
It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

author:8099999 the streets and alleys
It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

In order to meet the needs of people with property rights housing in difficulty in buying houses, many places across the country have launched placement type affordable housing, and at present, the first batch of placement type affordable housing in our city has started construction. At 9 o'clock on June 24, Kunming placed affordable housing is open for purchase, and eligible families can log on to Kunming Anju Network ( or Kunming Anju Network WeChat public account to submit an application.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

It is understood that the placement of affordable housing is the government in the form of allocation of land, according to the principle of "guaranteed capital and small profits" for urban household registration wage and salary income groups, the city needs to introduce talents and other groups of affordable housing, Kunming City placement type affordable housing security objects are: Kunming urban household registration, wage and salary income groups and the city needs to introduce talents and other groups, there is no household registration restriction on the purchase of talent groups, and the purchase of placement type affordable housing needs to meet three conditions.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Xu Rongke, Chief of the Planning and Development Section of the Kunming Public Housing Management Center: "Condition 1, the main purchaser of the applicant family must be at least 18 years old and have full civil capacity. Condition 2: The main subscriber of the subscribing family must be registered in Kunming City. Condition 3: If the applicant family has not enjoyed the policy-based physical housing such as housing reform and affordable housing, it can apply for it if it meets the above three conditions. ”

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

According to reports, families who have enjoyed the in-kind distribution of policy-based housing such as housing reform and affordable housing must vacate the original policy-based housing in accordance with the regulations when applying for the placement of affordable housing. Those who rent subsidized housing for rent shall withdraw after purchasing the subsidized housing for sale.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Xu Rongke, Chief of the Planning and Development Section of Kunming Public Housing Management Center: "If you need to subscribe, you can go to the convenience service points of the municipal level and the eight districts of the main city to purchase, and the families who apply need to register their real names on the Anju website and complete the filling of the Kunming Placement Affordable Housing Application Form." If you do not have the conditions to fill in the online application, you can go to our municipal level and the eight districts of the main city to fill in the convenient service points. ”

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Source: Anju Network

What is Placement Affordable Housing?

Placement type affordable housing is an affordable housing that the government allocates land in the form of allocation, and allocates it to urban household registration wage and salary income groups, talents and other groups that need to be introduced by the city according to the principle of "guaranteeing capital and small profits".

In August 2023, the State Council's "Guiding Opinions on Planning and Construction of Affordable Housing" was issued, marking the arrival of allotment-type affordable housing on the stage, and the Kunming Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, implemented the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and made every effort to promote the construction of affordable housing. On April 26, the first batch of placement affordable housing projects in Wujiaying District, Chenggong District, Kunming City started construction. The second batch of allotment affordable housing has completed the preliminary investigation and land selection work. This year, Kunming plans to build 5,000 units of affordable housing for sale.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Xu Rongke, Chief of the Planning and Development Section of Kunming Public Housing Management Center: "The placement of affordable housing is the implementation of closed management, and closed management means that the placement of affordable housing can not enter the market circulation in any way, and if the repurchase conditions are met, it can be repurchased by the designated repurchase entity. ”

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

It is understood that the placement of affordable housing will be allocated by computer lottery, according to the results of the review, the priority round and the project and the confirmation of the house type, through the lottery to confirm the order of house selection, the applicant family does not have independent housing in Kunming City for the first order, there is a house for the second order.

It should be noted that once the purchase information, project and house type confirmation are submitted, they shall not be changed, and those who give up their subscription qualifications after obtaining the subscription certificate shall not apply for the placement of affordable housing in Kunming City again within 1 year, and those who voluntarily give up after signing the subscription contract shall not apply for the placement of affordable housing in Kunming City again within 5 years, and those who use concealment, deception and other means to fraudulently purchase the placement type affordable housing shall be immediately disqualified from purchasing the house once found, and the housing shall be withdrawn and the applicant family shall be included in the personal housing security integrity file. It is not allowed to apply for placement type affordable housing within 5 years, and if the above behavior occurs again, it is not allowed to apply for placement type affordable housing for life.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

On June 24, the placement of affordable housing in Kunming was officially opened for purchase, and more than 300 citizens submitted applications through the Anju network in just half an hour. As of 11:30 a.m. on June 25, the number of valid subscribers has reached 2,435.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→
It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

According to the staff of the Kunming Public Housing Management Center, there are many citizens who call, mainly to inquire about the specific location, price and purchase conditions of the project.

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Xu Rongke, chief of the Planning and Development Section of the Kunming Public Housing Management Center: "For the specific address and average price of the project that the public is concerned about, this should be subject to the specific information announced by the sales unit, and there is no way to give a detailed answer at present." ”

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Xu Rongke, Chief of the Planning and Development Section of the Kunming Public Housing Management Center: "Families can continue to pay attention to the official website of the Kunming Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, as well as our WeChat official account of Kunming, and wait for the notice of the next work process. ”

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

The general public can learn through the following channels

Issues related to the purchase of affordable housing for placement in Kunming:

1. Kunming Anju Network ( or Kunming Anju Network WeChat public account

2. Kunming Public Housing Management Center (Address: Kunming Affordable Housing Business Service Hall, Baoshan Street Intersection, Huguo Road, Wuhua District; Phone: 0871-64899211)

3. Convenient service points set up by the housing and urban-rural construction (housing security) departments in the eight districts of the main city

It has reached 2,435 households! Pay attention to the three subscription conditions→

Source: 8099999 Streets and Alleys

Part of the source: Kunming planning and construction

Editor: Ma Xiaonan

Editor: Li Jing

Final review: Zhao Wen