
In order to earn benefits, the two errand boys went to the hospital to deceive Sinosi, and they were both sentenced for drug trafficking

author:Nanyang Demonstration Zone Politics and Law

Knowing that the sleeping pill Sinosi contains state-controlled drug ingredients and helping to buy it may be suspected of violating the law and committing crimes, the two brothers, who are errand boys, still take risks for high benefits and go to the hospital to deceive the match.

On June 27, The Paper reporter learned from the Shanghai Xuhui District People's Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the "Xuhui District Procuratorate") that the two brothers were sentenced for drug trafficking after the procuratorate initiated a public prosecution.

According to the Xuhui District Procuratorate, on a certain day in March 2023, the errand boy Lei Er (pseudonym) received a call from a customer, Liu, saying that he was addicted to the sleeping pill Sinosi, which contains state-controlled drug ingredients, and asked him to help distribute a box on his behalf, and promised a benefit fee of 400 yuan. Lei Er had previously searched on the Internet for questions such as whether it was illegal to buy such sleeping pills, and knew that this kind of behavior might be suspected of violating the law and committing crimes, but driven by interests, he still went to the hospital to deceive a box of sleeping pills designated by Liu, and sent it to the designated place to deliver it in person.

In order to earn benefits, the two errand boys went to the hospital to deceive Sinosi, and they were both sentenced for drug trafficking

Chat logs involved in the case. All photos courtesy of the Xuhui District Procuratorate

After sending this order, Lei Er was a little afraid, so he went to search for relevant news on the Internet, and found that there had been news that a courier had been sentenced for buying such sleeping pills on behalf of him, so he deleted the chat record with Liu. However, Liu sent a message at this time, saying that his friend also needed the sleeping pill and wanted him to buy another box. Lei Er didn't dare to deliver it anymore at this time, so he introduced Liu to his brother Lei Da (pseudonym), who was also an errand boy, and wanted his brother to make some money. But at the same time, Lei Er also told Lei Da that he might be suspected of committing a crime, and sent him a screenshot of the news that he was sentenced for buying such sleeping pills.

After Lei Da contacted Liu, he took a chance and went to the hospital to deceive a box of sleeping pills. During the transaction, the two were arrested red-handed by the police of the Xuhui Public Security Bureau who received the report, and Lei Er was also arrested later.

In order to earn benefits, the two errand boys went to the hospital to deceive Sinosi, and they were both sentenced for drug trafficking
In order to earn benefits, the two errand boys went to the hospital to deceive Sinosi, and they were both sentenced for drug trafficking

Drugs involved in the case.

After the Lei brothers arrived at the case, they confessed to the facts of their crimes. After identification, zolpidem, a national Class II controlled psychotropic drug, was detected in the two boxes of sleeping pills involved in the case seized in accordance with the law. The prosecutor found that in order to earn high errand fees, Lei Da and Lei Er knew that their actions were suspected of violating the law and committing crimes, but still dispensed sleeping pills containing zolpidem, a psychotropic drug controlled by the state, and sold them to drug buyers at the request of drug buyers, causing the relevant psychotropic drugs to be abused out of control, and their actions constituted the crime of drug trafficking.

After the Xuhui District Procuratorate initiated a public prosecution in accordance with the law, the Xuhui District People's Court sentenced the defendant Lei Da to five months' criminal detention and a fine of 3,000 yuan for the crime of drug trafficking, and sentenced the defendant Lei 2 to four months' criminal detention, suspended for four months, and fined 2,000 yuan. Liu has also been dealt with in a separate case.

The prosecutor reminded that according to the provisions of the mainland criminal law, drugs include other narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances that can cause addiction under the control of the state. Compared with traditional drugs, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances controlled by the state have the dual properties of drugs and drugs, which are drugs when used for medical purposes and drugs when abused. Therefore, it is important to follow the doctor's advice when using these drugs and not to abuse them to avoid developing addictions. The delivery errand runners of the takeaway platform should also pay attention to the fact that when engaging in errand business, they must abide by the law and discipline, screen the goods they deliver, and do not leave anything to chance and be blinded by small profits.

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