
What a wonderful change can happen when a non-convulsive electroconvulsive treatment meets "milk".

author:China Commercial Health Release
What a wonderful change can happen when a non-convulsive electroconvulsive treatment meets "milk".

What is multiparametric nonconvulsive electroconvulsive therapy?

Multiparametric nonconvulsive electroconvulsive therapy (MECT) is a highly effective form of physical therapy for psychiatric disorders. To put it simply, the process is to use intravenous anesthetics and muscle relaxants to make the patient's consciousness disappear, and use a short and appropriate amount of current to stimulate the brain, causing extensive EEG emission in the patient's cerebral cortex, changing the metabolism of neurotransmitters in the brain, and reducing mental symptoms on the basis of painless, safe and comfortable, so as to achieve a method of treating mental disorders. It is suitable for depression, mania, schizophrenia, treatment-resistant mental illness, etc.

What a wonderful change can happen when a non-convulsive electroconvulsive treatment meets "milk".

What is Propofol?

Propofol, also known as "propofol", milky white, is a fast-acting intravenous anesthetic, which induces chloride influx by acting on the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA-A receptor, which hyperpolarizes the postsynaptic membrane, which means that the excitatory information of neurons cannot be conducted, which plays a role in sedation and hypnosis.

Propofol is used to induce and maintain general anesthesia, is often used to strengthen the sedation of patients receiving mechanical ventilation, and is also suitable for small operations or examinations with short operation time, such as psychiatric non-convulsive electroconvulsive therapy, painless gastrointestinal endoscopy, painless abortion, etc. Induction doses of propofol can cause rapid loss of consciousness for a short period of time, and the patient wakes up quickly without a hangover.

What a wonderful change can happen when a non-convulsive electroconvulsive treatment meets "milk".

"Milk anesthetic" should also be used with caution

The Chinese Pharmaceutical Association has included propofol and other anesthetics in the list of high-alert drugs, and propofol may inhibit the patient's breathing and circulation during the infusion period, so it must be used by anesthesia-trained doctors in medical institutions with anesthesia monitoring, respiratory support and emergency conditions.

What are the precautions for multi-parameter non-convulsive electroconvulsive therapy?

—、Before treatment:

1. Must fast for 6-8 hours and abstain from drinking for 4 hours.

2. Must be accompanied by a family member and wait in the waiting room. The patient's valuables (such as watches, mobile phones, jewelry, bank cards, RMB, etc.) are kept by family members to prevent loss.

3. Keep hair dry and facial skin clean. On the day of treatment, do not wear nail polish, hairpins, necklaces, rings and other accessories.

4. On the day of treatment, wear flat shoes to avoid falling after treatment, wear loose clothes, loose neckline and cuffs, no tie, and remove removable dentures and glasses. Empty urine and stool.

5. If the patient has physical discomfort and special medication, he must truthfully report to the treating doctor.

2. After treatment:

1. Because it takes a certain amount of time for the drug to be metabolized in the human body, the patient should rest in the recovery room until he is fully awake, and can leave the treatment area only after the muscle strength is restored and there is no special discomfort.

2. It is forbidden to eat solid food within 2 hours after treatment, liquid food and semi-liquid food can be eaten after 2 hours, and gradually eat normally after 4 hours, pay attention to prevent choking.

3. During the treatment period, patients should not engage in high-risk operations, such as working at height, driving vehicles, etc.

4. After treatment, family members should do a good job of monitoring the patient to prevent accidents such as lost patients and trauma.

5. Some patients may have mild dizziness, headache, fatigue, memory loss, etc., which can be relieved after rest without special treatment. If the patient is obviously unwell, please seek medical attention at a nearby hospital in time.

Introduction to the Department of Physiotherapy

What a wonderful change can happen when a non-convulsive electroconvulsive treatment meets "milk".

Founded in 2004, the Department of Physiotherapy of Xi'an Mental Health Center (Shaanxi Provincial Mental Health Center) is a multidisciplinary professional team integrating psychiatry, anesthesiology, physiotherapy and specialty nursing, which undertakes physical diagnosis and treatment services for outpatient and inpatient patients in the hospital. The department is equipped with two world-advanced American Spectrum 5000Q sets, one American Thymatron System IV., anesthesia machine, ventilator, defibrillator, ECG monitor, portable ECG monitor, video laryngoscope, centralized oxygen supply and negative pressure system and other equipment.

The department provides 23,000 MECT and 30,000 rTMS for all kinds of patients every year. The department continues to break through the existing treatment records, fully demonstrate and evaluate, and provide modern electroconvulsive therapy for patients with clinical difficulties. In addition to electroconvulsive therapy, the department also provides physical diagnosis and treatment services such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy (rTMS), transcranial direct current therapy (TDCs), traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, low-frequency pulsed electrical therapy, and infrared therapy. All the medical staff of the physiotherapy department will escort your health wholeheartedly!

According to Xi'an Mental Health Center O10