
Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 18)

author:The Stone of Lingering

We followed the head nurse, and the smell of formalin was thick in the air,...

Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 18)

The head nurse stopped at the door of a room and pushed the door open, shouting softly inside

"Is Jin Yan here?"

"Yes, head nurse"

As soon as the words fell, the person was already standing in front of him, really as light as a swallow like his name

"These are two police officers from the Public Security Bureau, I want to come and see your brother, please say hello."

After the head nurse finished speaking, she nodded to us and turned to leave.

I looked at this girl, tall figure, a well-fitting white shirt, a ponytail twisted at the back of her head, a few curls of bangs hanging on her forehead at will, she was definitely a delicate girl,

Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 18)

The girl had already entered the house and prepared two square stools, seeing that we were still by the door, and hurriedly beckoned us in, I pulled Su Luo, he reacted at once, I felt the clue from the embarrassment on his face, this kid, I have never seen a woman who is not cold, what is wrong today?

As soon as we sat down, the girl handed me a puff of water, and then sat down opposite us with a small stool. Look at us,... Seeing that we hadn't spoken yet, I hurriedly introduced myself, "I am Wang Li's cousin, a junior at XXX University in this city, and I have a holiday on Saturday and Sunday, so I will come to replace my second father, my aunt and them for two days, and my aunt and they have returned to their hometown,"

"How is Wang Li's condition now?"

I asked with concern.

"It's still like that, I've been sleeping for two years,"

In just two sentences, I saw the girl's red eyes. Su Luo touched me with his hand and signaled me not to ask again, I quickly stood up and walked to the bed, only to see Wang Li sleeping so quietly, with a catheter inserted in his nose, his face was clean and clean without a little filth.

Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 18)

"Let's talk to the head nurse about the situation."

Su Luo whispered in my ear, I think so, this girl didn't know much, and hurriedly took her leave. As soon as we reached the door, the girl stopped us.

"Comrade police officer, let's add a WeChat, if there is any situation, I will tell you as soon as possible"

"Yes, yes"

I just wanted to answer, Su Luo took the first step and took out his mobile phone, I just stood there and looked at them, scanning each other's codes for authentication, I had a smile on my face, but there was a little sour in my heart.

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