
The 34-year-old aunt with plump breasts and buttocks said: Why do you think that your 200-pound boyfriend is not heavy?

author:Curiosity killed the cat

My name is Lin Yue and I am 34 years old. At this age, I have a figure that many people envy - big breasts and hips, and curvy curves. However, my outlook on love and criteria for choosing a mate are very different from my appearance. I have a boyfriend who weighs 200 pounds and is named Li Hao. To outsiders, we may not be a good match, but in my heart, he is the most important person in my life. Today, I want to share my story and tell you why I don't think my 200-pound boyfriend is heavy.

The 34-year-old aunt with plump breasts and buttocks said: Why do you think that your 200-pound boyfriend is not heavy?

1. The first acquaintance of love

Li Hao and I met at a health club. At the time, I had just joined the club and wanted to stay in shape by exercising. And Li Hao is a frequent visitor here, he is burly, but he always silently insists on his training. At first, I didn't pay much attention to him until an accident happened. That day, I accidentally sprained my foot, and the pain made it impossible for me to stand. It was Li Hao who rushed to my side for the first time, picked me up with his strong arms, and sent me to the infirmary. At that moment, I felt his warmth and strength, and I also had an inexplicable affection for him.

2. Know each other

In the days that followed, we became acquainted. I found that although Li Hao weighs more, his mentality is very positive and sunny. He told me that he had experienced the distress and low self-esteem caused by obesity, but he chose to change his destiny with hard work and sweat. He insisted on exercising every day, controlling his diet, and gradually changed from a fat man to a strong man. I was impressed by his perseverance and persistence, and I also gained a new understanding of his figure.

In the process of getting along with Li Hao, I gradually discovered that weight is not a standard for measuring a person. He is kind, sincere, responsible, and always able to support and help me when I need it. His smile and warmth made me feel more happy and satisfied than I had ever felt before. When we were together, I never felt like his weight was a burden or an issue. On the contrary, his presence made me feel more at ease and grounded.

The 34-year-old aunt with plump breasts and buttocks said: Why do you think that your 200-pound boyfriend is not heavy?

3. Break down prejudices

Of course, our relationship has also encountered doubts and prejudices from the outside world. Some people don't think we're a good match, and some even laugh at our combination. However, we have never been swayed by these statements. Because we know that true love is not limited by appearance and weight. We appreciate and respect each other, and enjoy each other's company and love. Our relationship is getting deeper and deeper, and it also makes us more firm in each other's beliefs.

Fourth, the story behind the weight

Some people may wonder, why do I think that a 200-pound boyfriend is not heavy? In fact, there are profound reasons behind this. First of all, I realized that weight does not represent a person's worth and qualities. Whether a person is worthy of love or not depends on his inner cultivation and character traits. I was fascinated by Li Hao's kindness, sincerity, and sense of responsibility, and his weight never became a reason for me to consider whether he deserved to be loved.

Second, I realized that weight doesn't affect our relationships and quality of life. When we are together, we care for each other, support each other, and experience the bits and pieces of life together. Whether happy or sad, we were able to confide in and comfort each other. This tacit understanding and intimacy make us feel the true meaning and power of love. His weight has never been an obstacle or a burden to our feelings.

Finally, I believe that true love should transcend the limitations of appearance and weight. We should respect everyone's choices and differences, and look at others with tolerance and understanding. Only in this way can we build true love and relationships. My boyfriend weighs more, but he's the most perfect person in my heart. I love him, not only because of his appearance and figure, but also because of his inner qualities and character traits.

The 34-year-old aunt with plump breasts and buttocks said: Why do you think that your 200-pound boyfriend is not heavy?

Now, we have gone through several springs and autumns. In this relationship, we have grown and supported each other, and we have also reaped endless happiness and joy. I firmly believe that as long as we manage this relationship with our hearts, our love will shine as brightly as the eternal stars. And weight, a seemingly important but insignificant factor, has long become insignificant in the face of our love. Because in my heart, my boyfriend is not important - he is the most important person in my life.