
Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 19)

author:The Stone of Lingering

Walking out of the ward, we were about to talk to the head nurse, Su Luo put his hand on my shoulder, and the stride on both legs seemed to have increased by 8 degrees, and I knew that this guy was in a good mood, like when he was a child, he had won a battle,...

Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 19)

I felt that the corridors of the hospital were the same, and I didn't know why I saw the head nurse waving to us. We hurried over. The head nurse led us to a boxy room, except for a row of sofas, there was only one desk, and there was a sound of rushing water from the bathroom in the corner, and then a neat middle-aged man came out, Seeing us hurriedly stretching out his hand and shaking hands to say hello,

"Hello, hello, please sit down"

The head nurse hurriedly introduced,

"This is the head of our neurology department, Zhang,"

The head nurse turned to us again,

"This is the Officer Su I just told you, Officer Liu."

We all took our seats smiling.

Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 19)

"How is Wang Li's current condition? Is it possible to wake up? ”

Su Luo asked straight to the point

"Wang Li's current condition is very good, inseparable from the careful care of his family, in two years, the patient has no bedsores, five times a day liquid food, all in place on time, all the indicators of the body are still normal"

Section Chief Zhang said as he took two physical examination reports from the table and handed them to us. And then he continued.

"We are now taking hyperbaric oxygen therapy, drug therapy and neuromodulation therapy, a three-pronged approach, some time ago, Wang Li's nerves have fluctuated slightly"

"In this way, it is possible for Wang Li to wake up",

I couldn't help but ask excitedly,

"Yes, it's entirely possible"

Section Chief Zhang replied confidently,

"Dr. Zhang, there is a patient who has a blocked trachea and vomits a little"

A nurse rushed in in a panic

"Head nurse, you explain it to them, I'll come when I go and see"

Section Chief Zhang disappeared when he went out after speaking,

Infiltrated Japanese (Chapter 19)

I have a lot of questions and can't wait to get them answered

"How did Wang Li's medical expenses be solved?"

"The medical expenses are shared by the insurance company and the fire brigade, but only to maintain a simple treatment, last month a caring person anonymously donated 5 million for Wang Li's later treatment. So we have now given him a state-of-the-art treatment program."

The head nurse said with relief,

"Anonymously donated 5 million without leaving any information?"

Su Luo said unhurriedly,

"And he left a word, to heal him, and to wake him up",

And I was about to continue asking, when a nurse came running in:

"Head nurse, Section Chief Zhang told you to go, there is a patient who needs to be transferred to the intensive care unit"

"So that I will come when I go"

After the head nurse finished speaking, she also left in a hurry.

Su Luo and I looked at each other, feeling that it was not a way to wait, and finally discussed whether to go back to the bureau and sort out the information we had collected.

Walking out of the hospital gate, I took a deep breath,

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