
Technology and tradition collide, and the Guangming Street "Chasing Light Market" is popular with residents

author:Yangcheng faction

On June 23, Guangming Community, Guangming Street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, and Runjiayuan Community were very lively. A "Chasing Light Market" activity led by Guangming Street and jointly organized by the Guangming Community Party Committee, Herun Home Party Branch, Xincheng Herun Home Party Branch, and Herun Home Property kicked off, attracting nearly 1,000 community residents to participate.

This market integrates traditional culture and modern technology, where you can not only appreciate the exquisite skills of traditional craftsmen up close, taste the intangible cultural heritage that has been passed down for centuries, but also feel the charm of modern technology and experience the latest technology products, such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

Technology and tradition collide, and the Guangming Street "Chasing Light Market" is popular with residents

The scene of the event

The party and the masses work together to build a circle of happiness for people's livelihood

The "Chasing Light Market" takes the leadership of party building as the main line, promotes the multi-synergy of "Party Branch + Property Service Enterprise + Mass Organization + Social Organization", integrates various party and mass service resources such as streets and communities, and sets up a total of 24 booths in five service areas, including Party member registration, secretary + people's congress representative appointment, Spotlight Alliance, Science and Technology Creation, and Volunteer Convenience, to provide community residents with heart-to-heart, warm-hearted and intimate convenience services in a down-to-earth manner.

At the booths of "Appointment with the Secretary" and "Appointment with the People's Congress Deputies", the representatives of the People's Congress of Shenzhen and Guangming District and the Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangming Community led a team to station at the booth to listen to social conditions and public opinions, talk freely with residents about things around them and family affairs, and solve the worries and worries of the masses.

At the same time, a "micro-wish" check-in board was set up on the spot, and more than 40 "micro-wishes" were collected, among which the feedback hopes that the community will hold more "micro-wishes" of this type of activities. Mr. Zhou, a party member who lives in Herun Home, said: "I am usually busy with work, and through this party member registration, I can use my spare time to serve the residents of this community, which feels very meaningful." ”

Technology and tradition collide, and the Guangming Street "Chasing Light Market" is popular with residents

The scene of the event

Spotlight Alliance, warm service and warm neighborhood

The Party Committee of Guangming Community has been actively exploring the grassroots social governance model, creating a number of social governance brands such as the Spotlight Alliance and the "Silver Age" Civilization Messenger, integrating multiple main forces to do practical things for the masses and seek happiness for the people.

"Gather every beam of light with the willingness to serve", this is the service tenet of the Bright Community Spotlight Alliance. Up to now, there have been more than 50 alliance member units, and more than 100 activities will be carried out throughout 2023, serving more than 20,000 people, which is equivalent to contributing an average of 1 every 3.6 days.

Eight units of the Spotlight Alliance gathered together in this Chasing Light City to provide services such as free clinics, free scissors, moxibustion physiotherapy, African drum performances, and anti-fraud propaganda, conveying warmth and care to community residents. At the event site, 3 more units contacted the community and took the initiative to ask to join the Spotlight Alliance.

You can also see the "silver age" civilization envoys wearing blue vests, who shuttle through the crowd to help maintain order in the market.

Technology and tradition collide, and the Guangming Street "Chasing Light Market" is popular with residents

Experience the charm of shadow puppetry

A feast of national style, feel the charm of traditional culture

In the traditional cultural area, a wonderful national style feast unfolded slowly. Tai Chi performances, antique Confucian classics such as the Analects, as well as face-changing and shadow puppetry, are staged on stage, providing residents with an excellent opportunity to learn more about and experience traditional culture.

At the tie-dye craft booth, skilled masters gave on-site guidance, and residents got their hands dirty and immersed themselves in the magical charm of ancient dyeing techniques. On the calligraphy booth on the side, calligraphy lovers sway freely, and every stroke shows the profound connotation of traditional Chinese culture. At the intangible cultural heritage shadow puppet booth, the audience, under the leadership of professional teachers, not only learned the production process of shadow puppets, but also participated in painting, coloring and assembly, jointly creating vivid shadow puppet characters, and experiencing a folk art journey through time and space...... The rich and colorful activities not only allowed the residents to appreciate the breadth and profundity of traditional culture, but also stimulated their deep love for traditional culture.

Technology and tradition collide, and the Guangming Street "Chasing Light Market" is popular with residents

Science experiment "The Big Bang"

The light of science illuminates the new life of the community

In the science and technology exhibition area, the most popular is the "Science and Technology Creation Shop", which provides a platform for community residents to get close to and experience the latest scientific and technological achievements. AR smart glasses, high-altitude parabolic Ai detection, chess robots, sports knee pads and other scientific and technological project exhibitions, as well as the "Big Bang" of scientific experiments that are highly sought after by children. The two smart shooting machines set up at the site were also sought after by residents, and residents went to experience them one after another.

Lan Gongmin, an engineer of Guangming Laboratory and a science and technology instructor of Guangming Community's micro-governance circle, said that he hopes that the spark of science can sow the seeds of enlightenment in every community, and also hopes that science and technology can serve every resident in need.

"Chasing Light Market" is not only a bustling market, but also a warm station for party and mass services, representing the pursuit of a better life by community residents, where everyone can find their own light and feel the warmth and strength of the social family.

The relevant person in charge of Guangming Street said that in the future, it will continue to play a leading role in party building, join hands with various communities and social resources such as the Spotlight Alliance to jointly cultivate the brand of "Chasing Light Market", actively mobilize all parties to participate, accurately meet the needs of residents, provide diversified service projects, create a warm and loving community environment, and let residents feel the "little happiness" at their doorstep "zero distance".

Text and picture丨Yu Muzi, Jin Le, Zhang Liyan, Yin Feng

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