
Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

author:8099999 the streets and alleys
Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

In the past two days, an aunt directly brought a mat and lay at the door of the Pacific Insurance Company on Chuanjin Road. She said that the reason why she did this was because the staff who handled the insurance still owed 4,000 yuan in cash back and did not give it to her. What's going on here?

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

8099999 reporter Yang Yuan: "Now we have come to the door of Pacific Insurance on the gold road, and we can see an aunt sitting at the door. ”

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

Journalists talk to citizens:

"Auntie, why are you sitting here?"

"Because we went to Fudian Bank to deposit money, they told me to buy insurance. There are many benefits of buying insurance, and buying insurance gives you the benefits of 15,000 yuan. ”

"Did you give it in the end?"

"Didn't give."

"If you don't give money, what is the matter with Pacific Insurance?"

"Because I don't know anyone in the Pacific."

"You mean you bought Pacific insurance in Fudian Bank?"


"How much did you buy?"

"1,000,000 yuan."

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

Aunt Gan told reporters that she has millions of deposits in a bank, which belongs to the bank's VIP customers, and in 2022, she purchased the Xin Xiangcheng Lifetime Insurance of Pacific Insurance under the recommendation of the bank's staff, with a total insurance premium of 1 million, 200,000 per year, and 5 times a year, and she has paid it for 2 years, totaling 400,000.

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......
Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

When she bought the insurance, the staff of the insurance company verbally promised to give her 15,000 yuan in cash, but it never materialized. Last year, she asked the staff who sold insurance at the time for 11,000 yuan, but according to the other party's promise, she still owed her 4,000 yuan. Because she begged for the 4,000 yuan many times to no avail, Aunt Gan lay directly at the door of the insurance company for 2 days.

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

Aunt Gan: "We have millions, we don't let him bully." I have money, our bottom line is not to let people cheat, we are not bad money, I am poor money I will not buy 1 million insurance. ”

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

Under the coordination of the reporter, Aunt Gan negotiated with the staff of the insurance company, and Aunt Gan proposed two plans, the first plan, to make up 4,000 yuan in cash, and put the official seal on the income form and commitment letter shown to her at that time, and she continued to buy insurance. Second, give her a surrender, calculate the income generated by the 400,000 yuan in 2 years according to the income table, and return all the income plus principal.

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

The staff of the insurance company also admitted that Aunt Gan was indeed introduced by the staff of the bank, but denied that she had promised to buy one million insurance and get 15,000 yuan in cash.

The reporter spoke to the staff of Pacific Insurance:

"She said that you promised him 15,000 yuan when she bought insurance, did you have this promise?"

"No, that's not compliant. First of all, if you give her 4,000 yuan, it is a benefit outside the policy, let's look at the laws and regulations. ”

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

Aunt Gan: "Then why did you give me 11,000 yuan, and why did you promise to give 15,000 yuan?" ”

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

The staff who handled the insurance business for the aunt said that he had not promised to give Aunt Gan 15,000 yuan. As for the 11,000 yuan given to Aunt Gan last year, it was also given by the company in order to prevent Aunt Gan from making trouble. As for the surrender, Aunt Gan can handle it normally, but according to the relevant regulations, the 400,000 yuan she has paid can only be returned to more than 280,000 yuan in the end.

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......
Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

As of the time the reporter left, the two sides still had not reached an agreement, and Aunt Gan and her wife were still at the scene.

Buy 1 million insurance "15,000 cashback"? The aunt lay in front of the insurance company with a mat......

Source: 8099999 Streets and Alleys

Editor: Li Yingna

Editor: Li Jing

Final review: Zhao Wen

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