
Longting Express

author:Longting micro-newspaper
Longting Express

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Recently, the Sun Litang Community in the northern suburbs carried out a unique "Feeling the Party's Grace 2024 to Welcome July 1st" poetry reading and recitation activity, and at the same time, the Song Ci Research Base in Kaifeng City was also listed on the same day. This moment of far-reaching significance not only added a strong touch to the cultural life of the Sun Li Tang community, but also provided a platform for poetry lovers to explore Song poetry in depth. Sun Li Tang Village has a long history, it is the place where Li Yu, the emperor of the ancient words of the Southern Tang Dynasty, was imprisoned in the Northern Song Dynasty, and there is an indissoluble bond with poetry here. With the listing of the Song Ci Research Base in Kaifeng City, more poet tourists who love Song Ci will be summoned here.

Longting Express


During the flood period, in order to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, Zhang Haibo, head of the armed forces of Liuyuankou Township, led the emergency response office to pull a cordon at the shallow intersection of the beach area, post a notice, implement closure and control of the Yellow River area, and persuade anglers and tourists to leave.

Longting Express


Recently, the Longting District Committee of the Communist Youth League organized young people in its jurisdiction to carry out the theme propaganda activity of "12355, escorting youth". Guide adolescents to correctly face physical and mental health problems, improve self-protection ability and self-protection awareness, and promote the healthy growth of adolescents.

Longting Express


The Finance Bureau of Longting District organized a special meeting on party rules and party discipline education for all cadres and workers, at which they focused on studying some chapters of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", reported a number of typical cases of leading cadres violating discipline and law, and educated and guided all cadres and workers to be clear about their work tasks and strengthen their sense of discipline.

Longting Express


In order to further popularize the concept and knowledge of ecological civilization and green development, enhance the awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection, and create a good atmosphere of energy conservation and low carbon, the Longting District Association for Science and Technology carried out the science popularization activity of "Green Travel, Reducing Pollution, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, and Creating a Better Home" at the gate of the district government.

Longting Express


Recently, in order to meet the service needs of college students, entrepreneurs, emerging enterprises and other groups, the Longting District Government Affairs Big Data Center has expanded and extended the "one thing" service field and service chain, and innovatively launched the "Open Fitness Center" one-time package service. "Open a fitness center" optimizes and reengineers a package of matters such as running multiple windows, handling health permits for public places for many times, putting public gathering places into use, pre-business fire safety inspections (venues of more than 100 square meters need to apply), and external decoration and construction of street-facing buildings, and integrates them into the integrated handling of "one thing" entry window, and completes the interconnection with the government affairs platform. After the matter is launched, the masses can apply for it through the "one thing at a time" platform of the Kaifeng government service network, or they can apply offline at the "one thing at a time" special window of the government affairs hall of Longting District, which greatly improves the convenience of enterprises and the masses.


On the morning of June 25, the relevant personnel of the Education and Sports Bureau of the demonstration area went to Longting District to investigate and rectify the hidden dangers of safety production in the flood season of enterprises and institutions in the city's education and sports industry, and cross-check campus safety. In accordance with the overall requirements of full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, and practical results, the inspection team comprehensively and thoroughly investigated and rectified campus risks and hidden dangers, avoided all kinds of safety accidents, and ensured that the safety situation in the flood season in the city's education and sports field continued to be stable.

Weather conditions

Longting Express

Excerpt from the golden sentence

High-quality development is China's top priority in building a modern country in an all-round way. We are committed to implementing the new development concept and building a new development pattern. Over the past 10 years, China has contributed more than 30% of world economic growth annually. Since the beginning of this year, China's economy has maintained a positive upward trend. China has the institutional advantages of a socialist market economy, the demand advantage of a super-large-scale market, the supply advantage of a complete industrial system, and the talent advantage of a large number of high-quality workers and entrepreneurs. China's economy is resilient, full of potential and full of vitality, and the long-term positive fundamentals will not change, and China's economic ship will continue to move forward in the wind and waves.

——From the second edition of People's Daily, August 23, 2023, "Deepening Solidarity and Cooperation, Responding to Risks and Challenges, and Building a Better World Together - Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the 2023 BRICS Business Forum"

Longting Express

Source: All relevant units

Proofreading: Jiao Yanrui

Editor: Tian Xin

Review: Zhang Tao

Longting Express
Longting Express

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