
How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

author:Vida said

#头条创作挑战赛#近来无意中刷到电视剧马跃版的 "The Rule of Zhenguan", in which Li Shimin led thousands of soldiers to defeat Dou Jiande, who had an army of hundreds of thousands, and ordered the revision of the "Clan Chronicles" to set the Guanlong Li clan as the first class of the gate valve, which is impressive. I can't help but wonder, why is the combat power of the government soldiers so high? What is Guan Long Lee? With this doubt, after in-depth research of some information, it turned out that the Guanlong Group could be called a top aristocratic group, controlling the current situation from the Western Wei Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties for 300 years.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

Guanlong Group, the master of the gate valve family since the Han and Wei dynasties

Speaking of the Guanlong group, it is named by the historian Chen Yinke, is a political ruling group composed of military forces of the gate lords who are located in Guanzhong, Shaanxi and Longshan, Gansu, the earliest originated from the Eight Pillars of Yuwentai in the Western Wei Dynasty, and is composed of the military generals of the six towns of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Xianbei nobles of Wuchuan Town in the north and the Han people in the Guanlong area, such as Jingzhao Wei Zhen, Hedong Liuze, Taiyuan Guoyan, Wugong Su Chun, Hanoi Sima Yi, Dunhuang Linghu and so on.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

These people are all "the armed and intelligent people of the Hu and Han nationalities in Guanye", and they have the outstanding status of "entering the phase and leaving the general, and there is no separation between civil and military", as Chen Yinke said in the "Jinming Pavilion Series II Edition": "Take the barbaric and fierce blood outside the Sai, inject it into the decadent body of the Central Plains culture, remove the old dye, restart the new machine, expand and recover, and then create an unprecedented world situation." "However, to understand the Guanlong Group in depth, we must first understand what role the gate valve played in ancient Chinese society.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

Gate valve, is the joint name of the door and the valve reading, refers to the generation of officials of the famous family, such as the Eastern Han Dynasty of the successive ministers, the family of scholars and other powerful families, the Wei and Jin dynasties have a special status of the large landlord class are the predecessor of the gate valve. During the Cao Wei period, the Jiupin Zhongzheng system and the Western Jin Dynasty implemented the land occupation system enabled them to obtain political and economic privileges, and the officials were selected from the big families, so that the phenomenon of "the upper grades have no poor families, and the lower grades have no clans".

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

These gate valve clans not only owned a large number of fields, but also closed mountains and waters, implemented the manor economy, occupied the vast grange mountains and rivers and a large number of dependent people attached to the land, and evolved the two major social classes of the scholar and the Shu people, so that in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties periods, the strange phenomenon of "the emperor of flowing water, the iron warrior clan" was formed. These men and nobles who occupied the high positions of the dynasty had no achievements in politics, but they renovated their tricks in arrogance and lasciviousness, and climbed to the pinnacle of bliss.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

Take the famous stupid emperor in history, the second emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, Sima Zhen, said, "The people have no corn to satisfy their hunger, why not eat minced meat?" This record, which made later generations laugh and sigh, is the epitome of the world style in the Wei and Jin dynasties. In the Wuhu and Sixteen Kingdoms, the gate valve not only did not disappear with the turbulence of the current situation, but further extended to the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, especially to the period of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

In particular, the reform of the Juntian system and the official system rebuilt the tradition of agriculture as the main body on the basis of the unification of the north by the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the Xianbei people's ban on Hu language, the distinction of surnames, and the change of Han customs and other measures enabled the Xianbei nobles and the Han people to further integrate, and the gate valve was more stable. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the reason why Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty carried out the Sinicization reform was largely related to the fact that he was raised by the Empress Dowager Feng, who was born in the Han nationality, and was deeply influenced by Han culture.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

In the Northern Wei Dynasty, in order to avoid foreign relatives from interfering in politics, the imperial family began to implement the cruel system of the death of the son and the mother as early as the reign of the founding emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, that is, as long as the boy born to the harem concubine was established as the crown prince, he would be given death, so as to avoid the situation that the mother was expensive by the child. Of course, this is not just a matter of giving birth to a prince and being given death immediately. However, the young son will not be taken care of by his own mother, but by the wet nurse to take care of the crown prince Xinjun. Therefore, there were three kinds of empress dowagers in the Northern Wei Dynasty, one was the emperor's biological mother, the other was the emperor's wet nurse, and the other was the queen who survived because she was lucky not to have a son. And Empress Dowager Feng is the third type.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

The Guanlong Group, which relied on the government military system to reach its peak

As for the Guanlong area, since the Han and Wei dynasties, it has always been the source of the traditional culture of the Han people, especially since the funeral at the end of the Jin Dynasty, many literati and scholars have taken refuge here. When the Northern Wei Dynasty was divided into the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty, the Xianbei Legion led by Yu Wentai, who controlled the Western Wei Dynasty, was small in number, and after the defeat in the Battle of Bishan, it began to widely recruit the Han people to be armed and incorporated into the army, called "Fu Bing", on the one hand, to expand military strength; On the other hand, it won the recognition of the powerful landlord class in the Guanlong area, so it established a solid political and military alliance in the form of "government soldiers".

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

The people who were incorporated into the government were exempt from taxes, exempted from conscription, received military training, and were called to the army. Therefore, these full-time soldiers who are not engaged in farming are worthy of crushing the peasant rebel army led by Dou Jiande, not to mention that Li Shimin is still far-sighted in tactical deployment, and it is not whimsical to be able to defeat the hundreds of thousands of Dou Jiande army with thousands of soldiers.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

In addition to Yuwentai and Wang Yuanxin of Guangling of the Western Wei Dynasty as the generals of the Zhu State, Zhao Gui, Li Hu, Li Bi, Yu Jin, Dugu Xin, Hou Mo and Chen Chong were appointed as the generals of the Zhu State, and they actually commanded the six armies. There are two great generals under each pillar general, a total of twelve generals; There were two Kaifu under each general, a total of twenty-four Kaifu; There are two rituals under each opening house, a total of forty-eight rituals; One Yitong led about 1,000 soldiers, one Kaifu led 2,000 soldiers, one general led 4,000 troops, one Zhuguo general led 8,000 troops, and the six pillars had a total of about 48,000 soldiers.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

Therefore, the military system is a combination of military and government, the eight pillars of the country, the twelve generals are all in the prime minister, not only the commander of the army, but also the core of the country's leadership, or the most prominent 20 families in the Guanzhong region at that time, so these big families intermarried with each other to strengthen the bond, and formed the Guanlong group. The emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui, and Tang dynasties all came from this group, among them, the ancestors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, and Tang dynasties were all one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms, and the ancestor of the Sui Dynasty was also one of the twelve generals.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

For example, Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian lived among the Xianbei people for a long time, and married the Dugu clan of the Xiongnu Xianbei as his wife. Tang Taizong Li Shimin's grandfather married Dugu as his wife, his father Li Yuan married Xianbei Douling (Dou) as his wife, and he himself married Xianbei Changsun as his wife. Therefore, Xianbei can be said to be the foreign clan (i.e., the mother family) of the Sui and Tang emperors. In the early Tang Dynasty, Gaozu and Taizong relied on the Guanlong aristocratic group, and most of them were from the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty or the Hu-Han mixed family.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

After the Sui and Tang dynasties, with the integration of Xianbei sinicization, it no longer exists as a political entity and a national entity, and during the two Song dynasties, Xianbei in the Central Plains and Xianbei in Mobei were separated by geography, so some of the Xianbei people in Mobei were first sinicized and then Huhua again. Until the Mongol Empire, although they were downtrodden and no longer in the Sui and Tang dynasties, they were still proud to be Li Tang's mother. "History of the Yuan" recorded: "Brother Su, Mongolian cowardly clan. It is rumored that Li Tang is a foreigner. Father Huaidu, Taizu (Genghis Khan Temujin), taste from the water of the Banshuni River. ”

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

In addition, according to Professor Zhou Hui's research on the mitochondrial ancient DNA of ancient human remains at the Ancient DNA Laboratory of Jilin University (a key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education, and the Frontier Archaeology Research Center of Jilin University), it has been confirmed that the modern Xibe people are likely to be descendants of Tuoba Xianbei. The linguistic identity may also have undergone a process of transformation from Xianbei to Chinese to Mongolian to Xibe due to political changes.

How powerful is Guanlong Group? There were four emperors of the Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties

At the same time, the Guanlong group, which was the master of the gate valve, gradually declined with the imperial examination system vigorously promoted in the post-martial period, and finally collapsed in a series of political struggles. In the Huangchao Uprising at the end of the Tang Dynasty, due to a large number of casualties and the loss of the proud ancestral genealogy, the family gradually declined to the point that it was no different from the common people, so the landlord and gentry class began to replace the status of the family, and history turned to a new page.

Previous review: Northern Wei Dynasty: A seriously underestimated dynasty that corrected the deviations of the Chinese nation and contributed to the prosperity of the Sui and Tang dynasties

Note: This article is the original work of Chapter 77 of the "Collection of the Five Northwest Provinces" series, which is only a family's words, please indicate [the copyright belongs to the original author and the source] when forwarding, and plagiarism is strictly prohibited. In addition, the picture part of the article is quoted from the Internet, if there is a copyright private link, please delete.

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