
"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened

author:Qilu discovered

The mountain breeze is soft, and the sea rhyme is melodious. On June 25th, the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" kicked off at the Dashi Art Museum, Shazikou Street, Laoshan District. The event was hosted by the Laoshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Shazikou Street, Laoshan District, and undertaken by Laoshan Painting Institute, Laoshan Literature and Art Institute, Laoshan Dashi Art Museum, and Qingdao Jiushui Ecological Garden Museum. The series of themed watercolor creations of "Laoshan Sea" was planned and organized by the Laoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Laoshan Painting Institute, and created by Xu Haiqin, a well-known female watercolor painter and a contracted writer of Laoshan Painting Institute, to interpret the theme of "Laoshan This Sea - Watercolor and the Sea Meet Poetry and Distance". This event is divided into two sections: the "Laoshan Sea" theme watercolor creation exhibition and the on-site interview of watercolor art to help the revitalization of Laoshan rural culture, aiming to provide continuous assistance for the promotion of young literary and artistic artists, inject professional resources into the development of Laoshan Dashi Art Season, and make suggestions for the revitalization of Laoshan rural culture.

"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened

Visual poems, appreciating the beauty of Laoshan Mountain in watercolor

The watercolor works on display are created by Xu Haiqin, a well-known female watercolor painter and a contracted writer of Laoshan Painting Institute. Ms. Xu Haiqin has a unique insight into watercolor art, and has achieved good results, has been invited to participate in domestic and foreign exhibitions for many times, and her works have been collected by many museums and individuals. This exhibition will lead art colleagues into Xu Haiqin's watercolor sea, watch her romantic moments frozen in watercolor, and feel her thoughts and thoughts on the sea of Laoshan Mountain, and experience her meticulous study of watercolor art. Her works not only show the rational and tranquil side of the Laoshan sea, but also contain the gentle and straightforward emotional expression of the painter himself, the tranquil colors depict the natural scenery of the Laoshan sea, and the delicate brushstrokes record the humanistic customs that belong to the Laoshan sea.

"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened
"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened
"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened

Big coffee gathered to discuss the new path of rural cultural revitalization

A strong lineup of experts attended the event: Dou Fengzhi, Executive Dean of Qingdao Contemporary Watercolor Art Research Institute and Inspector of the Academy of Fine Arts of Qingdao University; Gao Dongfang, President of Qingdao Zhigong Painting and Calligraphy Institute and Professor of Qingdao University of Science and Technology; Liu Zhifeng, director of the Expert Committee of Laoshan Literature and Art Think Tank; Wang Di, member of the Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of the 5th Qingdao Artists Association, director of the Watercolor Art Committee, member of the National Art Fund Review Committee, and vice president of the Qingdao Branch of the Central Academy of Fine Arts of the Democratic League; Yin Xiaofeng, an expert on agriculture, agriculture and rural issues, a cultural scholar, and director of the Liaison Department of the Cooperation and Development Office of Qingdao University of Science and Technology; Dou Shiqiang, member of Shandong Branch of China Artists Association, vice president of Shandong Watercolor Painting Research Institute, and vice president of Qingdao Watercolor Painting Association; Bi Zhaoye, director of Shandong Watercolor Painting, director of Qingdao Artists Association, member of the Watercolor Art Committee of Qingdao Artists Association, and deputy secretary-general of Qingdao Contemporary Watercolor Art Institute; Zhang Tinglin, a member of Shandong Young Artists Association, a member of Shandong Watercolor Painting Association, and a researcher of Qingdao Contemporary Watercolor Research Institute.

"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened

At the seminar site of the Dashi Art Season, participating artists and cultural scholars gathered together to share their experiences and thoughts on literary and artistic creation and cultural inheritance, and exchanged views on how to give full play to the unique charm of watercolor art and better contribute to the revitalization of Laoshan rural culture. The revitalization of rural culture is the soul-casting project of rural revitalization, which plays a fundamental and leading role. In recent years, taking advantage of the east wind of Laoshan rural revitalization, the Laoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles is working with Dashi Village, Shazikou Street, Laoshan District to explore a beautiful rural road, literary and artistic innovation, and industrial prosperity with literature and art as the industrial form. Let the flower of literature and art bloom in every inch of land in Laoshan and every link of rural revitalization.

"Laoshan Sea" - the first phase of the 2024 "Laoshan Dashi Art Season" opened

Art enlightens good deeds, and a warm chapter of literature and art returning to his hometown

It is reported that some of the works in this exhibition have signed a donation agreement, and the donation of literary and artistic works by the Laoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles is conducive to further expanding the influence of literary and artistic works, highlighting the artistic value, humanistic value and social value of the works through more channels, and truly dedicating the people with high-quality products, leading the fashion with Mingde, and leaving a valuable artistic wealth for the construction of rural culture, encouraging more artists to devote themselves to public welfare undertakings and feeding the countryside with art. The relevant person in charge of the Laoshan District Federation of Literary and Art Circles said: "The Laoshan Dashi Art Season will take this event as an opportunity to invite contemporary well-known literary and artistic artists to integrate the beauty of Laoshan's natural and humanistic nature, urban and rural life and the development of the new era into the creation and display of literary and artistic masterpieces, and make good use of the literary and artistic expert exchange platform, the growth platform for young literary and artistic artists, and the cultivation platform for rural literary and artistic industries of the 'Laoshan Dashi Art Season', so as to continuously improve the professionalism, regionality and uniqueness of the brand of literary and artistic academic activities." ”

(Source: Laoshan Federation of Literary and Art Circles)


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