
Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

author:Mushroom heads

Dong Dong's "Mother-in-law Strategy": The dual challenge of appearance and emotional intelligence

In this competitive society, Dong Dong's life does not seem to be easy. Not only do you have to work hard among your peers, but you also have to face a "picky" mother-in-law. No, I was recently "educated" by my mother-in-law, which is really laughable. But then again, Dong Dong, in addition to protecting your brother, you really have to learn how to have a good relationship with your mother-in-law.

Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

When it comes to having a good relationship with my mother-in-law, it's not an easy task. Just like Peng Peng, although mathematics is his strong point, if he directly teaches his mother-in-law math problems, it will definitely not work. Peng Peng is smart, he can transform complex mathematical problems into content that his mother-in-law can understand and is willing to listen to. For example, he compared the distance between AB two points to the distance between Yuhui and his mother-in-law, so that his mother-in-law not only listened to it with relish, but also felt that Peng Peng was very intimate.

Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

Dong Dong, you have to learn this trick too. Although your brother is good at using words to provoke people, you have your specialty - that is your appearance. Don't underestimate this advantage, sometimes, appearance is also a kind of "soft power". You can use your appearance, plus some intimate little actions, such as helping your mother-in-law do some housework, chatting with her, and listening to her voice, so that your mother-in-law's favorability towards you will definitely skyrocket.

Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

Of course, it's not enough to have good looks, you also have to learn to "flirt" with your mother-in-law. The "flirting" here is not for you to tug at the heartstrings of your mother-in-law, but to learn to communicate with your mother-in-law in an appropriate way. You can pay more attention to her interests and hobbies and talk about topics that interest her; You can also take the initiative to lend a helping hand when she needs help. In this way, the mother-in-law will feel that you are a sensible and caring child, and her favorability towards you will naturally increase.

Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

But ah, Dong Dong, you also have to pay attention to one thing, that is, don't go too far. Although it is important to please your mother-in-law, you must also maintain your own principles and bottom line. Don't do things against your will to please her. After all, true affection is based on mutual respect and understanding.

Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

Finally, Dong Dong, what I want to say to you is: don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged. Although it is not easy to have a good relationship with your mother-in-law, as long as you do it with your heart and understand her feelings and needs, I believe you will be able to succeed. Come on!

Dong Dong is not easy to mix with peers, and he was scolded by his mother-in-law again, he really couldn't cry or laugh

So, dear readers, what do you think Dong Dong should do to have a good relationship with his mother-in-law? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your views and suggestions! Let's make suggestions for Dong Dong together!

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