
Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!

author:Cultural tourism Xuchang

Onsen Tradition

It is recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

The water is as warm as a soup

It can cure all diseases

The Late World Hot Springs

Summer Bubble Hot Springs

Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!
Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!

Onsen Tradition

It is recorded in "Hot Spring Fu".

Six angry and obscene mistakes, there are diseases

The hot springs are filthy

Eliminate harshness, and serve in the right

Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!

Summer bath soup, winter illness and summer treatment

Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!
Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!

Hot springs have a long history. Today, hot springs are a popular way for people to relax and maintain health.

Admittedly, the health benefits of hot springs are obvious. Soaking in hot springs can dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, improve immune function, enhance physical fitness, adjust sub-health status, and promote the recovery of human body functions. However, hot springs are not the preserve of winter, and there is a medical basis for hot spring health preservation in summer. The classic of traditional Chinese medicine "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" mentions: "spring and summer nourish yang" and "long summer wins winter", which refers to the spring and summer seasons, and the physiological performance of the human body is mainly characterized by the growth of yang energy; And "winter is yin, summer is yang", in the long summer season, the human body's yang energy is often better than winter. Soaking in hot springs in summer can be regarded as a kind of health care method of "winter illness and summer cure".

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, hot springs are warm and can promote the circulation of qi and blood in the human body. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, many sports joint diseases are mostly caused by the blockage of qi and blood, and soaking in hot springs can reconcile qi and blood, improve the operation and circulation of qi and blood; For sub-healthy people, hot springs can relax their minds and adjust the flow of qi and blood, while its temperature can also regulate the blood circulation of the human body and take away some of the metabolic waste of the human body.

The properties of hot springs to promote the circulation of qi and blood also help to remove dampness from the human body, but at the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to dampness, keep warm after soaking in hot springs, and beware of getting cold from the wind.

There are also many therapies for sports joint diseases, such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, low back pain, frozen shoulder, knee arthritis, sports injuries, etc., which can be combined with acupuncture, physiotherapy, or hot spring mud therapy and floating therapy launched in hot springs, all of which have certain curative effects.

It's time for a hot spring regimen

Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!
Soaking in hot springs in summer is a good choice for health!

Cool off

Soaking in the hot spring can quickly open the pores on the surface of the body, so that the internal fire accumulated in the body is released. Repeated soaking in the hot springs can eliminate the stuffiness and play a role in cooling down the heat.

Detoxify and remove dampness

In summer, the weather is hot and humid, and people take various ways to cool down so that the damp heat evil poison invades the body. Cold qi accumulates in the body, and soaking in the hot spring expels moisture toxins from the body. At the same time, the skin absorbs minerals and trace elements from the hot spring water through the pores, which is beneficial for skin maintenance.

Stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles and joints

In summer, the weather is hot and humid, and it is easy to get irritable and feel physically and mentally exhausted. Soaking in the hot springs at the right temperature relaxes the body and mind, and can also relieve neck and shoulder aches. Repair waist and leg muscles, musculoskeletal sprains, damage, etc. After soaking in the hot springs, the capillaries of the whole body are dilated, the nerves are relaxed, and it is also conducive to improving the quality of sleep.

Hot springs recommended

Huadu Onsen

Address: Huadu International Hot Spring Resort Town

Tel: 0379-79999999

Xuchang Yunjin Hot Spring

Address: Xuchang Yunjin Hot Spring Hotel

Tel: 0374-2736666

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