
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

author:There is a murmuring wind in the summer
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

Text/Editor: Xia Youfeng

There are "four kings" in China's fast food industry, namely Shaxian snacks, Longjiang pork knuckle rice, Lanzhou ramen, and yellow braised chicken rice.

Once upon a time, braised chicken rice was a household name in China's fast food world.

This classic Shandong cuisine not only tastes authentic, is convenient and quick to make, but also affordable, and is completely the "standard package" in the minds of migrant workers.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

With the popularity of some chain brands such as Yang Mingyu Yellow Braised Chicken, Yellow Braised Chicken Rice Restaurants once spread all over the country.

From super first-tier cities to fourth- and fifth-tier small counties, there are more than 60,000 large and small stores, and you can see yellow braised chicken and rice almost all over the street.

To put it in exaggerated words, it is "as long as there are people in the whole country, there is yellow braised chicken rice." ”

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

However, just when people thought that the yellow braised chicken rice was going to be a big hit, the craze unexpectedly subsided.

According to statistics, nearly half of the country's Yellow Braised Chicken Rice Restaurants are in an abnormal state of operation, including the number of stores under the former leader Yang Mingyu has also plummeted from more than 6,000 to more than 2,000.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

For a time, this fast food, which was once known as "the largest single product in the domestic fast food field", was gradually forgotten.

What bothers the majority of hotel owners and industry insiders is why this once highly promising category is declining?

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

Looking back at the reason for the rise of yellow braised chicken rice, the first is its unique advantage of "fast food holy body".

A serving of braised chicken with rice, chicken and vegetables is so palatable that it will appeal to almost all Chinese stomachs.

Secondly, the production process of yellow braised chicken is quite simple and convenient, and the pre-training and ingredient costs are very low.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

Coupled with the unified distribution of seasonings by brand manufacturers, stores only need to operate step by step to quickly bring products to the market.

As a result, braised chicken rice was once regarded as the most lucrative specialty snack, attracting a large number of investors to join.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

However, it is this "efficient" business model that has eventually become the fatal wound of yellow braised chicken rice.

First, the overly simple and standardized production process is easy to copy by other fast food brands, making the yellow stewed chicken slowly lose its differentiation advantages.

Second, in order to maximize profits, many stores directly use defective raw materials, even pre-made dishes, which seriously affects the quality.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

Coupled with the low threshold and scattered supervision, food safety problems have repeatedly broken out, which has shocked the brand image of yellow braised chicken rice.

Over time, this once highly sought-after "migrant canteen" has gradually been marginalized by the market.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

In stark contrast, the old rivals of Yellow Braised Chicken Rice, Lanzhou Ramen and Shaxian Snacks, have risen through unremitting efforts.

These two categories rely on adhering to local characteristics, focusing on quality control and strong government support.

For example, Lanzhou City has introduced encouraging policies, and Shaxian Snacks has also established a group to promote standardization.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

At the same time, they are also taking the initiative to "upgrade" and seek a new balance between the catering industry and the boutique catering industry, in order to further expand the consumer group.

Coincidentally, now Lanzhou ramen and Shaxian snacks have become the new "Internet celebrities" in the catering industry, but the yellow braised chicken rice is still in an embarrassing situation.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

Now, the yellow braised chicken rice has reached a critical period of prevention.

For the industry as a whole, it is imperative to focus on food safety and supply chain management while maintaining traditional craftsmanship to restore consumer confidence in braised chicken.

Government departments should also give as much support as they do to Lanzhou ramen, and strive to make yellow braised chicken a local brand.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

In addition, yellow stewed chicken and rice companies urgently need to learn from their peers, carry out brand remodeling and industrial upgrading, and strive to achieve a gorgeous turn from fast food to dinner.

Only by keeping up with the pace of the times and striking a good balance between inheritance and innovation can the fading trend of yellow braised chicken and rice be gradually reversed, revitalized and ushered in new glory and spring.

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them


Beijing News: "The "Takeaway Era" of Cooking Packages: Yellow Braised Chicken is Only 6 Yuan, and 100 Home-cooked Dishes are Customized at Low Prices

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them

The Paper: "Who is still eating Yang Mingyu's yellow stewed chicken?" 》

29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them
29,000 stores closed! Shaxian's "sworn enemies" are being driven to a dead end, and young people are gradually abandoning them