
Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

author:Form Master

"Public Interest Litigation Shooting" is an information upload platform launched by government procuratorial organs to collect clues in public interest litigation and solve the lack of clues and difficulties in presenting evidence on the spot. It can help the procuratorate quickly deal with complaints and reports from the masses, and solve various illegal behaviors such as garbage discharge, illegal occupation of land, and sale of three-no products.

"Public Interest Litigation Shooting" should have basic functions such as image uploading, geo-positioning, and flexible allocation of management permissions.

Form Master is a zero-code platform that can freely build various business systems, and IT novices who do not understand technology can also quickly generate various information systems, such as student registration forms, score inquiry systems, questionnaire forms, online examination systems, mall orders, purchase, sales and inventory systems, which can cover various application scenarios of enterprises, institutions and commercial institutions.

The traditional "public interest litigation shooting" needs to build its own platform system or small program, the price is high, the cycle is long, and the future demand changes will also rely on the software company, the form master only needs a few dozen yuan per month to build freely, all kinds of functions and processes can be changed at any time, and integrated with the WeChat public account to create a set of easy-to-use, can be adjusted at any time, to meet the needs of most procuratorial agencies of the clue collection solution.

A municipal procuratorate quickly launched the "Public Interest Litigation Shooting" platform with the help of Form Master, collected a large amount of effective illegal evidence in a short period of time, and fed back to the whistleblower in a timely manner after solving the problem, which was highly recognized by the general public.

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

The following will show you how to create a "public interest litigation shooting" platform in 3 minutes.

Sign up for an account on the official website of Form Master and create a new form

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

On the edit page, select the description field and edit the description text on the information collection page

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

Select the radio box field, set the report type, you can set various types as needed, and then select a multi-line text field to set the whistleblower to fill in the details of the report

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

Select the Upload File field and select file types such as pictures and videos as the entry point for whistleblowers to upload clues

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

Select the geographic location field and check the automatic positioning, the whistleblower can directly obtain the location information, and the system will automatically obtain the location to avoid the occurrence of location errors, and this function can also be used in scenarios such as employee clock-in and check-in, equipment inspection, etc. Then select the name and mobile phone fields, and uncheck "Required", the whistleblower can choose to fill in or not to fill in.

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

At this point, a basic hand-shot information filling page is basically completed. If you need to send a feedback notification to the whistleblower, you can set a template in the SMS reminder, and the system will automatically send a feedback SMS after the whistleblower submits the information.

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

How is the information collection page published? It can generate QR codes, small program codes, short links and other ways, and can also be embedded in the official website or WeChat official account menu bar, which can be published online, through the official website, WeChat official account, small program, circle of friends sharing, group sharing, SMS links and other ways, offline, can be released by posting QR codes, flexible and diverse, covering all citizens.

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

When the whistleblower submits the information, the background can immediately receive the clue details, and can also generate a data report to facilitate the processing and statistics of the staff.

Everyone can supervise! The form master has built its own reporting platform to achieve more data and less errands for citizens

Such a public interest litigation information upload platform, simple production, flexible configuration, only need to spend very little time to quickly go online, grassroots staff can also operate, management, monthly cost of dozens of yuan, compared with the traditional development method, save a lot of expenses, time and labor costs, open the official website of the form master to start making now, more functions and demonstrations, please contact the official customer service, will give you a detailed answer!

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