing Chun, all the usable and practical things are arranged according to the angle, line position, and distance to be arranged step by step for the big head soldiers to practice.

Finally, let's talk about the inside and outside, going forward for decades, the traditional boxing circle is not divided into inside and outside, only whether it can be played, what can't be played must look good, and what can be beaten must be ugly. The inner and outer family is a ghost thing that the novelist pulls out to increase sales, and it really wants to pull the inner and outer family, in terms of practice, the one who practices more big tendons is counted as the inner family, and the one that ignores the big tendon training and takes the modern fighting road by relaxing the muscles and turning the joints to beat people is called the outer family. In terms of playing style, the inner family rushes to the organs and key points; The form of the foreign family is varied, in addition to running to the organs and vital points, there are also falls, and there are also locks on the ground. Then you ask the military doctor whether it is an inner family or an outer family? The military doctor is the special king of the eight fists in the brawls of the urban-rural junction.