
Corporate executives attended the class reunion and sat for less than 5 minutes and left the venue, bluntly saying that they didn't want to participate anymore

author:Workplace Feike

After years of working hard in society, many people will look for various ways to relieve stress. Some people choose to travel, some choose to work out, and some people like to relax through class reunions. Through the party, you can not only relive the good times of your student days, but also take a break from the stress of busy work. Wang Qiang is such a corporate executive, but the experience of a class reunion made him bluntly say that he never wanted to participate again.

Corporate executives attended the class reunion and sat for less than 5 minutes and left the venue, bluntly saying that they didn't want to participate anymore

After graduating from university, Wang Qiang entered a well-known technology company, starting step by step as a grassroots employee. Over the years, with his own efforts and talents, he has gradually been promoted to the company's senior management, responsible for managing an important department, and his annual salary has already exceeded one million. Despite his successful career, Wang Qiang has always kept a low profile and never showed off his achievements.

A month ago, Wang Qiang received a call from an old classmate. The old classmate, who was their class president in high school, invited him to a class reunion. Wang Qiang was working on an important project at the time and did not receive a call, but the squad leader made several calls in a row, which made him realize that there might be something important. After dealing with the work at hand, Wang Qiang called back, and the class leader said enthusiastically on the phone: "Old classmate, our high school class teacher has a birthday, and I took this opportunity to organize a party in our class, and everyone celebrates the teacher together." ”

Corporate executives attended the class reunion and sat for less than 5 minutes and left the venue, bluntly saying that they didn't want to participate anymore

Wang Qiang has a deep affection for this class teacher, and he was able to be admitted to a key university that year, thanks to the careful teaching of the teacher. Hearing this, he agreed without hesitation and carefully noted down the time and place of the meeting. On the day of the party, Wang Qiang specially prepared a beautiful gift for the head teacher, wanting to express his gratitude.

On the day of the party, Wang Qiang came to the party place early and found that many old classmates had already arrived. Of the fifty students in the class, forty-six came, almost all of them. Wang Qiang was very excited when he saw the long-lost classmates and greeted everyone one by one. Then, he handed over the prepared gift to the class teacher, and the teacher was very happy.

Afterwards, the students began to chat enthusiastically and reminisce about the interesting events of the year. However, it didn't take long for the topic to turn to their respective realities. Several male classmates began to show off their achievements, some boasted that they had made a fortune by following relatives in business, and others said that they had received high salaries in foreign companies. When asked about Wang Qiang's current situation, he said in a low-key manner that he worked in a technology company, but he didn't expect several "bosses" to immediately start belittling him, thinking that working in the company was not as good as doing business on his own.

Corporate executives attended the class reunion and sat for less than 5 minutes and left the venue, bluntly saying that they didn't want to participate anymore

Wang Qiang just smiled and didn't say much. After a while, these male classmates began to drink, and before the dishes were ready, they opened a few bottles of liquor. They drank cup after cup, and soon some people got drunk and started making loud noises, even throwing glasses, causing the surrounding guests to look sideways. Wang Qiang felt embarrassed and uncomfortable on such an occasion, so he quietly got up and said goodbye to the teacher.

Before leaving, Wang Qiang silently walked to the front desk and settled the bill for the party, spending a total of more than 5,000 yuan. As he walked out of the cafeteria, he thought to himself that he would never attend such a class reunion again. Far from relaxing, the party made him feel even more tired and disappointed.

Wang Qiang's experience makes us reflect that the original intention of class reunions is to connect feelings and relax the mood, but if it becomes an occasion for showing off wealth and comparison, it will lose its original meaning. Will you be at your own class reunion? What do you think about such gatherings? Everyone is welcome to communicate in the comment area!

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