
"Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: "Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

Today is June 25 of the Gregorian calendar, the year of the dragon in the lunar calendar. Although this day is not a legal holiday, it is also a special day in folk customs, and it is the "Oita Dragon" festival. The ancients used the sunny and rainy weather conditions of this day to predict the weather trend in the later period.

"Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

For example, it is recorded in the "Complete Book of Agricultural Administration": "On May 20, the Ofen Dragon, without rain and thunder, is called the lock of the dragon gate. The dragon festival is the day of the separation of the five dragons, the dragon shows and rains, at this time only thunder and no rain, which means that the dragon of the year is lazy, and the rain will be less after that, it is called "lock the dragon gate".

Meaning, May 20 is the day of Oita Dragon. On this day, if the sky only thunders and does not rain, people will call it "locked dragon gate". The "split dragon" here refers to the separation of the five dragons, symbolizing the association between the appearance of the dragon and the rainfall. If there is only thunder and no rain on this day, people will think that the dragon is lazy that year, which indicates that there will be less rain in the future.

"Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

According to the folk saying. If the Dragon Festival is sunny on the 20th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, it indicates that drought may prevail in the future. Opposite. If there is rain on the 20th day of the fifth lunar month, it indicates that the following rain will be more abundant, and even cause floods and floods.

In short, in ancient times, people believed that on the day of the "Dragon Festival" on the 20th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, which direction had rain, it meant that the dragon in charge of that direction was a strong dragon, that is, a diligent dragon, and vice versa. Moreover, if rain starts to fall in one direction at the time of the equinox, then subsequent rainfall will tend to be concentrated in that direction as well, while rainfall from other directions will not easily reach this direction.

"Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

Today is the 20th of May, and there is a saying among the people that "whether it is a drought or a flood, it depends on 20 May." So, what are the specific signs of rain on this sunny day? Let's take a look at what the agricultural proverbs left by our ancestors say!

1. On the 20th day of May, the small summer and the big summer rain continued

This agricultural proverb is not difficult to understand, which means that if it rains heavily on the 20th day of the Dragon Festival on the 20th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, then it indicates that the following period of the summer and the summer will also be cloudy and rainy.

Similar agricultural proverbs also have "May 20 rain shower, small summer and big summer rain bubbles", "May rain 20 heads, dog rain do not worry", etc., the meaning of the expression is similar, all say, if it rains on the Dragon Festival on the 20th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the rainy weather in the later period may be more, and even cause a big flood.

"Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

2. May 20 is hot and drying, and the riverbed is cracked in the small summer and big heat

The meaning of this agricultural proverb is just the opposite of the previous one, to the effect that if the 20th day of the fifth lunar month is very hot, then it indicates that there will be less rain during the summer and summer months, and even cause drought.

"Whether it is drought or flooding, it depends on May 20", today on May 20, what is the saying? Here comes the answer

In March, May 20 dragon dried clothes, and in June, there was a lack of sunny rain

This agricultural proverb is not difficult to understand, which means that if the weather is sunny on the 20th day of the fifth lunar month, then it indicates that the following lunar June will also be mainly sunny and rainy.

April and May 20, this summer rain is abundant

The meaning of this agricultural proverb is also that if it rains on the 20th day of the fifth lunar month, it indicates that there will be more rain this summer.

Today is the twentieth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and it is a sunny day on our side, what is the weather like over there? Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks for reading.