
The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report

author:Pearl River Economic Observatory
The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report

Recently, some netizens posted a video saying that on Beijing Metro Line 10, a middle-aged and elderly man asked a young woman to give up his seat, and after being refused, he not only made accusations, but also attacked and harassed the woman.

The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report

Yesterday (June 25), @北京公交警方 issued a briefing:

At about 13 o'clock on June 24, on the train of Beijing Metro Line 10 from Zhichunli to Zhichun Road Station, the offender Ye Moumou (male, 65 years old) had a dispute with another passenger due to a seat problem, disrupting the order of the train. At present, the Beijing public transport police have administratively detained Ye Moumou in accordance with the law.

The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily, N Video Report

Edit: Ziyan

The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report
The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report
The 65-year-old man asked to give up his seat, but after refusing, he attacked and harassed the other party! Police report