
Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

author:The mountains stand tall and the sea is deep
Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78 [Original] 

The world is weaker than water, and the strong can win, with its easy.

The weak is better than the strong, the soft is better than the strong, the world knows everything, and nothing can be done.

It is based on the sage cloud: the dirt of the country (gòu), which is the lord of the society (jì); The ominous of receiving the country is the king of the world.

Honest Youth.

Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78 and the Month of Wu Wei ^02

July is the month of forgiveness, and now we move on to the Prayer for the Month of Forgiveness (Part I).

Let me see, hear, feel, and I know: forgiveness is healing of the heart.

There is gloom and light in the sky, and there is turbulence and calm in the sea, and they can all forgive themselves calmly, forgive the occurrence of fickleness, forgive the source of sorrow, so they do not suffer.

And why is life so painful? Because, unwilling to forgive.

In fact, to forgive is to accept.

This is how things are in the world, accepting it is the end, and resisting it will continue to reincarnate. So, forgiveness is not about letting others go, it's about redeeming yourself.
Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

I know that forgiveness allows life to grow in tolerance.

In this life, what hurts you the most is not outsiders, but the resentment in your heart.

  • As soon as this resentment came, he couldn't avoid it, and the people around him couldn't avoid it;
  • As soon as this resentment comes, luck, wealth, and blessing will be dispelled, and life will become more and more bitter.

In fact, there is no need to endure these sufferings. Forgive, resentment will only hurt oneself, but forgiveness can make life grow in tolerance.

Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

I know that forgiveness is liberation, and contentment is to let go.

Forgiveness can calm people's hearts, and only by calming their hearts can they reach the harmony of the soul and bloom with love and joy without reason.

There will be ups and downs in the journey of life, and if you don't learn to forgive, you will live a very hard life. Forgiveness is an umbrella that can protect us in the rain.

Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

I know that every time I travel light, I forgive something behind it.

People with strong hearts will choose to apologize; And those who are stronger in their hearts will choose to forgive.

The amount of mind is magnified in forgiveness, and every time you forgive, the amount of mind expands by one point.

Because, forgiving those things that seem unforgivable is feeding your own pattern. Then, to be grateful, to remember the good of others, and to forget the past of others, is to accumulate merit for yourself.

Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

I know that with compassion, all things are forgivable.

True compassion is not asking everyone to be what we want to be, but allowing others to be what they are.

If you have compassion, you will be able to empathize, you will be happy to see others succeed, and you will have enough patience to wait for him to turn back. A compassionate heart will look down on gains and losses, so the mood is bright; I can also see through right and wrong, so I don't have to worry about it.

For the merciful, there is no need to forgive; For us, learning to forgive is a great practice of compassion.

Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

I know that in the face of hurt, don't rush to convince yourself to forgive, first figure out the vulnerability in your heart that you feel hurt - facing your own weakness here is more important than forgiving others.

The world is a mirror, there is never no unjustified harm, what we encounter is created by ourselves, just as the old age and diseases are all young and strong, and the hardships and hardships after decay are all created in the heyday.

If you are aware of the cause of the incident, you will be able to understand why you are causing harm.

Then, don't talk about forgiveness, accept yourself in your troubles, and shape yourself in acceptance. As long as you adjust yourself, things will naturally turn for the better.

Every time I travel lightly, what is forgiven behind it (Serial 695)

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