

author:Released in Nanjing

Song Yiping, 59 years old this year

is a civilized traffic volunteer

He was at the west exit of Nanjing Gulou Square

She has been volunteering for 13 years

Every morning

"Good morning!" "Goodbye!"

He had to repeat it countless times

风趣幽默的“Ready, go”

It has become his unique style

Lao Song is 59 years old this year and is from Jurong

When he was young, he came to Nanjing to work

In 2011, Nanjing traffic police recruited volunteers

He signed up

That's 13 years

In the traffic volunteers

He is considered a "veteran"

The red light turned on, Lao Song raised the small red flag with his right hand, straightened his arm with his left hand, walked on the stop line, and said with a smile in non-standard Mandarin: "Thank you for your cooperation, please wait patiently." ”

Time passed second by second, and soon, the red light was coming to an end, and Lao Song spoke again: "Hey, everyone can get ready, listen to my password!" After speaking, he glanced back at the traffic light, made sure that the countdown was close to 3 seconds, then raised his left arm, and his white-gloved hand began to compare the numbers: "3, 2, 1, Ready, go!" ”


Some passers-by are "old acquaintances", and they will greet them with a smile when they pass by: "Old Song, good morning!" There are also passers-by who may encounter such an enthusiastic volunteer for the first time, and in the face of Lao Song's smile, they shyly responded: "Good morning." ”

Treat passers-by as friends

Continuously improve the quality of "service".

"I'm not an auxiliary police officer, I'm not a traffic policeman, I'm a volunteer, and I'm not so much managing traffic as I'm serving traffic participants." Lao Song is very clear about his position.

After a long time, he began to think about how he could better serve everyone: most people are already a little impatient when waiting for a red light, and it is necessary to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere as much as possible to make everyone feel good.

Lao Song hadn't read any books, and his English was a layman, so he thought about it and decided to copy the "Ready, go" on the TV show, he knew that his English pronunciation was not so standard, but it didn't matter, "Let everyone have fun and laugh, isn't it good to be in a good mood?" ”


"Treat traffic participants as friends"

It is another attempt by Lao Song

He will obey the traffic laws

Blend into every smile, every "good morning".

It's easy to accept

With the changes in the traffic environment and the improvement of laws and regulations, the requirements of the traffic management department for traffic participants are also changing, for example, in 2020, riding an electric bicycle must wear a helmet was written into the law, and Lao Song also kept pace with the times and added the content of "wearing a helmet" to his traffic safety slogan.

"Nanjing's traffic order is getting better and better"

Gulou Square is located in the heart of Nanjing

The traffic flow is large, and the traffic situation is more complicated

Lao Song has been here for 13 years

13 years

He saw with his own eyes that the traffic order was getting better little by little


Image source: Modern Express

Having lived in Nanjing for more than ten years, Lao Song has long regarded Nanjing as his second hometown, and he often feels honored with the improvement of traffic order.

"I've also made a lot of friends." Lao Song said with a smile that many people took the initiative to greet him, and once he did not come to "stand guard" for two days because of illness, a doctor from the Drum Tower Hospital who passed by the intersection every day was concerned about his physical condition and asked someone to inquire about his news.

There is also an old man, who rode an electric bicycle to send his granddaughter to school more than ten years ago, and was stopped by Lao Song when he was about to run a red light. After that, he would say hello to Lao Song every time he passed the intersection, and he never ran the red light again.

In the past 13 years, what has not changed is that Lao Song appeared at the intersection rain or shine, reminded traffic participants to obey traffic laws and regulations with warm and humorous language, and turned the square inch under his feet into his own shining life stage.

Source丨Nanjing Daily/Purple Mountain News reporter Wang Rong correspondent Ning Jiaoxuan Zhu Tingting