
My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

author:Mushroom heads

Sister Xiaoxiao's new look was unveiled, and netizens shouted that they couldn't recognize it!

Oh mom, ladies and gentlemen, are you the same as me, at first glance at the screen, you think that there is a new anchor in the live broadcast room with Hui? Don't worry, let me reveal the mystery to you - it turns out that we are familiar with Sister Xiaoxiao! This new look is so eye-catching that I almost didn't recognize it. Pan Pan next to him has a look of national peace and security, which makes people happy when they look at it.

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

I have to say that Sister Xiaoxiao boldly tried a new style this time. This new hairstyle and new makeup is like a different person. However, the reactions of netizens are varied. Some netizens said bluntly: "To tell the truth, Sister Xiaoxiao's new look looks a little unsuitable for her." ”

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

Some netizens said: "This new look looks a bit old-fashioned, but it looks better than before." ”

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

Having said that, fashion has always been a thing that turnip greens have their own love. Sister Xiaoxiao's bold attempt this time has attracted a lot of controversy, but it is this courage to break through herself that allows us to see a different side of her. After all, as an anchor, only by daring to try and challenge can we continue to bring freshness to the audience.

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

Having said that, Sister Xiaoxiao has always been a capable leader in the live broadcast room with Hui. She not only has good looks and good temperament, but also has first-class business ability. Whether it's live streaming or interacting with the audience, she can handle it with ease. Although the appearance of this new look has caused some controversy, it is this controversy that has made more people pay attention to her and understand her.

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

In fact, Sister Xiaoxiao's new look this time also brought us a revelation: that is, while pursuing fashion, we should also pay attention to our own style and temperament. After all, everyone has their own unique charm, and only by finding a style that suits you can you truly show your charm.

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

Well, having said all this, do you also have your own opinions on Sister Xiaoxiao's new look? Do you think the new look looks good, or do you think the previous look is more classic? Come and leave a message in the comment area to tell us! Let's score Sister Xiaoxiao's new look together and see how everyone's aesthetics are!

My mother, at first glance, I thought it was a new anchor! Netizens shouted: Xiaoxiao's makeup is a bit old-fashioned

Finally, I also hope that everyone can pay more attention to the live broadcast room with Hui and support the work of Sister Xiaoxiao and other anchors. After all, in this highly competitive live streaming industry, they strive to bring us better live content every day. Let's cheer them on!

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