
Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

Private placement

2024-06-25 15:06Published on the official account of Guangdong Private Placement Network

Recently, the A-share market has continued to weaken and trading has been sluggish, and many investors lack confidence in the market outlook. Under the influence of pessimism, many stocks have hit new lows this year, and many of them have been "wrongly killed". How to identify the varieties that have been "mistakenly killed" is a challenging task for most investors. We may wish to refer to the valuation data given by brokers.

As a research institution that closely tracks the operation of listed companies, compared with most ordinary investors, they have a deeper understanding of the intrinsic value of the company, and they also have a scientific valuation model to evaluate the reasonable value of the company. Usually, the brokerage research department will evaluate the reasonable value of the company based on the latest performance data or major events of the listed company, and give them a target price that they recognize.

With the recent continuous decline in the market, many stocks have fallen out of more potential upside. In order to provide readers with some reference, the author has sorted out the latest valuation data (in the form of target price) given to A-share companies by brokerages in the past three months.

37 companies have attracted the attention of brokers, and food and beverage are still "favorites"!

According to Choice data, as of June 24, in the past three months, 1,689 listed companies have been updated by brokerages with valuations and target prices. The author compares the target price given by the brokerage firm with the closing price on June 24, 2024, and calculates the target increase space data of the relevant companies (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "target price space").

According to statistics, the average target price space of 1689 companies is 38.08%. Among them, 7 companies were valued by more than 10 brokers, 280 companies were valued by more than 5 brokers, and 732 companies were valued by more than 3 brokerages. Companies that have been valued by multiple brokerages tend to have a higher degree of attention.

The author sorted out the companies that were valued by more than 8 brokerages, a total of 37. Among them, food and beverage companies account for 18, and there is no doubt that food and beverage are still the "favorite" of institutions. Among them, Wuliangye and Shanxi Fenjiu have been valued by 12 brokerages in the past three months, with a target price distribution of more than 47% and 39%. From the perspective of target space, 9 companies have a target price space of more than 50%.

Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

There are 20 companies that are optimistic about the target space of more than 80%!

In addition, in order to provide readers with some references, in order to avoid bias in the words of one company, the author sorted out the 30 companies with the highest target space among the companies that "have been valued by more than 3 brokerages in the past 3 months". All of them have been in a state of decline this year.

Among them, 8 companies in the pharmaceutical and biological industry accounted for 5, and 5 were power equipment and computers. The target price space of Guangxin shares, Gaotei shares and Otway 3 companies is more than 100%, and the target price space of 20 stocks is more than 80%.

Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

29 "hard technology" companies have a target space of more than 20%!

In the past month, the overall performance of the market has been sluggish, but the technology sector has bucked the trend and strengthened and is one of the few bright spots in the market. The third phase of the "big fund", the price of memory chips, the introduction of the "8 branches" policy, the full orders for advanced packaging, Apple, Nvidia, Broadcom and other U.S. technology giants have reached new heights, making the A-share semiconductor, consumer electronics, PCB, CPO optical module and other concept plates take turns to perform, these concept plates are basically concentrated in electronics, communications and other "hard technology" industries.

Therefore, among the companies that "have been valued by more than 3 brokerages in the past 3 months", the author sorted out 29 companies in the "hard technology" industry with a target space of more than 20%. Tianfu Communications, North Huachuang, Yealink Network, etc., which have performed well this year, are also among them.

Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

The target price space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

As a powerful institution that does not lose to brokers, the fund has a large target space for many companies in its heavy stocks. In order to provide readers with a better reference, the author screened out the 30 companies with the highest target space, of which 14 companies have a target space of more than 50%, among the companies with a valuation of more than 3 brokerages in the past 3 months and more than 100 funds jointly held by funds in the first quarter.

Among the 30 companies, 5 are food and beverage, 4 are non-bank finance, and 3 are computers, automobiles, pharmaceuticals and biology, and non-ferrous metals.

Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

Among them, the CRO leader WuXi AppTec has the highest upside. The stock was held by 129 funds with a market capitalization of nearly $13.1 billion at the end of the first quarter. The stock has fallen by more than 44% this year, and has been given a target price by 5 brokerages in the past 3 months, with a target price of more than 80% compared with the closing price on June 24.

It should be noted that the target price given by the broker is usually the target price for the next 6-12 months, so short-term traders need to be cautious. In addition, the target price may be adjusted again in the future due to various factors such as the macro environment, industry, and company, so it is necessary to closely track the relevant information, and the target price is only one of the reference information in the investment, not the only basis.

Risk disclosure: The content involved in this article does not guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the data, and the analysis conclusions are for reference only, and the varieties involved do not constitute actual investment operation advice. The stock market is risky, and investors need to be cautious. The views of the articles involved in this article only represent the author's personal views and do not represent any position of this platform, and do not constitute any investment advice.

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  • Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!
  • Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!
  • Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!
  • Falling out of space? The target space of 14 "100 fund heavy stocks" exceeds 50%!

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