
I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

author:Huami dense self-media
I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

Why do men try not to shave their heads? There are three reasons for this.

Recently, have you noticed that many male friends around us have begun to follow the trend of shaving their heads, and I don't know what gives them confidence and think that bald heads are cool.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

It is understandable for the elderly to shave their heads, there is not much hair left, and it saves trouble and a lot of shampoo.

Here I must remind most male friends that they can not shave their bald heads or try not to shave, because this shaving head is not a joke, and there are quite a lot of sayings involved.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

Some people are very unconvinced and always refute monks with monks.

In fact, the monk does this to make a break with all worries and all troubles. Shaving off your hair is also a special ritual that distinguishes you from other sects. We can't talk about monks.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

If you in front of the screen also want to remove these 3,000 troubles, I advise you to think twice. Let me talk about it from three aspects. Don't worry about theorizing with me, listen to me, if you have any comments, please leave a message in the comment area to scold me.

First of all, the bald head is greatly reduced from the image.

The image of bald head is more common in prison inmates, unrighteous people, dying people, and people who have undergone head surgery. In some places, even parents have died before they are required to shave their heads. Some fashion-conscious young people even get some various tattoos on their bald heads, which makes people even more uncomfortable to see.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

It is undeniable that a bald head can easily make people associate with evil.

In the film and television, there are several bald actors who play the villain and the big bad guy to the fullest. Among them, actors Ji Chunhua and Du Yuming are even more familiar to everyone.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

I don't know if you have seen a few corporate executives with shaved heads, even if the hair loss is severe, you have to find a way to transplant your hair, or wear a wig to cover it up. If you go to an interview with a bald head, I'm afraid you have to guess a few points.

Therefore, a bald head is detrimental to the image, and everyone will generally make a preconceived judgment of rejection. It's not fashionable to have a bald head, so don't shave if you can.

Secondly, there are many troubles with bald heads.

It's not that without these three thousand troubles, it will be incomparably refreshing and carefree. It seems to be very convenient and saves a lot of shampoo, but in fact, without the protection of hair, the scalp must directly face the wind and sun.

The scalp is more likely to get sunburned under the scorching sun, and you say that a big man should not wear sunscreen. In addition, in the biting cold wind, without the protection of hair, the bald head will feel even colder.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

Someone said, isn't there a hat? But the hat is always comfortable wearing hair that is not as long as his own, and he will not lose it, and he will not worry about forgetting.

The third reason is that the bald head restricts the freedom of hairstyle choice.

There are thousands of hairstyles suitable for men, and you can change the pattern to make yourself handsome out of the sky. It's a big pity to stereotype a bald person, and I can't try other styles.

And even if he is bald, he also looks at the shape of his head. If the head shape is not good-looking, a bald head will be even more deductive. So before making a decision, you should take a good look in the mirror to see if you fit the hairstyle. Now that the technology is very developed, you can change your hairstyle with AI, and it's not too late to shave it if you feel pleasing to your eyes after changing it.

I learned today that men try not to shave their heads! There are three reasons for this.

Again, this body is skinned and received by its parents. We also have to take care of our bodies as much as possible, and it is disrespectful to do it knowing that a bald head is harmful to the skin.

Speaking of which, I would like to make it clear that this is entirely a matter of personal preference and personal freedom. It is reasonable to like it without causing a bad impact on the public.

I don't know what everyone thinks about shaved heads?



